final portfolio

The final portfolio project is a three-part activity. You will respond to three separate prompts but prepare your paper as one research paper. Be sure to include at least one UC library source per prompt, in addition to your textbook (which means you’ll have at least 4 sources cited). 

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Start your paper with an introductory paragraph.

Prompt 1 “Data Warehouse Architecture” (2-3 pages): Explain the major components of a data warehouse architecture, including the various forms of data transformations needed to prepare data for a data warehouse. Also, describe in your own words current key trends in data warehousing. 

Prompt 2 “Big Data” (1-2 pages): Describe your understanding of big data and give an example of how you’ve seen big data used either personally or professionally. In your view, what demands is big data placing on organizations and data management technology? 

Prompt 3 “Green Computing” (1-2 pages):  One of our topics in Chapter 13 surrounds IT Green Computing. The need for green computing is becoming more obvious considering the amount of power needed to drive our computers, servers, routers, switches, and data centers. Discuss ways in which organizations can make their data centers “green”. In your discussion, find an example of an organization that has already implemented IT green computing strategies successfully. Discuss that organization and share your link. You can find examples in the UC Library.

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Conclude your paper with a detailed conclusion section. 

The paper needs to be approximately 5-8 pages long, including both a title page and a references page (for a total of 7-10 pages). Be sure to use proper APA formatting and citations to avoid plagiarism.

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

• Be approximately 5-8 pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.

• Follow APA6 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.

• Support your answers with the readings from the course, the course textbook, and at least three scholarly journal articles from the UC library to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.

• Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

8/7/2020 Originality Report


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SafeAssign Originality Report
Summer 2020 – InfoTech Import in Strat Plan (ITS-83… • Final Portfolio Project Draft

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Adil Hussain Mohammed

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Adil Hussain Mohammed University of the Cumberlands


Bog Data, Warehouse Architecture and Green Data

Statistics structure is all approximately specification hired in explaining the present country, defining the needs of records, directing information in-
tegration and regulating information and assets as in keeping with the statistics method. Information architecture is essential as it bridges tech-
nical execution and business plan. In maximum instances it’s employed strategically making ready commercial enterprise to boost faster and bene-
fit from the technology developing. The control in fee of the complicated information delivery and facts in an enterprise serves a role transforma-
tional of reforms and agility. For that reason, it’s far considerable to investigate distinctive forms of facts critiques used within the organization
which information warehouse, huge facts analytics and inexperienced data. Prompt 1: Give an explanation for the fundamental additives of a sta-
tistics warehouse architecture, together with the various types of statistics adjustments needed to prepare facts for a records warehouse. Also, de-
scribe in your personal words contemporary key traits in statistics warehousing. Facts warehouse is mentioned as the facts mart series that stands
for historic facts from diverse operations in a given enterprise. The records is generally stored in a structure that’s optimized to query and eval-
uate data as a warehouse of data. Device of statistics warehouse together with domestic design have varied options for architecture. Some have de-
ployed with the facts amount at the same time as others functioning facts stores. In addition, some of the statistics warehouse is acknowledged as
reference finite statistics sources and they reference varied external and inner facts assets. Despite the fact that, information warehouse structure
can be mentioned the artwork of a company for statistics collection and stowage. The statistics of that kind is anticipated to be stored, nicely orga-
nized and cleaned. The architecture of records warehouse generally bases on searching for a nicely-organized form of obtaining facts from raw set
and placed it right into a structure that is digestible without difficulty and provide vital insights. Records warehouse architecture consists of amass-
ing statistics, used by organizations intelligence and choice making. Its miles integrated non-updatable, time variation and situation based totally
statistics. Due to the fact records warehouse constructions is typically unique to apply through commercial enterprise, it’s far important to look at
the not unusual layers in warehouse architecture Supply facts issue Supply data factor under statistics warehouse may be categorized into numer






