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Your paper did an adequate job of addressing the required elements of the assignment, but there was some room for improvement. For example, you needed to construct a timeline of the evolution of strategic mamangment. This element is missing from your submission. You completed some required parts of the assignment, demonstrated some understanding of materials, the writing was difficult to understand and unscholarly, and had several errors in grammar, mechanics, and APA formatting. Please open the paper I returned with your grade and review all of my margin comments. Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.

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Dr. Ian B. Cole

Strategic Management

Emmanuel, P PUB-7021

North Central University

Dr. Ian, Cole


Strategic Management

Strategic management involves strategizing public organizations by coming up with series of formulation and planning’s that can help the public view
. Better policies that will enable one to achieve the goals are an excellent example of strategic management. Strategic management allows individuals to plan; however, it gives the individuals the aspirations and brings a sense of motivation and self-drive toward goals. Policymakers in the 21st century wanted to end struggles and be confronted with myriad challenges (Makadok, Burton, & Barney, 2018). They confronted and wanted to get effective ways of solving the challenges that had been experienced before

Strategic management is essential in the public sector; strategic management gives expansion and growth at large. The public gets to learn and understand the management well so as for better performance and growth. Every organization must have a vision and goals to achieve; however, carrying out duties without the goal can lead to redundancy (Trigeorgis& Reuer, 2017). An organization has to be clear on what to be done and not to be done. Any organization’s success is seen when strategic management is put in place and proper measures are strictly adhered to (Barbosa, Castañeda-Ayarza, & Ferreira, 2020). The administration will be ready to tackle any problem arising without fear.

The organization will have its effectiveness increase, and no threats will be encountered, therefore as far as strategic management is concerned (Zachary, 2013). Management assures an organization for a long-term existence; it provides a framework to the organization as it enables every worker to adhere to an organization’s rules.
It gives a direction to an organization hence ensuring that threats are dealt with at the immediate effect. The organization must know the things that might negatively impact the organization, and by using strategic management, everything will be put in place (Zachary, 2013).

The learning should continue in an organization; however, the organization must organize and develop training and reward those workers doing great jobs. This will reduce internal threats and ensure that a peaceful environment is made all the time (Dervitsiotis, 2002). Strategic management is practiced everywhere, including political backgrounds. Over time the government ensured that laws had been made.
It falls under strategic management because it gives a country direction by coming up with (Makadok, Burton, & Barney, 2018). Static
management should be done in the nation, there is a lot of actions and problems that need to be solved, and the better way of doing it is by applying these principles of management

There are divergent interests in the political ground, and the best way of solving this has management principles that motivate those participating in the processes. Management systems ensure government develops its strategic plans in providing everything runs smoothly in the government (Hitt& Duane Ireland, 2017). However, the change was seen to be necessary as it improved the country’s effectiveness in different sectors

However, some challenges have emerged recently. Managers in the organization are not able to accept views outside the organization.
However, the organization may fail to achieve its goals; failure is seen when the goals are set poorly (Trigeorgis& Reuer, 2017). The organization needs improvement every day, and here, they should accept better ideas that can improve the organization’s management skills. There are different ways of ensuring that these problems are overcome (Teece, 2019). Management should remain steadfast and keenly ensuring that strategic management has adhered to.

Strategic management should be applied to public policy as it helps in advancing it by ensuring that public policy goals come through (Barbosa, Castañeda-Ayarza& Ferreira, 2020). Policy aims are fulfilled by having strategic management included. The government does its agendas by ensuring that management skills are displayed. Strategic planning and management involve addressing challenges by ensuring that the public remains in a good state all the time.

However, different strategies of improving management in a government have been stated, e.g., collaboration, cross-boundary functions, and other activities. Each approach should be taken keenly so as for better performance after that. Aspiration can be achieved when proper planning is done. Adopting strategic planning by public organizations has positively impacted; however, strategic management elements have been practiced worldwide and have brought a good impact


Barbosa, M., Castañeda-Ayarza, J. A., & Ferreira, D. H. L. (2020). Sustainable strategic management (GES): Sustainability in small business. Journal of Cleaner Production, 258, 120880.

Hitt, M., & Duane Ireland, R. (2017). The intersection of entrepreneurship and strategic management research. The Blackwell handbook of entrepreneurship, 45-63.

Makadok, R., Burton, R., & Barney, J. (2018). A practical guide for making theory contributions in strategic management.

Trigeorgis, L., & Reuer, J. J. (2017). Real options theory in strategic management. Strategic management journal, 38(1), 42-63.

Teece, D. J. (2019). A capability theory of the firm: economics and (strategic) management perspective. New Zealand Economic Papers, 53(1), 1-43.

Zachary, A. B. (2013). Strategic planning in a turbulent environment: A Conceptual View. DBA AfricaManagement Review, 3(1).

�Please email me indicating that you have reviewed the comments included with your paper. Thanks!

�Always a good idea to define key concepts!

�The opening section should highlight what the paper will cover

�You did a good job of explaining why strategic management is important!


�This sentence seems out of place – not sure what you are referring to.


�Your essay also needed to provide a timeline (or an essay of a timeline) that covered the evolution of strategic management

�Interesting point, but more information is needed. How does this relate to strategic management?

�You did a great job of discussing strategic management, but you also needed to provide a timeline of its evolution. This was the main element of the assignment!

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