
  • in 400 words APA format with resources. 
  • Discuss what the 5/20 rule is . Include an example of a food label from your own pantry, clearly stating how the rule applies to specific nutrients on the food label.
  • Outline how the 5/20 rule would be applied to at least two chronic diseases. For the diseases mentioned, which nutrients should be reduced or increased?
  • Discuss the proposed Food Label changes outlined in the Textbook explaining how the changes would help consumers understand food labels more effectively.
  • Examine the food labels for three food items in your own pantry or refrigerator. Name the food products and build a list or a chart, indicating the following components:
  • Total calories per serving
  • Percentage of calories from fat
  • Total amount of carbohydrates (in grams)
  • Total amount of protein (in grams)
  • Total amount of fiber (in grams)
  • From your knowledge of nutrient intake and their associated chronic disease risk, are there changes you would make for the food labels examined?

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