Ethics VI

For this assignment, read the case study, “The 1920 Farrow’s Bank Failure: A Case of Managerial Hubris.” This case is located in the ABI/Inform Complete database found in the CSU Online Library (see reference below). Hollow, M. (2014). The 1920 Farrow’s bank failure: A case of managerial hubris? Journal of Management History, 20(2), 164-178. Regulators evaluated Thomas Farrow as being inflicted by managerial hubris at the time of the bank’s collapse in 1920. With this scenario in mind, address the following questions, with thorough explanations and well-supported rationale.1. How did corporate culture, leadership, power, and motivation affect Thomas’ level of managerial hubris?2. Relate managerial hubris to ethical decision making and the overall impact on the business environment.3. Explain the pressures associated with ethical decision making at Farrow’s Bank.4. Do you think that if Farrow’s Bank had a truly ethical business culture, the level of managerial hubris would have been decreased? Could this have affected the final outcome of Farrow’s Bank? Explain your position.Your response must be a minimum of three double-spaced pages. You are required to use at least one scholarly source in your response. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying intext citations, and be cited per APA guidelines.

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