for kim woods only Training and Development Strategy

Training and Development StrategyTraining and Development Strategy Paper that will allow you to demonstrate your understanding of to develop and implement a human capital training and development plan.Read Ch. 8 of Human Resource Management. Consider the following as you read: Ways to summarize the need for training and developmentPurpose of Assignment: The purpose of this assignment is to develop knowledge and understanding of how to develop a human capital training and development plan for operations managers.Please refer to the resources below to assist with the assignment.Instructions: Choose your own organization or one you know well to do carry out this assignment. Concentrate on processes in the organization that, if improved, would make the organization operate more efficiently. You may use the same organization you used Week 1. Your paper should be 1050-1250 words. Develop a training and development strategy plan for the organizational/client you choose. In your plan consider the following:Overview the performance issue addressed by the trainingDiscuss the training needs assessment process.Identify training methods and training outcomes.Discuss potential barriers to training.Anticipate budget for training for a one-year pilot.Discuss how you will evaluate the training. Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines. Resources: Human Resource Management: Ch. 8; Supplemental Resources.

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