8/7/2020 Originality Report… 2/10
the not unusual layers in warehouse architecture. Supply facts issue Supply data factor under statistics warehouse may be categorized into numer-
ous companies which includes manufacturing information, internal records, archived statistics and external information. Statistics staging com-
This element takes area in which obtaining records from diverse resources has to be changed, modified and organized in a shape this is powerful
for evaluation and inquiring. The main position which takes region in staging places includes obtaining, statistics conversion, and data loading. The
information sources for useful systems includes recent statistics that needs statistics organized in a powerful and brief processing manner. Metada-
ta element Metadata is an equal statistics catalog within system database management. In information, data catalog is stored on corporations of
logical facts. In addition, the records basing at the addresses and documentations, the records basing on indexes are stored. Data warehouse
According to today’s world there are various changed basing on the information warehouses. There is usage of administered facilities which are
simply the normal type of the higher level service where various encounters are addressed through cloud inevitably. Various problems are man-
aged through cloud offers when using such managed services. According to the information warehouse architecture, one is able to use the whole
administered managed ETK services like Azura Data Factory and Amazon (Fernando, 2018). After using such services, it is simple to look for inter-
connectivity facilities in the cloud like reducing efforts and application. Additionally, cloud services provisioning and infrastructure patterns are sim-
plifying it to bring up resolutions of information warehousing. Business are bale of using In-Memory Analytical Engines. During operations of
functional and analytics, it effectively uses the engines for in-memory processing. These may import big data and hence process them in paral-
lel for faster visualization and engines (Fernando, 2018). Giving example of organizations based on cloud services as mentioned above, they have BI
embedded available readily for in-memory visualization and analytics. There is also information marts for the line production. This enables provi-
sion of solutions through containment to the information warehouse and each kind of business unit for evaluating in alienating their information.
Nevertheless, there is Information Lake motivated which explain the information scheme on reading. Centrally, data warehousing normally explain
schema to write, the popular technology of the information lake using supplied stowage and processing with the usage of instruments like Hadoop
file systems. Further, it may be essential for information warehousing where it will enable post- processing the information in a parallel and effec-
tive process, lowering expense and time. The last issue bases on columnar stowage that advances the disk performance compared to raw-based
stowage when recovering complicated queries of evaluations. Information warehouses can give such capacities in the cloud based Amazon
Redshift for stowage and querying at a cheaper expense. Such services lowers the complication to set up information and give entry control, in-
tegrate varied discourses and others. Prompt 2 “Big Data” (2-3 pages): Describe your understanding of big data and give an example of how
you’ve seen big data used either personally or professionally. In your view, what demands is big data placing on organizations and data manage-
ment technology? Big data is acknowledged as large data set that is likely to be evaluated computationally to show series, trends and connections
more so connecting people behavior and interactions. Many organizations are using big data today to make effective decisions and progress in their
performances. It has been widely used in various requirements as per the organizations. The usage of big data varies from one organization to an-
other. It has been widely demanded by organizations since big data analytics is taken as a complicated procedure that evaluates distinctive and
large information sets in realizing information. Organizations like Facebook and Google have revealed that a plan of solid information management
may result to a big distinctive analysis to decide on business performance (Wamba, et al. 2017). Managers in charge of IT are required to take part in
determination of obtaining meaning from big data organizations. These managers have to acknowledge big data and what should be done in assist-
ing the organization to make effective plan of management. The big data analytic approach has been trending for many years across the globe. Big
data evaluations assists the companies normally in harnessing their information and employing it to determine new chances. These results to effec-
tive business achievement, higher profits, additional effective operations and joyful clients. The technology based on the on the concept such as
cloud based analytics and Hadoop tend to introduce effective expense gains in terms of storage of huge big data (Wamba, et al. 2017). Another way
on which big data has been used in organization is in Hadoop analytics combined with the capacity to evaluate new information sources. Organiza-
tions are able of evaluating information sooner and create a decision oriented on what they studied. The capacity to have customer satisfaction and
demands through analytics, the enterprise gets the capacity of offering clients with whatever they require. This makes it simpler for organizations to
come up with products to satisfy customer’s needs. The big data analytics makes it simpler for information scientist, analytics, statisticians, de-
signers, predictive modelers and other experts to evaluate the information that are normally remained through analytical program, convectional
and BUI (Wamba, et al. 2017). These activities motivate mix of non-organized and semi-organized information. Giving an example, web server
logs, social media contents, messages from customer’s email, survey responses, and machine information captured through sensors to Internet of
Things and others. IT managers are affected by the bid data in various ways within their operations. It is clear that traditional connection data-
bases may not effectively handle big data and such makes it important to look for options. The new processes and tolls can be required in man-
aging the big data that flows back and forth across the business and to undertake analysis and manufacturing. In addition, new strategic systems
can be needed too since information may be gathered and kept whether it’s worth is recognized or not. Business people who tend convey written
document to the IT department does wrong to the organization when consideration of real time information evaluation is in motion. As an out-
come, there is need to develop new tools or acquired for the users to get the essential information required on their won. Managers in charge
may wish to add more staffs in order to enhance the software and hardware needed for handling big data. They have to ensure that IT department
is team working with the related shareholders in building strategies likely to deliver outcomes that can be evaluated. The effective information man-
agement component are kept, security, information reconciliation, insight supply in the organization and data obtaining. Prompt 3 “Green Com-
puting” (2-3 pages):
One of our topics in Chapter 13 surrounds IT Green Computing. The need for green computing is becoming more evident, considering the
amount of power needed to drive our computers, servers, routers, switches, and data centers. Discuss ways in which organizations can make their
data centers “green”. In your discussion, find an example of an organization that has already implemented IT green computing strategies successful-
ly. Discuss that organization and share your link. You can find examples in the UC Library. Green data is essential when it comes to integrating as-
sessment of sustainability. Although it does not create waste products, the high water and energy department has to prioritize their programs

