Examining the Exclusionary Rule

Address the following in 5–6 pages:

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  • Describe the Exclusionary Rule and what it is meant to protect the citizens of this country from.

    What are the benefits of the Exclusionary Rule? Explain.

  • Identify at least 2 methods of demonstrative evidence that would explain the concept of best evidence. You may use scenarios to describe the theory of best evidence.
  • Explain to the newly appointed investigators the absolute adherence to avoiding any evidentiary issue that would result in a Fruit of the Poisonous Tree violation.
  • Explain the ramifications and results of such a violation. Use at least 2 scenarios to demonstrate this issue.
  • Explain to the new investigators the idea behind the court’s displeasure with issues like the Christian Burial Speech. What might it mean in the long run to a serious case just as it did with Brewer v. Williams?
  • Explain the types of behavior that may result in the application of the Shocking the Conscience of the Court test. Provide at least 1 scenario as demonstrative instruction.
  • Provide instruction that coercion is a clear violation of the Constitution. What areas are violated, and what types of behavior are considered coercion?
  • What are the liabilities of the Exclusionary Rule? Explain.

    What types of errors can occur? Explain
    What ramifications can result from these errors? Explain.

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