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ASSIGNMENT #1 – Self-Assessment and Professional Development Plan

Assignment Objective(s):

· List event planning experience and capabilities

· Evaluate personal strengths a weaknesses related to professional event planning

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· Design a professional development plan

Supports: CLO-1. Explain the expectations and career path of the professional event planner.

Assignment Description:

This is an opportunity for students to establish a baseline understanding of the professional knowledge, skills and abilities required by professional event planners and evaluate their own learning needs early in their studies. In this assignment, students will assess their current experience and capabilities in event planning and evaluate their strengths and weaknesses in terms of the MBECS standards. They will then project a plan for developing skills in areas that are new or underdeveloped. The assignment should include the following:

1. Event Planning Experience – in 1- 3 paragraphs, describe any personal event planning experience, whether professional or not. The student does not have to be the only or primary person planning the event – being part of a team is OK. Explain the knowledge, skills and abilities that the student used to help plan the event or portion of the event. Describe the outcome and any lessons learned from past even planning efforts. If the student has no prior experience, describe any event planning that was observed and what you learned from witnessing others engaged in the planning process.

2. Knowledge, Skills and Abilities (KSAs) Self-Assessment

Using the list below, the student should identify at least three (3) strengths and three (3) weaknesses in their KSAs. For each strength, explain the specific abilities you possess and how you would apply them to professional event planning. For each weakness, explain the specific knowledge, skills or abilities that may be lacking, and if there are any special challenges you face in these areas based on your background and experience.

A. Strategic Planning

B. Project Management

C. Risk Management

D. Financial Management

E. Administration

F. Human Resources

G. Stakeholder Management

H. Meeting or Event Design

I. Site Management

J. Marketing

K. Professionalism

L. Communication

3. Learning Needs and Professional Development Plan

Based on the self-assessment, identify at least three (3) gaps that you believe should be addressed in your event planning education. Explain how you anticipate acquiring more knowledge, skills or abilities in each area. Discuss the role of course work, volunteer work, on-campus employment, internships, conference participation, networking and other efforts in developing these KSAs.

Format Requirements:

This is a written paper of 3, using APA standards and references as needed.

Submission Method: Students should submit the paper to the link in D2L by the due date listed in the syllabus or course site.

Grading Rubric:

The standard assignment rubric will be used for grading (see assignment link in D2L).

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