8/7/2020 Originality Report… 3/10
Source Matches (46)
Student paper 81% Student paper 85%
of sustainability because the demand for assessment, efficient services and clean energy increases. Big organizations like Facebook, Google
and Apple are turning green with distinctive innovative ways that are helpful and innovative during long run. Managers are forced to reduce electri-
cal use of services to the surrounding focus and cost savings. It is well noted that the expense of operating electrical usage seems to be more
than the original expense of the main server purchase of the server (Liu, et al., 2016). Organization acknowledged as data oriented like Yahoo,
Microsoft, Google moved their information Columbia River based on Washington in order to gain from the less costly hydroelectric power. In
2019, Microsoft entered into an agreement with Singapore solar energy offer to distribute its information centers with electricity from solar panel.
During the previous year, Google had decided to buy 3 gigawatts of renewable energy from the wind and solar stations from South Dakota,
Iowa, and Oklahoma. Mostly, Microsoft depends on wind energy for powering its information stations in Wyoming, and Apple at the moment
depends on 100% green energy. In addition, organizations are able to adjust to a climate cooling approach. A critical number if information
power bills are normally from the expense of cooling machines. Organization are expected and have to cool their big data sources through usage of
natural climate. These companies are figuring out new information stations within cold areas like Norway and Ireland. Giving an example, Microsoft
is looking at the capability to construct information stations that maybe under the seas to ensure additional cost for electricity is saved. Anoth-
er way green data is used is through server efficiency. Data centers normally lower energy demands when constructing green energy into
server infrastructure. They depend heavily on computer facilities like those allowed with GPUs graphic processing units apart from the tradi-
tional CPUs (Liu et al. 2016). GPU is considered as a train whose expense of energy is greater compered to people’s vehicle, though they are effec-
tively assessed in energy consumer per commuter. The consumption proficiency enables information centers to replace 200 facility machines that
CPU powers with 109GPU oriented server, reducing waste hence convertible physical footprint. An example of a company that has wholly inte-
grated green data is Apple Inc. As a portion of its determination to fighting climate reforms and come up with an effective surrounding, it notified
that its facilities across the world are power-driven with clean energy 100 %. The attainment includes retail stores, information stations, offices
and collocated services in 43 counties like India, China, and the United Kingdom and the United States Apple (2018). The organization added that
nine processing associates dedicated to manufacturing 100% clean energy introduces total determination from distributors to 23. Thus, Apples and
its associates are determined to renewable energy processes across the world. This has then led to advancement of energy alternatives for Nations,
previous nations and local societies. Apples normally builds new renewable energy that is likely not to prevail anymore. Such plans are oriented
on varied energy sources includes wind farms, solar rays and new technologies like biogas fuel cells, energy stowage technologies and micro-hydro
generation systems (Apple, 2018). Apple is considered to be having 25 functioning renewable energy sources process worldwide giving a total of 626
megawatts from Solar PV generation. The organization’s determination has helped it to set an example to other organizations which bases on data
Ahmed, E., Yaqoob, I., Hashem, I. A. T., Khan, I., Ahmed, A. I. A., Imran, M., &Vasilakos, A. V. (2017). The role of big data analytics in
Internet of Things. Computer Networks, 129, 459-471. Apple (2018). Apple now globally powered by 100 percent renewable energyRetrieved
from: Blažić, G., Poščić, P., &Jakšić,
D. (2017). Data warehouse architecture classification. In 2017 40th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology,
Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO) (pp.
4 4 4 4
1491-1495). IEEE. Fernando. A. (2018). Emerging Trends in Data Warehousing and Analytics in Cloud. Retrieved from:
Liu, Q., Ma, Y., Alhussein, M., Zhang, Y., & Peng, L. (2016). Green data center with IoT sensing and cloud-assisted smart temperature control sys-
tem. Computer Networks, 101, 104-112. Wamba, S. F., Gunasekaran, A., Akter, S., Ren, S. J. F., Dubey, R., & Childe, S. J. (2017). Big data
analytics and firm performance: Effects of dynamic capabilities. Journal of Business Research, 70, 356-365.
4 4
4 4 4
Student paper
Original source
Final Portfolio Project Final Portfolio
Student paper
Original source

