Ethics Paper

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Ethics Paper – MGMT 2106


Identify and discuss relevant ethics principles in business today.

Discuss real world examples where ethics lapses resulted in legal consequences for a
business or businesses

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Nuts & Bolts

The paper should be at least two to three pages double spaced with headers (excluding
reference page). The paper should address the following points.

Introduction – Overview/purpose of the paper

Business Ethics – Discuss relevant business ethics principles, such as corporate social
responsibility. You may discuss relevant information from the text and supplemental
articles assigned or any other reliable outside source.

Unethical Business Conduct and the Law – This section should include a discussion of
at least one or two relevant examples of ethical lapses that resulted in legal
consequences for a business or businesses. (points to address: history and reasons for
the ethical lapses, nature of legal consequences, related business costs to brand/
image, whether the company has taken action to prevent future lapses). You may cite to
reliable business news articles, business journals or class materials.

Conclusion – This section should include your thoughts on business ethics and the legal
environment. Possible point to address – how would you prevent similar ethics lapses
as a manager or business CEO?

Please include proper citations for any sources, including company websites, reliable
news articles, the textbook, etc. You should use a recognized citation format such as
APA, MLA or other accepted citation format.

Note: If you use the textbook as a source, you should include at least one additional
source. Sources may include the supplemental articles assigned with the Ethics
lecture, reliable news articles, websites reflecting the company’s social responsibility
polices, etc.

Sentence structure and organization will be assessed. See grading rubric in D2L.

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