Financial planning and advice

Royal Commission Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry

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40 marks | Word limit: 3,000 words (excluding references)

Research topic:

The “Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry” (Royal Commission) will have significant, long lasting impact on the way financial planners operate in the future.

Present an analysis of the issues contained in the above statement having regard to:

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The issues in the financial planning industry that lead to the Royal Commission

· An analysis of three specific financial planning related recommendations made in the Royal Commission Final Report and how these will impact how financial planners operate

· The current status of the Royal Commission recommendations



Part A: Draft introduction and reference list (10%)


Draft introduction:

· The introduction should be 300- 500 words

· Interesting opening.

· Identification of the significant issues for the topic.

· Clearly expressed the purpose/argument of the paper.

· Introduction provides an outline of the paper ie outlines the structure of the paper by stating in chronological order what the paper will discuss.

· Language (formal) and terminology appropriate for an academic paper.

· Good clarity of expression (concise expression)

· Correct use of grammar, spelling and punctuation.

Reference list:

· A thoroughly researched the assignment – with a wide variety of source material (reference to at least 8 to 10 peer reviewed refereed journals and or book chapters) that you will rely upon in your paper.

· Adherence to the correct conventions of an academic paper for reference list. • Harvard style referencing to be used.

Part B: Final research essay (30%)


· Your research essay should be no more than 3000 words (excluding list of references and cover page)

· The essay should use proper citation methods, be logically structured using headings where appropriate, have an introduction and conclusion.

· It must be submitted through Moodle and Turnitin no later than 11:59 pm on the specified due date.

· You must submit your responses in the answer templates provided for each Part A and Part B.

· Harvard style referencing to be used.

· The following considerations for marking will apply:

-Identification of relevant issues as they apply to the research topic

– Critique

– Research

– Organisation

– Format


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