Final Paper ECO 202

 The Tax Cut and Jobs Act, 2017The changes made by the Tax Cut and Jobs Act, 2017 to the tax provisions have changed tax rate for 2018 and people are getting a first hand experience of what it means to them. Go over the Act and address the questions below:

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  1. What are the major changes made to the tax provisions by the Act?
  2. What impact is it likely to have on our GDP and government’s budget?
  3. How have the changes in taxes affected you personally?
  4. Does everyone benefit from the changes in tax provisions or does it favor one group over others?
  5. What changes do you agree and disagree with?
  6. If you had the power to revise the Act, what changes would you make?

Many articles have been written analyzing the Tax Cut and Jobs Act, 2017.  Infuse these expert opinions with your own.The final report should be submitted in APA format, and should be close to 7 pages. 

Course Description:

This course familiarizes students with the decision-making processes of individual
economic units such as household, firms, and industries, and their interrelationships.
Topics include the nature and framework of the forces of supply and demand,
household behavior, and consumer choice; the behavior of the firm under different
industrial structures, resource allocation and income distribution; and international trade
and comparative advantage.

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Course Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this coruse, students will be able to:
 Explain the fundamental tools of supply and demand and the concept of elasticity.

 Describe the role of the government in addressing market failures and externalities.

 Explain how governmental policies affect market outcomes.

 Apply the concepts of opportunity cost and comparative advantage and analyze the
benefits of specialization within the framework of economic interdependence.

 Evaluate the cost structure of a firm as it is derived from properties of a production
function and the prices of economic resources.

 Describe the optimizing behavior of representative firms in various market structures
(perfect competition, monompoly, oligopoly, monompolistic competition)

 Describe the dimensions of the problems of income inequalities and poverty

Course Materials:

Mankiw, G. N. (2018). Principles of Microeconomics. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

 This book can be accessed through links just below the readings and resources
section of each unit in this course.

Grading Breakdown:

Assignment Weight Towards Final Grade

Discussion Boards 40%

Assignments 30%


Student Survey*
*To ensure that we continue to meet our academic standards and your learning expectations, we
routinely assess our programs, courses, and instructors. Completion of the end-of-course Student Survey
is a required component of this course.

Course Syllabus

ECO202 – Microeconomics

Course Outline:

Units begin at Sunday, 12:01 am (EST) and end Sunday 11:59 pm (EST) of the
following week, unless otherwise noted.

Unit Topics Activities

Unit 1
Ch 1: Ten Principles of Economics
Ch 3: Interdependence and the Gains
from Trade

Unit 1 Class Discussion Board
Problems & Applications (Ch 1&3)
Unit 1 Micro Quiz

Unit 2

Ch 4: The market Forces of Supply
and Demand
Ch 5: Elasticity and Its Applications
Ch 6: Supply, Demand, and
Government Policies

Unit 2 Group Discussion Board
Problems & Applications (Ch 4,5 &
Unit 2 Micro Quiz

Unit 3

Ch 7: Consumers, Producers, and
the Efficiency of Markets
Ch 8: The Costs of Taxation
Ch 9: International Trade

Unit 3 Group Discussion Board
Problems & Applications (Ch 7, 8 &
Unit 3 Micro Quiz

Unit 4
Ch 10: Externalities
Ch 11: Public Goods and Common

Unit 4 Group Discussion Board
Homework (Ch 10 & 11)
Unit 4 Micro Quiz

Unit 5
Ch 12: The Design of the Tax System
Ch 13: The Costs of Production

Unit 5 Group Discussion Board
Homework (12 & 13)
Unit 5 Micro Quiz

Unit 6

Ch 18: The markets for the Factors of
Ch 19: Earnings and Discrimination
Ch 20: Income Inequality and Poverty

Unit 6 Class Discussion Board
Homework (Ch 18, 19 & 20)
Final Paper (due Wed in Unit 8)

Unit 7
Ch 14: Firms in Competitive Markets
Ch 15: Monopoly

Unit 7 Group Discussion Board
Homework (Ch 14 & 15)
Final Paper (due Wed in Unit 8)

Unit 8
Ch 16: Monopolistic Competition
Ch 17: Oligopoly

Unit 8 Group Discussion Board
Homework (Ch 16 & 17)
Final Paper (due Wed in Unit 8)

Notes: Topics, deliverables, and sequence are subject to change.

Late Work Policy:

Late work will be accepted on a case-by-case basis. Please contact your instructor to



 Each unit will have one discussion where you will explore unit topics with one

another and the instructor.

 You are expected to actively participate in the weekly discussions where active

participation is defined as 3 or more posts (your initial post plus at least two

responses to classmates).

 Your first post should be submitted by 11:59 pm (EST) Wednesday evening.

Professional communication is expected in all posts, which includes proper

spelling and grammar, and providing source information when using outside


 The discussion questions are written to encourage critical thinking and use of

extended information in your responses.

 Share personal experience and research so your classmates are motivated to

continue the conversation and fully explore the discussion topics.

 Please review the discussion participation criteria and grading rubric on the

Course Information page in your course.

Academic Affair Policies:

Below are the links for Post University’s policies that all students must adhere to. Please

click on the links to learn about each of the policies. See the full list of Post University


o Academic Course Engagement

This link provides details about Post University’s academic engagement

requirements for students in courses. Information about Administrative and Official

Withdrawal, as well as the Unearned F policy, are also provided.

o Academic Dishonesty

This link provides information about Post University’s definition of plagiarism and

guidelines for academic dishonesty.

o Americans with Disabilities Act

This link provides information about potential accommodations for Post University

students with disabilities.

o Civility Code

This link provides information about Post University’s Civility Code.

o Grading Policies

This link provides policies on Post University’s grading practices and guidelines.

o University Learning Center

This link provides information about Post University’s Learning Center where

interested students can gain free academic support.

o Credit Hour Policy

This link provides information about instructional contact hours, engaged academic

time, as well as other related information.

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