Final Essay

Write a 500 word narration essay on one of the topics from the list provided below .

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Although narratives serve a variety of purposes, the most successful ones usually share three basic characteristics: they are clearly organized in time, make a central point, and contain specific details relevant to that point.

Narration is one of the most common types of professional writing, and it seeks to answer the basic question “What happened?”

The main goal of narration is to tell a story.

Select one of the following topics to produce your Final Narration Essay:

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1 – A first date.

2 – An incident that revealed the true character of someone you knew.

3 – An experience that caused you to learn something about yourself.

4 – An event that placed you in danger.

5- A typical day at school or your job.

Choose your essay structure carefully. Avoid including details that do not serve to advance or complete your narration. I expect your essay to contain a strong introduction that includes your essay’s thesis, a coherent and focused body (3 paragraphs) that effectively transitions from paragraph to paragraph, and a rich conclusion that provides closure for your narration.

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