First Impressions

West Side story:

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Zoot Suit:

Submit your “First Impression” Document on


TWO of the following plays (films):

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Zoot Suit / West Side Story / What the Constitution Means to Me


This assignment is the first step towards writing your Performance Critique #2.  It is meant to gather your “First Impressions” of the plays, along with key information that will help you write your critique. Please note that this assignment is not an essay.  Your responses should be short and clear (use bullet points).


1. Watch films in the module (Zoot Suit / West Side)

2. As you watch the two films, pay attention to each play’s structure, genre, and style; as well as the plot and the journey that the characters go through. 

3. The term “Notes” in this assignment  means to answer the request in one or two sentences (No long paragraphs, please.)

4. Remember you are to critically engage with the art pieces. Avoid personal taste comments such as “I really like it”, “the actors did a great job.” Focus on critical thinking by analyzing the piece in connecting to the larger historical and cultural setting.  

4. Complete the following outline for each of the two plays you selected.   

Choice One

· A plot summary of no more than 5 sentences for each play/film ( in your own words, summarize what the play was about).

· Two notes on the script’s structure, genre, and style.

· Two notes on structure, characters, or the overall arch of the play.

· Two notes on first impressions (First Impressions are your first response to the play i.e interesting, exciting, too boring, could not relate to characters or related to characters right away).  In sum, this has to do with YOUR first impressions of the play.

· Two notes on what interested you about the play (This refers to the social themes tackled in the play).

· Two questions for the script (What further questions about the story do you have?).

· Two notes on the significance of the piece today (Why is this piece still important to us?).

Choice Two

· A plot summary of no more than 5 sentences for each play/film ( in your own words, summarize what the play was about).
· Two notes on the script’s structure, genre, and style.
· Two notes on structure, characters, or the overall arch of the play.
· Two notes on first impressions (First Impressions are your first response to the play i.e interesting, exciting, too boring, could not relate to characters or related to characters right away).  In sum, this has to do with YOUR first impressions of the play.
· Two notes on what interested you about the play (This refers to the social themes tackled in the play).
· Two questions for the script (What further questions about the story do you have?).
· Two notes on the significance of the piece today (Why is this piece still important to us?).


First Impressions Doc. Rubric

30.0 pts

First Impressions Doc. Rubric




This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeAssignment Prompts

30.0 Pts

Full Marks
The student responded to all prompts in the assignment

20.0 Pts

Half Mark
Student partially responded to the prompts in the assignment

10.0 Pts

Bad Mark
The student response did not address the prompts in the assignment or the student response is vague, too short, or unrelated to the topic.

30.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeClarity of answers

30.0 Pts

Full Marks
The student responses are clear, readable, and fully related to the plays discussed.

20.0 Pts

Half Mark
The student’s response needs further editing for clarity or the response only partially relates to the plays at hand.

10.0 Pts

Bad Mark
The student response did not address the prompts in the assignment, or the student response is unrelated to the topic.

This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeSpelling and Grammar

15.0 Pts

Full Marks
The student responses are clear, readable and use proper spelling and grammar

10.0 Pts

Half Mark
The student’s response needs further editing.

5.0 Pts

Bad Mark
The student response is hard to read and needs lots of editing in terms of spelling and grammar

15.0 pts

Total points: 75.0

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