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Manage operational plan

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Written Report

Candidate Instructions

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Purpose of this Assessment task

This assessment task is designed to test your skills in managing operational plan as required by the unit Manage operational plan. Your trainer/assessor will be assessing your work and provide you with constructive feedback on Canvas. This task will assess your skills to:

· Develop operational plan

· Plan and manage resource acquisition

· Monitor and review operational performance.

In this assessment you will analyse the provided case, undertake research using Bounce Fitness website, and complete the 3 parts of the project to demonstrate your skills in managing operational plan.

What are you required to do to undertake this Case Study?

To complete this assessment, you must use the simulated business “BOUNCE FITNESS” by clicking on the link below. This business is a fitness company which is in all States within Australia. Bonce Fitness website contains information about the company, Infrastructure, People, Policies and procedures, Performance of the business, Documents, and scenarios. You can find the login details on Canvas:

To successfully undertake this assessment, you should be doing the following:

· Read the provided Case Study, scenarios and Bounce Fitness additional resources couple of times and understand the requirements

· Clarify the requirements with your trainer and assessor if you are not sure

· Research appropriate websites as directed by your trainer/assessor

· Complete all of the 20 questions and upload them on Canvas

· Discuss with your trainer/assessor the contents of the project you will be submitting

Context and conditions of undertaking the tasks?

The prescribed tasks will be undertaken by you after carefully analysing the case scenarios. Your trainer will also provide you guidance on the websites to be researched. Your trainer/assessor may also set certain conditions under which you will perform the tasks required by this assessment. For example, your trainer may set a time limit to perform a task or, ask you to repeat a task or, ask you to give additional information about the performance by asking you some verbal questions or, they may prescribe you some new conditions to undertake certain tasks.

Given your personal conditions, your trainer/assessor should also be able to make some reasonable adjustments in undertaking the tasks of this assessment. You should check with your trainer/assessor about the conditions under which the tasks should be completed, and the possible adjustment they can make in undertaking these tasks.

What specific WHS requirements may be involved?

This assessment will require you to be aware of the standard Workplace Health and Safety requirements e.g. Workplace Health and Safety Act and Workplace Health and Safety Legislation Your trainer/assessor will advise you on these and other legislative requirements.

Tasks and frequency of performance

Details of the tasks to be undertaken in this assessment are provided in this document. The tasks listed must be performed at least once.

Getting Started

The assessment may be re-attempted on two further occasions (maximum three attempts in total). All assessments must be resubmitted 3 days within receiving your unsatisfactory grade. You must clearly indicate “Re-submission” on your resubmitted work.

You must complete all questions unassisted by the assessor or other personnel but may refer to reference material as may be needed. All questions must be answered satisfactorily for the assessment to be completed satisfactorily.

For any assessment conducted that is incomplete, or without satisfactory performance, the assessment will need to be completed again after further training support. This may be simply to focus on question areas not achieved in the prior assessment.

Submitting your assessment

When you are ready to submit your assessments, upload the files in Canvas via the submission tab. It is important that you keep a copy of all electronic assessments submitted to Canvas.


Please submit all assessment components.

Word count

In this assessment some of the questions include a word count. This is a guideline only, but your answers should not vary substantially (i.e. +/- 10%) from the word count provided. Microsoft Word includes a word count tool.


To test the required application skills in managing operational plan.

Task 2–Written Report

Part A – Develop an operational plan

You will be required to refer to the virtual company Bounce Fitness website and examine the business planning (available on Canvas) to get a clear picture of the expectations of plans.

Read the case study below and complete the activities.


Although Bounce Fitness is known in their local communities, it is seeking an extended presence and identity to promote the company’s unique approach and lifestyle vision to an older audience. The organization tendered for, and won, a health initiative to conduct a three-month pilot project involving older typical non-users to improve their fitness and lifestyle in each of the four (4) Bounce Fitness Centers.

The CEO and Board of Directors have asked you to manage the operational plan. Once of Bounce Fitness objective is to increase revenue by 10% and one of the projects the CEO has decided to embrace is to encourage the over 50s to join the club.

Bounce Fitness’s target clients for this project are those over 50 years of age. Starting from the initial contact and assessment, these individuals will be looking for innovative but comfortable, effective, and convenient solutions for their needs. They may have already heard of Bounce Fitness but will be referred and encouraged by their health providers and the staff of accommodation catering to a senior age group. Classes will cater for up to 30 and be held weekdays before work at 8.30 am.

