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Franklin Delano Roosevelt Presidency


“Franklin D. Roosevelt was born on January 30, 1882” (Savage). In 1900, Roosevelt studied at Harvard University and his major was Laws. He started in politics as senator of New York proximally in 1910. After was pustule as President in 1928, when started your mandate was beginning the grand depression with economic problems, banks closing, many people unemployment, and a polarized government. Delano did hard work as a challenge for developed the economy in the United Stated, was elected for four terms as president because did a lot to keep and build opportunities for employments.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected president from 1933 until 1945. The Great Depression started in 1929, and therefore, the country was in ruins by the time Roosevelt became elected in 1932. Roosevelt promised in your campaign to create the most important programs named a “new deal” and the economy grew with programs such as “Agricultural Adjustment Administration, the Public Works Administration, the Civilian Conservations Corps and the Tennessee Valley Authority” (Editors, 2009). In addition, many banks were in the face shutdown because decrease in industrial production and over thirteen million workers unemployed. He responded to this situation by launching “The hundred Days”.

About all this, Roosevelt managed to have the banks closed various days, he was waiting that congress passes a reform. Franklin is famous for a series of domestic programs, developed the economy building employs opportunities. He had the “Second New Deal” legislation in 1935. The reason for the new legislation was because the nation was missing a revert from the economic crisis. “The unemployment rate during these years varied by 20 percentage points-a degree of volatility unheard of in the postwar era-the effect of unemployment on Roosevelt’s popularity appears to be far more substantial” (Baum & Kernell, 2001). Roosevelt did a good job because He reduce the percentages of unemployment in the country and the economy grew. The prohibition of employment discrimination was one of many important actions that this president was, helped prohibit discrimination in the jobs.

“Both Byrnes and Roosevelt experienced the economic and social convulsions at the end of the first World War and they understood the challenge of restoring some separation between state and society, a barrier breached by the pressures of total war” (Milkis & Jacobs, 2019). However, this was hindered at the start of the second war II in 1939. Congress responded by passing a variety of neutrality laws that minimized the involvement with countries at war. Even, the law was discarded when United States decided to enter world war II. Therefore, at this war, the major allied powers, the United States part of them, agreed to establish an international organization that would manage the global issues. The Atlantic Charter signed by both Churchill and Roosevelt articulated this agreement. This led to the formation of the United Nations in 1941.


Franklin D. Roosevelt developed the economy when He was President. Even, He is remembered for his hard work, established aids for reducing the index of unemployment, reformed the polarize economy, and fought to build “the New Deal” in the United States. In addition, FDR tried to improve the economy of the world not just of the United States. Roosevelt’s Administration was by the world, one exit for the new opportunities as economy, technology, commerce, and the new hope on the land.


Editors, H. (2009). Franklin D. Roosevelt. A&E Television Networks. Retrieved from
Milkis, S. M., & Jacobs, N. F. (2019). Answering the Call: Leaving the Bench to Serve the President—James F. Byrnes and Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1932–1945. Retrieved from
Savage, S. J. (n.d.). Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Democratic National Committee. Retrieved from

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