8/7/2020 Originality Report… 4/10
Student paper 77%
Student paper 71%
Student paper 71%
Student paper 68%
Student paper 100%
Student paper 71%
Student paper 75%
Student paper 62%
Student paper 66%
Student paper
Bog Data, Warehouse Architecture
and Green Data
Original source
Big Data, Data Warehouse Architec-
ture and Green Data
Student paper
Information architecture is essential
as it bridges technical execution and
business plan.
Original source
Data architecture is critical as it
bridges technical execution and
business strategy
Student paper
The records is generally stored in a
structure that’s optimized to query
and evaluate data as a warehouse of
Original source
Data is typically stored in a structure
which is optimized to query and ana-
lyze data as a warehouse of data
Student paper
Statistics staging component
Original source
Data staging component
Student paper
Data warehouse Trends
Original source
Data warehouse Trends
Student paper
During operations of functional and
analytics, it effectively uses the en-
gines for in-memory processing.
Original source
During the performance of opera-
tion and analytics, it efficiently uses
the engines for in-memory
Student paper
These may import big data and
hence process them in parallel for
faster visualization and engines (Fer-
nando, 2018).
Original source
Such may import massive data
mounts and process them in parallel
for faster visualizations and engines
(Fernando, 2018)
Student paper
Information warehouses can give
such capacities in the cloud based
Amazon Redshift for stowage and
querying at a cheaper expense.
Original source
Data warehouses can give such abili-
ties in the cloud-like utilizing Amazon
Redshift both for querying and stor-
age at a lower cost
Student paper
Such services lowers the complica-
tion to set up information and give
entry control, integrate varied dis-
courses and others.
Original source
Utilizing such services lowers the in-
tricacy to set up a facts stockroom,
and provides the right of entry con-
trol, integrate different discourses
and others

8/7/2020 Originality Report… 5/10
Student paper 100%
Student paper 67%
Student paper 64%
Student paper 64%
Student paper 76%
Student paper 64%
Student paper 68%
Student paper
Prompt 2 “Big Data” (2-3 pages): De-
scribe your understanding of big
data and give an example of how
you’ve seen big data used either per-
sonally or professionally. In your
view, what demands is big data plac-
ing on organizations and data man-
agement technology?
Original source
Prompt 2 “Big Data” (2-3 pages) De-
scribe your understanding of big
data and give an example of how
you’ve seen big data used either per-
sonally or professionally In your
view, what demands is big data plac-
ing on organizations and data man-
agement technology
Student paper
The big data analytics makes it sim-
pler for information scientist, analyt-
ics, statisticians, designers, predic-
tive modelers and other experts to
evaluate the information that are
normally remained through analyti-
cal program, convectional and BUI
(Wamba, et al.
Original source
The big data analytics makes it sim-
pler for data researchers, big data
analytics, analysts, predictive model-
ers, and different experts to analyze
the information that are typically left
by the ordinary, analytical projects
and BUI (Wamba, et al
Student paper
Giving an example, web server logs,
social media contents, messages
from customer’s email, survey re-
sponses, and machine information
captured through sensors to Inter-
net of Things and others.
Original source
Examples are internet clickstream
data, web server logs texts from
client’s emails, social media content,
survey responses, machine data cap-
tured by sensors to IoT internet of
things, and others
Student paper
IT managers are affected by the bid
data in various ways within their
Original source
IT managers are impacted by big
data in various ways
Student paper
The new processes and tolls can be
required in managing the big data
that flows back and forth across the
business and to undertake analysis
and manufacturing.
Original source
The new tools and processes can be
needed in managing the big data
that flows back and forth across the
business and to carry out processing
and analysis
Student paper
As an outcome, there is need to de-
velop new tools or acquired for the
users to get the essential informa-
tion required on their won.
Original source
Therefore, new tools need to get es-
tablished for the users to attain their
required essential information
Student paper
Managers in charge may wish to add
more staffs in order to enhance the
software and hardware needed for
handling big data.
Original source
Managers may want to add or train
staff to enhance software and hard-
ware required for handling big data

