Final Project

This paper is based on the outline written before. I attached them below. You need to write about 4-5 pages. This is a paper, you can write long sentences to demonstrate your idea.

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My assigned local store is Baskin-Robbins

Address: 202 E Highland Ave, San Bernardino, CA

Part 5 (Public Administration)

  • Identify local, state, national or international laws or policies that will impact organizational operations including any:

    Environmental regulatory issues
    Planning and Zoning issues
    Employee compensation requirements and labor laws
    Licensing or permit requirements
    Impact of any international laws or protocols

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  • Community Engagement Plan

    Identify community organizations that may impact the organization.
    Identify government entities that will impact       organizational activities.
    Identify local demographics and how they may impact       the organization.
    Identify local, state and national organizations       recommended to be joined or supported.

  • Identify issues of Ethics or Corporate Social      Responsibility that could impact organizational operations.

    Impact of product or service or employment plan
    Diversity Management Plan
    Social Equity issues, particularly those related to  race or gender

Part 6 (Accounting and Finance)

Purpose of Financial Documents

· Demonstration to possible investors

· Provide a measure to actual results

· Risk evaluation

Types of Financial Documents

· Personal Financial Statement

· Sources and Uses of Funds

· Proforma Cash Flow Statement

· Income Statement

· Balance Sheet

· Common Size Financial Statement

· Three-year Income Projection

· Break-Even Analysis

· Financial Statement Analysis

· Liquidity Analysis

· Profitability Analysis

· Debt Measures

· Investment Measures (ROA and ROI)

Part 7 

Objectives and Goals

  • Expected results

    Within course time frame

Strategic and Tactical Recommendations

  • Strategy to accomplish goals

    The tactics to meet the strategic goals


  • Explanation and justification of message
  • Consistent layout design and mandatory inclusions
  • Examples of message and graphics


  • Explanation and justification of promotions
  • Examples of promotional tools


  • Media Chart of all running Marketing Communications advertising and promotions


  • How will we measure the success?

    Benchmark and success measurement

Group 8: Linh Nguyen, Junrong Zeng, Isaac Arreola

Part 5 Submission

Baskin Robbins’ Public Administration

Identify local, state, national or international laws or policies that will impact organizational operations including any:

· Environmental regulatory issues: The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (Public Resources Code sections 21000 et seq.) is the California analog to NEPA.

· Planning and Zoning issues: The California Planning and Zoning Law with government code section 65000-66037 enacted in 2009

· Employee compensation requirements and labor laws: The Fair Labor Standard Act (FLSA), it’s a United States labor law that creates the right to a minimum wage, and “time-and-a-half” overtime pay when people work over 40 hours a week.

· Licensing or permit requirements: A General California city business license is required in California to run a business

· Impact of any international laws or protocols: none

Community Engagement Plan:

· Identify community organizations that may impact the organization:The community organization that is capable in impacting the organization are the unions, the churches the health care organizations, social services groups or the clubs. This is with the reason that they are normally those types of the organizations which are advocacy-oriented thus applying into the community-organizing strategies in order to make sure that goals that were set are achieved.

· Identify government entities that will impact organizational activities:The government entities which can impact the activities of the organizations are; Diversions of some of the small proportions of the budgets, unleashing of the talents, collaborations with the outsiders so that help can be gained towards gaining or taking down the issues that may bring impacts to the organization.

· Identify local demographics and how they may impact the organization:The demographics can be the source for the impact of the organization through its socioeconomic or its cultural variables that are normally used in being independent variables. They are the traits which can be used incase they do not or if they have the need towards impacting on to the organization the change or the impacts can be acknowledged with the organization.

· Identify local, state and national organizations recommended to be joined or supported:The local, state or the national organizations that are normally recommended towards being joined and supported can be the multicultural associations, all levels of the government, the state and local government and the federal government.

