Exercise Questions


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Exercise 1:

Under what circumstances do you believe a statement can be logical even if it is illogically supported? Provide two examples to support your response.

Exercise 2:

Give an example of a valid argument and explain.

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Exercise 3:

Which of the following are arguments?  If it is an argument, identify the conclusion of the argument.  If it is not an argument write “not an argument”.

1. The woman in the hat is not a witch since witches have long noses and she doesn’t have a long nose.

2. Albert is angry with me so he probably won’t be willing to help me wash the dishes.

3. If the road wasn’t icy, the car wouldn’t have slid off the road.

4. Albert isn’t a fireman and he isn’t a fisherman either.

Exercise 4:

Determine whether or not the following arguments are valid by using the informal test of validity. IF the argument is invalid, provide a counterexample.

1. Bob is a fireman. Therefore, Bob has put out fires.

2. Bob is taller than Susan.  Susan is taller than Frankie. Therefore Bob, is taller than Frankie.

3. Craig loves Linda. Linda loves Monique, Therefore Craig loves Monique.

Exercise 5:

Supply the missing premise or premises needed in order to make the following arguments valid. Try to make the premises as plausible as possible while making the argument valid (which is to apply the principle of charity).

1. Ed rides horses.  Therefore, Ed is a cowboy.

2. All elves drink Guinness, which is why Olaf drinks Guinness.

3. The watch must be broken because every time I have looked at it, the hands have been in the same place.

Exercise 6:

List the different types of Fallacies and give an example of each.

Exercise 9:

Give me an argument, paraphrase and then give me the conclusion of the argument.

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