He / she may have weight or health issues or concerns (diabetes, depression, restricted mobility) and have an interest in improving their fitness, but rarely commences until advised by their health provider of the necessity and benefits. The advertising will be managed by the Health Department and the Tender covers all costs but catering. There is no cost to clients so it is expected there will be a good uptake.

Bounce Fitness will take pre- and post- weight, body mass and blood pressure measurements. They will supply a daily class on weekdays. Each class is designed to be encouraging and fun and also deal with weight, flexibility and diet. Those attending will be encouraged to stay and enjoy a free lunch that is healthy and light and to converse with others pre- and post- training. They will also be shown how to use the equipment and how to maintain their fitness through additional daily gentle exercise at home and diet changes. The lunch will cost Bounce Fitness $15 per head per class.

It is recognized that the emotional needs including managing depression, companionship, and general interest in becoming more active in their lives generally should also be impacted positively.

Testing supplied by Bounce Fitness will include weight, body measurements and mass and blood pressure initially and monthly thereafter. This will require the purchase of 6 Mobile Mercury


s for each Centre at a cost of $199 inc. GST each. All other testing will be undertaken by the Ministry of Health. So the outcomes for Bounce Fitness will be in terms of client physical success factors and profitability. As this is a government tender, complete and accurate record keeping is essential.

Current staff will be able to manage the new clients but will need to update their training in the monitoring and recording of the client physical markers and diet appropriate to that age group. This training cost will be budgeted in the infrastructure costs for one month before the commencement of the program at $1,500for the month. Otherwise they need no further development.

Infrastructure costs

include use of the facility, wear and tear on carpet and equipment, cooling, and administrative costs. This is $3,000 per Centre.

There is a month to prepare and the plan will run as a pilot project for three months. The budget for this pilot follows.





























Planning Month


Pilot October

Pilot November

Pilot December


Beginning Cash Balance





Cash Inflows (Income)

Total Cash Inflows


Available Cash Balance


Cash Outflows


Infrastructure costs







Light Lunch



Total Cash Outflows




Ending Cash Balance


1) Refer to the virtual company “Bounce Fitness” to research and analyse this company.

a. list all the documents and resources you will require which will assist you with the development of an operational plan.

b. Analyse the budget, review the expenses, and discuss any variances that would benefit the company in the future (Approx. 100 words).

2) Discuss with whom you would consult in developing your plan and on an ongoing basis. You are now required to develop and implement a communication and consultation process to engage the relevant personnel during the development of the operational plan. Your consultation plan must include names and titles of staff, how often you are going to meet, timelines, form of communication and consultation. (Approx. 50-100 words)


Company name:


Name of responsible person:






3) Assume that you held a meeting to implement the consultation process to ensure that all staff are aware of the business objectives and what communication process will be involved in the development and implementation of the operational plan. Document the minutes of the meeting for distribution to all staff present using the template provided.

Complete the table provided. Ensure to include at least three physical resources.

Resource requirements

Current method of acquisition

Recommended method of acquisition

Comment as to why no change is recommended or why you recommend a change in the acquisition method

Stakeholder comments











My Action Notes


4) You are now required to develop a “Contingency Plan”,using Appendix A, for each area where something could go wrong and how you will recover– demonstrating understanding of risks.

5) Read the scenario below and complete the question.


To ensure that you can provide the best service to this client group, you have consulted a health and nutritionist specialist to provide advice on food types and the best diet which can be combined with an exercise regime.

You are to conduct research on the internet to seek specialist advice about food and diet for mature aged client groupand incorporate the diet plan into their fitness regime and the types of fitness activities. Document and enclose all the research you conducted. (Approx. 200 words).

6) Refer to the case study (in page five and six of this document) and develop an operational plan using Appendix B. You need to ensure that your operational plan includes all the following:

a) Executive Summary of the Bounce Fitness and mission, vision, and values of Bounce Fitness

b) Business goals: explain the business goals of Bounce Fitness.

c) Clear objectives and how you develop Key Performance Indicators – demonstrated use of SMART KPIs to ensure you can progress towards the goals at the planned rate.

d) Strategy – clear vision of the overall strategy for achieving the objective.

e) How you implemented performance management systems within work teams e.g. Key actions – understanding of key tasks to be implemented including:

· Deliverables

· Person responsible

· Timeline

· Budget

f) Resource requirements – detail resources required and specify how you consulted workplace specialists and conducted appropriate research to acquire this information.

g) Monitoring processes – how you are going to monitor that the Operational Plan is effective?

7) Prepare a report to send to the CEO of Bounce Fitness and the Board to get approval for your plan. Ensure You must include the following points in your report and how the operational plan was developed and/or managed?

