Ethics III

****2 PAGES Not INCLUDE TITLE***Review the Nike case study, which can be viewed by accessing the following link: Click here view the video transcript. Once you have viewed the case scenario, respond to the following questions, with thorough explanations and wellsupported rationale:1. These workers state the “only thing they have is their work.” This statement suggests that, without this work, they would have a lower standard of living. Should we inflict western values on this society? Bring in the concepts of social responsibility, integrity, and other business ethics practices.2. From Nike’s standpoint, is this a fair assessment of their ethical standards? Explain some of the ethical issues that Nike is facing in the case.3. Research what Nike has done to improve this situation since this 2011 video. Include the use of codes of ethics and other ethical standards implemented within the organization.4. Is your opinion of Nike any different now after viewing this video? Would this change your buying behavior with respect to Nike products? Your response must be a minimum of two double-spaced pages. You are required to use at least one scholarly source in your response. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying in-text citations, and be cited per APA guidelines.

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