8/7/2020 Originality Report… 6/10
Student paper 100%
Student paper 100%
Student paper 63%
Student paper 66%
Student paper 72%
Student paper
Prompt 3 “Green Computing” (2-3
pages): One of our topics in Chapter
13 surrounds IT Green Computing.
The need for green computing is be-
coming more evident, considering
the amount of power needed to
drive our computers, servers,
routers, switches, and data centers.
Discuss ways in which organizations
can make their data centers “green”.
Original source
Prompt 3 “Green Computing” (2-3
pages) One of our topics in Chapter
13 surrounds IT Green Computing
The need for green computing is be-
coming more evident, considering
the amount of power needed to
drive our computers, servers,
routers, switches, and data centers
Discuss ways in which organizations
can make their data centers “green”
Student paper
In your discussion, find an example
of an organization that has already
implemented IT green computing
strategies successfully. Discuss that
organization and share your link.
You can find examples in the UC
Original source
In your discussion, find an example
of an organization that has already
implemented IT green computing
strategies successfully Discuss that
organization and share your link You
can find examples in the UC Library
Student paper
Although it does not create waste
products, the high water and energy
department has to prioritize their
programs of sustainability because
the demand for assessment, effi-
cient services and clean energy
Original source
although data centers never gener-
ate waste products, this high water,
and high energy sector must priori-
tize their programs of sustainability
because the demand for measures
of sustainability, efficient facilities
and clean energy increase (Liu et al
Student paper
Big organizations like Facebook,
Google and Apple are turning green
with distinctive innovative ways that
are helpful and innovative during
long run.
Original source
Big companies such as Google, Face-
book, and Apple are going green
with different innovative ways that
are constructive and futuristic in the
long run
Student paper
It is well noted that the expense of
operating electrical usage seems to
be more than the original expense
of the main server purchase of the
server (Liu, et al., 2016).
Original source
The expense of operating an electri-
cal usage or a server is more con-
trasted with the initial expense of
the original server acquisition of the
server (Liu, et al., 2016)

8/7/2020 Originality Report… 7/10
Student paper 64%
Student paper 70%
Student paper 83%
Student paper 68%
Student paper 76%
Student paper 74%
Student paper 75%
Student paper
Organization acknowledged as data
oriented like Yahoo, Microsoft,
Google moved their information Co-
lumbia River based on Washington
in order to gain from the less costly
hydroelectric power.
Original source
As such, metadata centres like
Google, yahoo and Microsoft moved
their data close to Columbia river on
Washington/Oregon border to bene-
fit from the cheap hydroelectric
Student paper
In 2019, Microsoft entered into an
agreement with Singapore solar en-
ergy offer to distribute its informa-
tion centers with electricity from so-
lar panel.
Original source
In 2019, Microsoft signed an agree-
ment with Singapore Solar Energy to
power its data centers with power
from the solar panels
Student paper
During the previous year, Google
had decided to buy 3 gigawatts of re-
newable energy from the wind and
solar stations from South Dakota,
Iowa, and Oklahoma.
Original source
On the other hand, in 2018, Google
decided to buy renewable energy of
3 gigawatts from South Dakota, Ok-
lahoma, and Iowa wind and solar
Student paper
Mostly, Microsoft depends on wind
energy for powering its information
stations in Wyoming, and Apple at
the moment depends on 100%
green energy.
Original source
Microsoft is reliant on wind energy
for powering its data centres in
Wyoming, and Apple currently relies
on 100 percent green energy
Student paper
A critical number if information pow-
er bills are normally from the ex-
pense of cooling machines.
Original source
A critical number of information
power bills are consistently from the
expenses of cooling machines
Student paper
Another way green data is used is
through server efficiency.
Original source
Server efficiency is another way the
company can use green data
Student paper
Data centers normally lower energy
demands when constructing green
energy into server infrastructure.
Original source
Data centers usually reduce energy
demands when they build green en-
ergy into server infrastructure