· How you have developed and used key performance indicators?

· How has contingency planning been undertaken?

· How have you implemented performance management systems within work teams?

· How have you formulated financial plans and budgets?

(Approx. 250 words)

8) Once you have obtained approval from your CEO, explain how you will you inform the teams so that they understand and can implement the plan.

Part B–Plan and manage resource acquisition

This part requires you to refer to the operational plan you developed for Bounce Fitness and develop strategies to recruit new staff and train existing staff to ensure you can meet the operational goals of the business. InBounce Fitness website under the “Policies and Procedures” tab, you can find information relating to Human Resources recruiting, induction and personal development.

9. You are required to develop a human resource strategy for additional resources you may require for you to meet one of the objectives of your operational plan.

a. Document what additional human resources are required e.g. full time or part-time staff required, permanent or casual, number of hours, required start date, skills required to perform the tasks, training you can provide, qualifications required, pay levels for Bounce Fitness.

b. Develop a budget for the additional resources demonstrating the additional costs to the organisation to ensure that our operational plan will not be over budget.

10. Review and analyse the recruitment and selection policy of Bounce Fitness and document the key areas you need to be aware of in the policy prior to recruitment.



At Bounce Fitness, we engender trust and integrity, we are upfront, honest, and transparent-internally and externally- and act in Bounce Fitness best interest. Bounce Fitness is committed to a fair and consistent approach to recruitment and selection.

Bounce Fitness promotes Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) in all aspects of recruitment and selection. EEO is about appointing and promoting the person best qualified for a role without discrimination through selection processes which are open, transparent, and based on merit.


The intent of this policy is to ensure that recruitment and selection decisions are made consistently, fairly, and equitably across Bounce Fitness and meet any legislative requirements.


This policy applies to permanent, contract or casual job vacancies at Bounce Fitness.

This policy excludes temporary assignments.


The Recruitment Team must be involved in all recruitment and selection activities, except in limited circumstances where the process may be managed solely by the Chief Human Resources Officer.

Bounce Fitness is committed to recruiting all employees fairly, transparently and on the basis of merit so that the best candidate is hired for the position. Bounce Fitness may decline to offer a candidate employment because the candidate is unsuitable for the position. Bounce Fitness may also decline to offer a candidate employment due to a matter disclosed by background checks, outcome of a Drug and Alcohol assessment, or where a person is unable to perform the requirements of a position.

Recruitment and selection decisions based on irrelevant factors such as a person’s sex, race, disability, age, sexuality or other personal biases or favouritism will not be condoned by Bounce Fitness, except where a specific program is in place to address diversity, graduate hiring, or other special needs.

Authority to Recruit

Only managers with an approved position in the workforce plan, a position description consistent with Bounce Fitness standards, and a target remuneration amount approved by the Rewards team are able to hire at Bounce Fitness


Bounce Fitness promotes a recruitment approach that encourages internal and external advertising of roles. However, it is recognised that there are some instances when it is in Bounce Fitness’s interest to limit the breadth of advertising or approve a role as an exception to advertising entirely.

Variations to the standard process can only be made where it is clear that, because of the special circumstances, application of the variation would not breach the principles of merit and equity. Any request for an exception to advertising must clearly address this issue and requires endorsement from the Chief Human Resources Officer. Bounce Fitness Co Policy – Bounce Fitness will source candidates through the Bounce Fitness Recruitment Team. Channels include internal advertising, the candidate database, advertising on the Bounce Fitness’s website and job boards, referrals and via other direct sourcing options.

Recruitment Agencies

Agencies may be engaged if the skills required are specialist in nature, there is a large number of the same role type to be filled or to provide extended geographic reach.

Engagement with recruitment agencies can only be initiated by the Recruitment Team or in limited circumstances by the Chief Human Resources Officer to ensure that the correct documentation is put in place to govern the engagement. All agencies engaged must have executed a Bounce Fitness Recruitment / Labour Hire Agreement.

Agency usage will require business justification, including, risks/impacts to the business operations if an agency is not approved and insight into what alternative sourcing strategies are available outside of engaging an agency.

Internal Candidates

Bounce Fitness encourages the filling of vacant positions by moving employees internally provided they have the skills, knowledge, experience, and qualifications to perform the role. Bounce Fitness will generally advertise positions externally but may limit advertising of a position to internal applicants only, where it is demonstrated a genuine internal labour market exists that would deliver appropriately skilled candidates.

Re-Employment of Former Bounce Fitness’sEmployees

Bounce Fitness does not discriminate either in favour or against re-employing former employees, subject to certain conditions.

