fashion 490 essay

 Project Parameters

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 • Paper should be at least 8 pages in length, double-spaced, 12 point font. o Appendix, title page, APA bibliography do not count toward the minimum page number

 • Minimum of 10 sources 

• Use headings to organize information

 • Paper should be proofread 

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• Include a title page 

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IndustryChallenges Individual


The Apparel Industry continues to face significant challenges on many levels. Governments,

companies and consumers will need to be part of the solutions as the industry evolves. These

challenges are not limited to technology but include other macro-environmental issues as well.

It is important for industry stakeholders to have a comprehensive understanding of these issues

and prepare to address them collectively.


Identify three challenges you believe are most pressing within the Apparel Industry. These

challenges can be associated with any part of the industry including fiber creation, textiles,

apparel manufacturing, retail sector, consumption, sustainability, and consumer categories.

You are limited to one issue related to sustainability.

Research each challenge and provide support for your choices.

 Why do you believe it is a pressing challenge?

 How has this issue impacted the industry?

 Can you quantify the impact?

 What has contributed to the problem/issue?

 Why does it persist?

Determine industry player(s) who are currently addressing the problem/issue.

 Who is driving change related to this issue? (Identify at least one company)

o Provide some background/historic information about the company

 Why have they taken steps to solve the problem/issue?

 What have they done and how have they implemented change?

 How have their actions affected change?

Recommendations going forward…

 Identify a company that is, by appearance, not addressing the challenge but is one you

believe is would benefit by addressing the issue.

 Provide some concrete steps the company can take to begin implementing change.

 What challenges would the company expect to encounter?

 What do you believe would result if the company continues to ignore the challenge?

Project Parameters

 Paper should be at least 8 pages in length, double-spaced, 12 point font.

o Appendix, title page, APA bibliography do not count toward the minimum page


 Minimum of 10 sources

 Use headings to organize information

 Paper should be proofread

 Include a title page

 Number all pages

 Save as a pdf.



3 2


Selection of issues Identified issues that are
significant, well-thought
out and comprehensive

Identified issues that
were relevant.
Additional support was

Issues were not
supported. More
research needed

Topics were too

Research Comprehensive research
utilizing varying sources
to provide an in-depth
understanding of the

Utilized a variety of
sources to provide a
good foundation for the
chosen topics.

Limited sources.
Information could have
been better supported.

Very little
substantiation. Sources
were not ideal in
providing structure for

Analysis Organized and
synthesized evidence to
reveal insightful
viewpoints and
meaningful evidence.

Organized evidence to
reveal important
viewpoints related to

Analysis lacks
organization and

Very little analysis.

Current companies Provided substantial
support and clear
evidence as to why the
companies were

Identified companies
and provided some
support as to why they
were chosen.

Identified companies
but very little
substantiation provided.

Identified companies
but almost no
foundation was

Recommendations States recommendations
that are logical,
grounded and
thoroughly supported.

recommendations that
are logical, grounded
but lack support.

Recommendations are
somewhat illogical and

Almost no
and/or completely

Mechanics Professionally written,
proofread, well-
organized, APA

Some part of mechanics
less developed

Mechanics were lacking
in some capacity.

Mechanics were sub-par

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