Identify issues of Ethics or Corporate Social Responsibility that could impact organizational operations:

· Impact of product or service or employment plan:Baskin Robins products have a great effect on the environment. Many of their different ice creams are made in local areas so that is beneficial to the environment but everything else the stores has negatively affected the environment. Their shops consume huge amounts of electricity due to the need to keep multiple different freezers running as well as the constant air conditioning they use as well as lighting. The company also creates great deals of waste that are harmful to the environment. The plastics they use in their spoons, cups, packaging, and decorations around the store create great amounts of pollution due to them not being recyclable. Also, when the stores have different promotions then they cause even more trash like when they have toys or stickers displaying new limited-time flavors.

· Diversity Management Plan:The company is greatly invested in making sure that they keep their workforce, franchisee, and suppliers diverse. They try to pick as many local suppliers as possible to help their environmental impact on the world as well as to support local businesses. The company does go out of its way to make sure that all their workers are paid equally and have made plagued to keep this behavior up.

· Social Equity issues, particularly those related to race or gender:The company also has numerous resources for employees to increase their cultural awareness as well as opportunities for career improvement. When making franchisee’s they work with the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) to put out information about franchising opportunities for people of color. The company also makes it known how long they have been working with this organization as well. The company has also put out a statement in their opposition to racism, hatred, and injustice, in the wake of the Gorge Floyd incident.


(12), M. (n.d.). Baskin Robbins. Retrieved October 26, 2020, from

Baskin Robbins

Diversity & Inclusion. (n.d.). Retrieved October 26, 2020, from

What Employee Overtime Pay Laws Apply to Baskin Robbins

Nguyen 1


Group 8 Discussion

Part 6

Purposes of financial documents

· Demonstration to possible investors

Possible investors will use the financial statement and they will be able to understand how a company’s products work and how it addresses problem. So they will be able to see whether the company runs good business or not.

· Provide a measure to actual result

By the end of the financial report, it will help an organization measuring the actual performance of a business

· Risk evaluation

Determination of risk management is the combined effort of identifying, predicting and analyzing potential events that may negatively affect a company’s businesses

Types of Financial Documents:

· Personal financial statement:

This is a document or spreadsheet that outlines a person’s financial position at a given period. This statement includes the general information about a person this statement helps individual to follow up and even track their financial goals and wealth this can be when the individuals apply using the credit (Shah et al 2020).

· Sources and Uses of Funds:

This is a statement that is often mentioned to as the current of funds statement, it delivers the machinery for writing of how a business presentation during an accounting retro prejudiced and was influenced by the main funding activities conversely if a business pays more debt than what it derives, they have to use the funds (Shah et al 2020).

· Proforma Cash Flow Statement:

This is a very popular bookkeeping practice that intelligences a voluntary report that is prepared by any commercial for presenting their monetary projections. It can be defined as the credible sum of money that flows in and flows out expected in the future time for a certain time (Shah et al 2020).

Income Statement:

This is one of the corporation’s core monetary statements that demonstrations their loss turnover and even the profit and even the loss statement. Even the income report and other statement of process is a financial report that delivers a rapid of a over a retro of time (Shah et al 2020).

Balance Sheet:

This is a monetary statement that reports a business assets liability and the shareholders equity, the balance sheet is one of the core financial statement used to evaluate a business. It’s a financial statement that provides a snapshot of what a company owns and owes amount invested by the shareholders (Shah et al 2020).

Common size financial statement

Depending on the location, Baskin Robins’ locations make differing amounts. However, the franchises constantly hit their sales goals and are very profitable. Starting a franchise does vary on costs due, to things like the location of the store and the size of it. On average it costs anywhere from $123,952 to $558,830

Three-year Income Projection

In the last three years, the company has seen its profits fall. From 2016-2019 US Baskin Robins went from $47.5 million in 2016 to $47.4 million in 2019. Even International the stores went from $119 million in 2016 to $115 million in 2019. Thus, showing that the company is having some growth issues.