Bounce Fitness may choose to re-employ a former employee if they are the best person available for the job, based on merit, and no specific decisions have been taken to not re-engage the former employee. In these circumstances, we may re-employ the former employee in accordance with this Policy.

If the employee had previously agreed to specific terms that precluded re-employment by Bounce Fitness for a specified period of time, those terms must be met. The employee will be ineligible for re-employment until those terms expire.

No offer of employment will be made to the former employee until the Human Resources Officer approves the application.

An employee whose employment was terminated by Bounce Fitness, and who is re-employed, may be entitled under legislation to continuity of service for the purpose of long service leave, or other entitlements related to an employee’s length of service. This may vary from case-to-case, depending upon the terms of the termination.

In instances of re-employment, any continuity of service matters will be resolved prior to the point of the former employee’s re-engagement.

There will be no continuity of service if the employee resigned from their employment with Bounce Fitness. In this case, service will start on the day of commencement of the new employment contract, and all leave entitlements will be based on this date.

Selection Process

The following process is to be used when selecting applicants for employment:

· screening and short-listing suitable candidates using the Key Selection Criteria) as set out in the position description

· interviewing candidates using the position description and Bounce Fitness’s values

· using psychometric tests as necessary

· conducting reference checks on the successful candidate

· completing background checks if appropriate for the position

· ensuring the prospective employee is eligible to work in Australia

· making a verbal offer to the successful candidate

Prior to any offer being made to a candidate the Recruitment Team must confirm that all terms of employment including remuneration are within the scope of the position that has been advertised. All verbal offers of employment are to be made by the Recruitment Team either directly to the successful applicant or via the recruitment agency if applicable.

Roles and Responsibilities

The Recruitment Team is responsible for:

· liaising with and supporting the hiring manager during the recruitment and selection process

· managing the process of sourcing, advertising for, screening and short-listing candidates

· engaging recruitment agencies if required

· managing reference and background checks

· determining where psychometric testing is needed

· managing the candidate offer

· managing all candidate communications including advice and feedback to unsuccessful candidates

The Hiring Manager is responsible for:

· working with the Recruitment Team during the recruitment and selection process to ensure the Recruitment Team have a clear understanding of the skills, experience, knowledge, and qualifications required for the position

· ensuring the position is allocated in the workforce plan, has a position description, has been evaluated and sized from a remuneration perspective

· approving the advertisement and the short list

· establishing an interview panel

· selecting the successful candidate

· providing feedback to and debriefing the Recruitment Team at the completion of the process

· approving the letter of offer generated by the Human Resources Support Centre

The Human Resources Support Centre is responsible for:

· generating a letter of offer and sending to the hiring manager for signature

· generating a contract of employment on receiving the candidate’s acceptance

The Human Resources Business Partner is responsible for:

· supporting management and leadership in the design of their teams, jobs and working relationships with their teams and individuals

· ensuring that Bounce Fitness’s organisational design principles are adhered to in the approval of roles in the workforce plan and creation of job descriptions by managers

· Considering the merits of internal candidates when necessary

Further Information

Please contact your Manager or the Recruitment Team if you require additional information in relation to this policy.

11. You are now required to develop and implement a recruitment strategy which adheres to BounceFitness’s recruitment policy, procedures, and practices. You should have a documented strategy for each of the following and demonstrate how you would implement these strategies including communication process:

a) Sourcing candidates

b) Assessing candidates

c) Inducting and training candidates

Your strategy should include implementation of the recruitment strategy within Bounce Fitness.

12. Identify at leastfour (4) physical resources which you might need to acquire at Bounce Fitness and complete the table below. In your table you need to make recommendations for changing acquisition methods where you identify a change could be beneficial to Bounce Fitness, discuss your recommendations with key stakeholders and document their comments and reaction in the table provided.

Resource requirements

Current method of acquisition

Recommended method of acquisition

Comment as to why no change is recommended or why you recommend a change in the acquisition method

Stakeholder comments

13. When recruiting and acquiring resources and services, you need to be aware of intellectual property rights and responsibilities. Non-compliance with intellectual property requirements can result in serious legal consequences, so it is important with the concept – you must make every effort to comply with them when acquiring resources and services. (Approx.150 words).