8/7/2020 Originality Report… 8/10
Student paper 66%
Student paper 74%
Student paper 73%
Student paper 73%
Student paper 100%
Student paper 100%
Student paper 100%
Student paper
They depend heavily on computer
facilities like those allowed with
GPUs graphic processing units apart
from the traditional CPUs (Liu et al.
Original source
They rely on denser commuter ser-
vices such as those enabled with
GPUs graphics processing units
apart from the traditional CPUs (Liu
et al
Student paper
An example of a company that has
wholly integrated green data is
Apple Inc.
Original source
Apple is a company that has fully in-
tegrated green data
Student paper
The attainment includes retail
stores, information stations, offices
and collocated services in 43 coun-
ties like India, China, and the United
Kingdom and the United States
Apple (2018).
Original source
The attainment entails trade stores,
information centers, offices, and col-
located facilities in 43 nations, which
include India, China, and the United
Kingdom and the United States
Apple (2018)
Student paper
Such plans are oriented on varied
energy sources includes wind farms,
solar rays and new technologies like
biogas fuel cells, energy stowage
technologies and micro-hydro gen-
eration systems (Apple, 2018). Apple
is considered to be having 25 func-
tioning renewable energy sources
process worldwide giving a total of
626 megawatts from Solar PV
Original source
Such projects are based on different
energy sources which includes wind
farms, solar rays and emerging tech-
nologies such as micro-hydro gener-
ation systems, biogas fuel cells, and
energy storage technologies (Apple,
2018) Apple has 25 operational re-
newable energy processes across
the world which total to 626
megawatts from solar PV generation
Student paper
Ahmed, E., Yaqoob, I., Hashem, I.
Original source
Ahmed, E., Yaqoob, I., Hashem, I
Student paper
T., Khan, I., Ahmed, A.
Original source
T., Khan, I., Ahmed, A
Student paper
A., Imran, M., &Vasilakos, A.
Original source
A., Imran, M., & Vasilakos, A

8/7/2020 Originality Report… 9/10
Student paper 100%
Student paper 100%
Student paper 100%
Student paper 100%
Student paper 100%
Student paper 100%
Student paper 100%
Student paper
The role of big data analytics in In-
ternet of Things. Computer Net-
works, 129, 459-471.
Original source
The role of big data analytics in In-
ternet of Things Computer Net-
works, 129, 459-471
Student paper
Apple now globally powered by 100
percent renewable energyRetrieved
energy/ Blažić, G., Poščić, P., &Jakšić,
Original source
Apple now globally powered by 100
percent renewable energyRetrieved
energy/ Blažić, G., Poščić, P., & Jakšić,
Student paper
Data warehouse architecture classifi-
cation. In 2017 40th International
Convention on Information and
Communication Technology, Elec-
tronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO)
Original source
Data warehouse architecture classifi-
cation In 2017 40th International
Convention on Information and
Communication Technology, Elec-
tronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO)
Student paper
Emerging Trends in Data Warehous-
ing and Analytics in Cloud.
Original source
Emerging Trends in Data Warehous-
ing and Analytics in Cloud
Student paper
analytics Liu, Q., Ma, Y., Alhussein,
M., Zhang, Y., & Peng, L.
Original source
analytics Liu, Q., Ma, Y., Alhussein,
M., Zhang, Y., & Peng, L
Student paper
Green data center with IoT sensing
and cloud-assisted smart tempera-
ture control system. Computer Net-
works, 101, 104-112.
Original source
Green data center with IoT sensing
and cloud-assisted smart tempera-
ture control system Computer Net-
works, 101, 104-112
Student paper
F., Gunasekaran, A., Akter, S., Ren, S.
Original source
F., Gunasekaran, A., Akter, S., Ren, S

8/7/2020 Originality Report… 10/10
Student paper 100%
Student paper 100%
Student paper
F., Dubey, R., & Childe, S.
Original source
F., Dubey, R., & Childe, S
Student paper
Big data analytics and firm perfor-
mance: Effects of dynamic capabili-
ties. Journal of Business Research,
70, 356-365.
Original source
Big data analytics and firm perfor-
mance Effects of dynamic capabili-
ties Journal of Business Research,
70, 356-365

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