Evaluating Advertisements

 My company is Mcdonalds and the second country is Japan, paper can be 4 or 5 pages the medium is a television ad.

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In Week 3, you analyzed an advertisement for a global product based  on a set of advertising concepts. You are going to use your week three  assignment and build on that in your final paper.

For your Final Paper, locate one additional advertisement for the  same product, using the same medium, but targeted for a different  country (e.g., if you chose a print ad for Pepsi in the United States  for Week 3, you might choose a print ad for Pepsi in Japan for this  assignment).

Although these two advertisements were designed for the same product  and the same medium, you should notice a few differences, based on the  target market. Examine the similarities and differences between the two  advertisements.

In your eight- to 10-page paper,

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  • Provide a brief overview of the two countries selected (e.g.,  location, general characteristics, etc.), the company, and the product  being advertised (note: this should be the same product for both  advertisements).
  • Describe the segmentation strategy of the target market in each country.
  • Describe each of the four types of segmentation strategies (i.e., demographic, psychographic, geographic, and behavioral).
  • Describe which type(s) of segmentation strategy is used in the two advertisements and why.
  • Identify where the product is in the product life cycle curve.
  • Discuss the company’s marketing mix strategies of the product (based on where the product is in the product life cycle curve).
  • Describe at least five elements of the creative strategy statement  you identified by looking at each advertisement (refer to pp. 195-196 in  your textbook, in the “Writing the Creative Strategy” section.).
  • Describe the medium used for both advertisements (both advertisements should use the same medium).
  • Discuss some of the pros and cons of medium used (i.e., was it an  ideal medium for the product, based on the FCB grid on p.139 of your  textbook?).
  • Examine how both advertisements reflect the two cultures, specifically in relation to color scheme, general design, and imagery.
  • Explain the ethical considerations that should be kept in mind when advertising for each of the two countries.
  • Describe what concerns, issues, and societal impacts might result if  each of the two advertisements were presented to the opposite  countries.
  • Explain the legal and cultural aspects of each advertisement.
  • Recommend additional suggestions that would make these  advertisements more effective for their targeted countries based on the  concepts above (imagine you are the advertising manager for this product  for this section).


  • Must use at least three scholarly sources in addition to the course text.
  • The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.)  table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you  have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this  assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the  final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a  particular assignment.
  • Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

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