Essay one: explaining a concept

Essay One: Explaining a Concept

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The idea with this assignment is to write a detailed explanation of your chosen concept.  Someone reading your essay should come away with a richer, more nuanced, more complete understanding of your concept.  Recently, I’ve had students write successful papers about “artificial intelligence,” “data science,” “mindfulness,” “leadership,” “generational difference,” and “universal basic income” — just to give you an idea of topics that have worked with this assignment.  There are really countless possibilities with your topic, and if you have one you’re unsure about and want to run by me first, please do that.  I want you to feel good about your topic before you begin writing.

The formal guidelines for this essay can be found throughout Chapter 4 of your textbook, but page 149 in particular offers a detailed overview of how to write this paper. Please note: this essay must make use of a minimum of two relevant, credible sources; please follow all MLA guidelines for formatting and mechanics (link: 

OWL at Purdue (Links to an external site.)

).  Also, include a properly formatted “Works Cited” page.

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Required length: 1250 to 1500 words.

DUE: 1/17 by 11:59pm


Explaining a ConceptExplaining a ConceptCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAwareness of AudienceStudent’s essay is consistently written in a tone and style appropriate to the audience (i.e., a group of their peers). Rhetorical choices are acutely befitting of the purpose and occasion for which student is writing.50.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization and UnityDeveloped logical structure, effective transitions, coherent.50.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar, Mechanics, Spelling, MLA, etc.Command of language other surface features of text. Correctness of citation style.50.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeA Focused ExplanationEssay contains scientific, cultural, or historical comparisons and contrasts; uses reference sources to find additional subject terms for larger concepts that include it; contains evidence of research using the name of your concept and overview or definition50.0 pts
Total Points: 200.0 

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