Field Project _ Proposal – 10 Hours – Urgent (2.5 Pages) – Grading Rubric Attached

Writing in Your Field Project: Proposal Instructions

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This is the first step of a multi-part assignment that will culminate in a final product in Next Week. The final product is called the Writing in Your Field Project, because it will require you to produce a piece of research-based writing in a genre that is commonly used in the workplace in a field you are either currently working in or planning to enter. This product can be in any genre that involves research and could logically fit within the limits of 8–11 pages of writing: empirical article, lesson plan, sermon, case study, proposal, SWOT analysis, literature review, report, journalistic article, grant application, observational narrative, presentation script, or any other genre approved by the instructor.

In this proposal (due 10 Hours), you will write 2 pages stating the genre and topic of your proposed project, explaining why you chose them (genre and topic), describing the types of sources you plan to use (these can be non-traditional—think outside of academics), and detailing the research method(s) you plan to follow. You need to describe how you intend to go about organizing your project, finding sources, and presenting the results of your research. In the proposal, you must cite 2–3 sources both in-text and in a reference page/works cited/bibliography. These can either be sources you plan to use in the final project or sources that helped you arrive at your topic and/or genre. For all assignments in this course, you will cite sources using the most commonly used documentation style in your field; use the same style for all assignments.

As you write your proposal, keep your audience in mind. Both your instructor and your classmates will be reading and giving feedback on this proposal, and it is unlikely that all of them will be familiar with your field. Try to use as little jargon as possible, and remember that you may need to explain concepts that seem obvious to you.

Before you submit your proposal, use the rubric as a checklist to make sure you have addressed all necessary parts of the assignment.

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Textbook Readings

  • L’Eplattenier et al.: “Archival Survival: Navigating Historical Research,” “Invisible Hands: Recognizing Archivists’ Work of Make Records Accessible,” “Searching and Seeking in the Deep Web: Primary Sources on the Internet,” “Archival Research as a Social Process,” and “Emergent Taxonomies: Using Tension and Forum to Organize Primary Texts”

ENGL 602

Writing in Your Field Project Proposal Grading Rubric




Not Present

Points Earned


Levels of Achievement

Content 70%




Not Present

Points Earned

Genre and Topic

28 to 30 points

The genre (form) and topic of the proposed project are clearly stated, and why each was chosen is substantially explained.

25 to 27 points

The genre (form) and topic of the proposed project are stated, and why each was chosen is adequately explained.

1 to 24 points

The genre (form) and topic of the proposed project are discernible, but the reason they were chosen may not be explained.

0 points

The genre and topic of the project are not mentioned.

Description of Sources

28 to 30 points

The types of sources planned to use in the proposed project are substantially described. Specific source names are acceptable but not required.

25 to 27 points

The types of sources planned to use in the proposed project are adequately described.

1 to 24 points

The types of sources planned to use in the proposed project are mentioned but not adequately described..

0 points

Sources for the proposed project are not mentioned.

Research Method

28 to 30 points

The student has explained, in substantial detail, the method(s) planned to follow for organizing the proposed project, finding sources, and presenting the results.

25 to 27 points

The student has explained, in adequate detail, the method(s) planned to follow for organizing the proposed project, finding sources, and presenting the results.

1 to 24 points

The student mentions the planned research method but does so in inadequate detail or fails to address one or more of the following: organizing the proposed project, finding sources, or presenting the results.

0 points

The planned research method is not mentioned.

Audience Awareness

14 to 15 points

The proposal is written in such a way that it can be understood clearly by people outside the chosen field. Field-specific jargon is kept to a minimum.

13 to 13 points

The proposal is written in such a way that it can be understood, for the most part, by people outside the chosen field. Some unnecessary field-specific jargon may be used.

1 to 12 points

The proposal is written in such a way that it may be difficult to understand for people outside the chosen field. A significant amount of unnecessary field-specific jargon may be used.

0 points

The proposal is written in such a way that it is inaccessible to people outside the chosen field..

Structure 30%

Style and Mechanics

14 to 15 points

The writing is professional in tone and style, with few to no errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. The proposal is 2 pages.

13 to 14 points

The writing is mostly professional in tone and style, with some errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. The proposal is close to 2 pages.

1 to 12 points

The writing is somewhat unprofessional in tone and style, with frequent errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. The proposal is between 1 and 2 pages.

0 points

The tone and style are entirely unprofessional, OR errors are frequent and significant enough to seriously impede readability, OR the proposal is 1 page or less.


28 to 30 points

Proposal includes 2-3 correctly cited sources (these may or may not be sources to be used in the final project), both in-text and in a reference page/works cited/bibliography, according to the style most commonly used in the chosen field.

25 to 27 points

Proposal includes 2-3 sources that are mostly correctly cited, with no more than a few errors.

1 to 24 points

Proposal includes 1-2 sources. Citations may include frequent or significant errors.

0 points

No sources are cited in-text and/or at the end.



Instructor’s Comments:

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