Final project

1# choose a topic(no need to write anything just choose one topic)

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  • In this paper, you will develop an argument on a topic you choose in this stage. At a later stage, you will post a paper outline.
  • Description: Review the list of topics below and select one for your paper in this course:
  1. Legalization of marijuana
  2. Reparations for slavery
  3. Abortion
  4. Immigration
  5. Pay equity (men vs. women)
  6. Use of red light cameras for giving tickets
  7. Concealed carry gun laws
  8. Stem-cell research
  9. Corporate downsizing 
  10. Climate change
  11. Euthanasia
  12. Taxes 
  13. Universal health care in the USA

2#Annotated Bibliography(200-250 words)

  • This is the second stage after identifying a topic for your Final Paper, in which you will gather sources for your paper. In this stage, you to develop an annotated bibliography which is a list of sources you can use for your paper (along with notes about what each source says). The sources will help shape your perspective and the argument you will be making.
  • Description: Your Annotated Bibliography will list at least four sources you can potentially use in your paper. These sources should be primary sources and/or peer-reviewed, scholarly secondary sources. For each of the four sources include the following information:
  1. A citation following APA style guidelines
  2. A two- to four-sentence description explaining both:

    The source’s argument and/or main points
    How this source is useful to you or informs your perspective for this paper

3# Outline( 1page)

  •  now you should have selected your topic and reviewed some of the sources and resources you will use for the paper. For this stage, you will post an outline of your argument as a preparatory stage before the Final Paper.
  • Description: Your Outline should include the following components:
  1. An introductory paragraph for your paper explaining the context of the issue
  2. A thesis about your topic which you will support with your argument
  3. An outline of the argument you will make in support of your thesis
  4. A reference list of at least four primary sources and/or peer-reviewed, scholarly secondary sources, cited according to APA style guidelines
  • Note that your argument should consider and make use of these references. It should not just follow the argument from a single source.

4# Final paper (5 pages, not including 2#and 3#)

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  • Description: Your Final Paper should be an essay arguing for a position on the topic your chose. This argument should be supported using the sources you’ve read, and you should construct strong arguments with the critical thinking tools we’ve studied in this course. Your paper should have a thesis which is supported by an argument using primary sources and/or peer-reviewed, scholarly secondary sources.. Note that your argument should consider and make use of the references identified in the bibliography and/or the outline. It should not just follow the argument from a single source.

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