Break-even points

Again, depending on the location, the cost of running a store can differ. The company likes to keep goals relative to competitors in the area of the store and does its best to keep it as low as possible. However, with all costs in mind, the break-even point for a store in 2019 would be 3.076 million dollars

Financial statement analysis

· Liquidity analysis

Liquidity analysis is built to access the ability of the business entity to convert assets to cash. Baskin Robbins’s cash liquidity for franchising a new location is $100,000.

· Profitability analysis

Profitability analysis is designed to estimate the cost and revenue of the firm which determines whether or not the firm is profiting

· Debt measures

Debt measure is designed as a ratio of total debt to total assets

· Investment measure (ROA and ROI)

ROA means return on assets and ROI is return on investment. The investors using these both analysis to keep measuring how the business is going whether its profiting or not.


Shah, N., Shah, A., Saxena, A., Jed, G. O. R. E., Khatri, J., Negi, V., & Gill, R. S. (2020). U.S. Patent Application No. 15/729,645.

Brian Bride Follow. (2015, December 13). FINANCIAL ANALYSIS – dunkin. Retrieved November 07, 2020, from

Franchise Chatter. (2020, July 06). Baskin-Robbins Franchise Costs Examined on Top Franchise Blog (2020 FDD). Retrieved November 07, 2020, from

Team, T. (2019, April 10). How Has Dunkin’ Brands Revenue Performed And What Is Its Potential? Retrieved November 07, 2020, from

Group 8 Assignment Part 7


· The purpose of this paper is to explain the justification in the message of the Baskin-Robbins company, which is a specialist restaurant dealing with selling ice creams and cakes.

· Its parent company brand is Dunkin Brands, located in Cashton, Massachusetts, founded in 1945 by Baskin and Robbins. Its claim to be the world’s largest chain specialized in ice creams and cakes store sells ice cream in almost 50 states in the world.

· The company is known for its 31 flavors catchphrase, which is a good deal for clients who can have different flavors every day of the month. They have designed it that way so that to attract the customers. Hence they also had other advertising slogans such as flavors sampling without paying to get the best the consumers needed.


· The increase of its ventures around the countries is a positive trend that shows it is minimizing its profit to maximize its output. The company has also got a creative and innovative product that attracts and retains new consumers as it has over 1000 different ice cream and 31 flavors.

· This is the promotional tool it has enhanced to keep its customers and attract new consumers.


· We would use sales a measurement of success. As of now Baskin-Robins has been seeing a steady decline in sales,

· We would like to see a steady increase in the company’s sales back to where it uses to be.

· It has decreased about 18.7%. A benchmark would be a slower decline or a steady amount of sales. Then measure and hope that sales go up in 5% increments

Objectives and Goals

· The company wishes to increase revenue as we as well as increase the company’s stock price. This will benefit stockholders and show that the company is doing well.

· In the next two years the company wants to start opening more stores around the U.S. and they expect sales to be from 140-150 million in sales from the new stores.

· They want to keep this trend going as much as possible while also creating new popular products

Strategic and Tactical Recommendations

· Strategy to accomplish goals

· The tactics to meet the strategic goals: Baskin Robbins is popularly known as the only company offering “31 flavors” campaign which has brought the brand standing tall in the ice cream industry. Once the two founders of Baskin Robbins, Burt Baskin and Irv Robbins became partner, they came up with an idea of 31 flavors of delicious ice cream, which is one flavor serving for each day of a month. The brand now has a thousand of ice cream flavors totally. This is the only company doing that.


· Media Chart of all running Marketing Communications advertising and promotions: Baskin Robbins has recently started focusing on doing marketing communications of advertising and running promotions online in several ways. Go to these websites to figure out how they do promotions:



. Additionally, the brand has wanted to create an ad campaign which contains such a meme as known as “Got me Like” which easily attracted all group of viewers.


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