You are the Centre Manager responsible to plan and manage resources acquisition which requires you to acquire new equipment, licences and additional staff. You have contacted equipment hiring places plus short listed a few applicants for interview process.

a) Explain how you would recognise and incorporate requirements for intellectual property rights and responsibilities in recruitment and acquisition of resources and services.

b) Explain what would happen if you breached compliance

c) Explain how can intellectual property be protected within Bounce Fitness?

d) List some of the policies and procedures Bounce Fitness could have in place to protect intellectual property and what are some of the things which should be included in these policies. (Minimum of 3)

Part C – Monitor and review operational performance

14. In your operational plan you developed systems and processes to measure the key performance indicators of your plan. Describe how you will monitor and review each in terms of expected productivity and profit plans and targets e.g. (Approx. 100 words)

· What will be reviewed?

· When will it be reviewed?

· How it will be reviewed?

15. Refer to Bounce Fitness website, and under the infrastructure tab, access the financial information that describes the profitability expectations of Bounce Fitness. Compare this to the budget supplied, review the plan in terms of what would ideally be expected and how it could be archived.

16. Read the scenario below and discuss how you can rectify this situation. (Approx. 50-100 words)


One of your KPI’s in your operational plan was to increase the number of over 50s joining the club in the first month. You have noticed during your monitoring and review process that one you are not meeting this major KPI’. Another KPI was customer satisfaction and you have received some negative feedback from your Head Office from Cairns who have advised you that some of the clients are not happy that the centre is not opening on time. (Refer to customer feedback under Performance tab and click on Head Office Cairns and review customer complaints). Even though your clientele is mature aged, some of these clients prefer to attend the centre early in the morning when they feel the most energetic. You have decided to hold a meeting with all stakeholders to investigate this under performance and recommend solutions to rectify this situation so that you can meet the required business objective.

17. Coaching plan


One of your staff is not showing good performance andarriving late to open the facility. The members are always waiting for the center to open and quite often the staff member is not able to find the clientele’s details quickly on the system.

You plan to hold a 20-minute coaching session with the team member to establish how to help the team member reach their performance targets and determine what steps the team member should undertake. Complete the coaching plan for the session usingAppendix D. You need to have at least three (3) questions for each topic. (Refer to Canvas activity page for an example on the GROW coaching method. You can also do some additional research on the internet to assist you to complete this question).

18. Read the scenario below and complete this activity.


Your review of the operational plan has identified that you are not meeting your monthly objectives and there may be a gap in the services provided to the mature aged clients. During your review you have interviewed the fitness instructors and they have verbally told you that a lot of clients are not able to attend the early class and would prefer alternative solutions.

You are now required to come up with at least two variations to the operational plan you developed and meet with the CEO and negotiate with the CEO to implement the variations you suggested to your operational plan. In your negotiations you need to demonstrate how the variances will support the operational plan and meet business objectives. You must provide evidence of the meeting e.g. minutes of meeting or email. (Approx. 150 words).

19. To ensure that you can meet the business objective of increasing the mature aged clientele, you must develop and implement a system to ensure that you have accurate procedures in place which can measure the performance of your operational plan and that you are meeting your targets. (Approx. 150 words approx.).

Performance monitoring

20. To implement the new client feedback system to measure the performance of the operational plan, you must develop a client survey. (Approx. 150 words).

Appendix A


Company Overview


Distribution List

Risk Management

Risk Description




Preventative Action

Contingency Plans

Appendix B



Executive Summary


Corporate Marketing Plan Objectives

Objective 1

Objective 2

Key Performance Indicators

Stakeholder (WHO?)

Role (WHY)

Priority Level

Consultation Method




Activities – what is to be done?

Objective – why will we do it?

Resources – what will you need to get the task done?

Procedure – how will it be done?

Responsible person – who will do it?





































Operational Plan





Actions & Strategies


Key Performance






– Increase revenue
– Minimize costs

– Increase add-on sales – Provide good products and services
– Offer promotions
– Reduce wastage



– Increase positive feedback
– Decrease customer complaints

– Provide Training
– Improve customer service standards
– Build rapport
– Hire more staff


– Promote staff rapport
– Decrease staff turnover

– Conduct Team meetings
– Establish a reward system
– Conduct team building activities


– Increase productivity
– Reduce delays

– Provide Training
– Provide Resources


– Increase customer base,
market share, product range,
capacity, staff number, etc.

– Offer Loyalty Programs
– Observe the market
– Hire more staff


– Increase positive public relations
– Increase public presence
– Promote social responsibility
– Avoid unethical acts

– Take part in social activities
– Conduct marketing efforts
– Follow laws and legislations

Resource Requirements

Detail resources required and specify how you consulted workplace specialists and conducted appropriate research to acquire this information.


Monitoring processes




Date approved


Appendix C


Key Stakeholder

Communication Objective

Communication Medium

Stakeholder Identification















Appendix D: Coaching plan



Date of session:






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