Ethics in Business

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BCO121 ETHICS IN BUSINESS (4 ECTS) Case Study & Rubrics


• individual written task in Harvard style format, cover page, Table of Contents, text alignment and Reference list
• The student must build a coherent discussion or argument in essay format, analyzing theories and models. Case studies may be referred to when

providing examples.
• Students must write in complete sentences and develop paragraphs. No bullet points are allowed.
• Prepare and Introduction, Body, and Conclusion paragraphs.
• Sources must be used, identified, and properly cited.
• Format: PDF submitted through Turnitin
• Complete the following:

A woman is sexually harassed by a top-level senior executive in a large company. She sues the company, and during settlement discussions she is offered

an extremely large monetary settlement. In the agreement, the woman is required to confirm that the executive did nothing wrong, and after the

agreement is signed the woman is prohibited from discussing anything about the incident publicly. Before the date scheduled to sign the settlement

agreement, the woman’s lawyer mentions that she has heard the executive has done this before, and the settlement amount is very large because the

company probably had a legal obligation to dismiss the executive previously. The company however wants to keep the executive because he is a big

money maker for the company.

1. What are the issues of integrity, ethics and social responsibility posed in the case study? Identify and clearly describe all the issues
2. What options does the woman have and what ethical theories (e.g. utilitarianism, deontology, etc.) can she use to help guide her decision making? You

may argue more than one theory. Cite your sources.

3. What additional sources or case studies can you use to support your idea(s) about what she should do and why? Cite your sources.
4. What ethical theories can the company use to justify their decisions? Cite your sources.


• Wordcount: 1000 to 1500 words
• Cover, Table of Contents, References and Appendix are excluded of the total wordcount.
• Font: Arial 11 pts.
• Text alignment: Justified.
• The in-text References and the Bibliography must be in Harvard’s citation style.

Submission: Week 4 – Via Moodle (Turnitin). Due before 21 February 2021 at 23:59.

Weight: This task is 30% of your total grade for this subject.

It assesses the following learning outcomes:

• Outcome 1: Learn how to identify ethical issues.
• Outcome 2: Learn how to address ethical issues in a corporate setting.
• Outcome 3: Learn how to use Ethical theories to analyze, critically assess, and make decisions related to ethical issues.

• Rubrics
Identification of



Identifies and demonstrates a
sophisticated understanding of
the main issues / problems in
the case study

Identifies and demonstrates an
accomplished understanding of
most of the issues/problems.

Identifies and demonstrates
acceptable understanding of
some of the issues/problems in
the case study

Does not identify or
demonstrate an acceptable
understanding of the
issues/problems in the case

Analysis and
Evaluation of

Issues /


Presents an insightful and
thorough analysis of all
identified issues/problems

Presents a thorough analysis of
most of the issues identified.

Presents a superficial
analysis of some of the
identified issues.

Presents an incomplete analysis
of the identified issues.

Development of

and Opinions


Supports diagnosis and
opinions with strong
arguments and well-
documented evidence;
presents a balanced and
critical view; interpretation
is both reasonable and
objective. Excellent use of
Harvard style

Supports diagnosis and opinions
with limited reasoning and
evidence; presents a somewhat
one-sided argument;
demonstrates little engagement
with ideas presented. Good use
of Harvard style

Little action suggested
and/or inappropriate
solutions proposed to the
issues in the case study.
Some use of Harvard style.

No action suggested and/or
inappropriate solutions
proposed to the issues in the
case study. Failed to use or
incorrect use of Harvard style

Link to Ethical
Theories and



Makes appropriate and
powerful connections
between identified
issues/problems and strategic
concepts studied in the course
readings and lectures;
supplements case study with
relevant and thoughtful
research and cites all sources
of information

Makes appropriate but
somewhat vague connections
between identified
issues/problems and concepts
studied in readings and lectures;
demonstrates limited command
of the analytical tools studied;
supplements case study with
limited research.

Makes inappropriate or little
connection between issues
identified and the concepts
studied in the readings;
supplements case study, if at all,
with incomplete research and

Makes no connection between
issues identified and the
concepts studied in the readings;
supplements case study, if at all,
with incomplete research and

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