Essay on Japanase Chicano Culture

The nature of this body of work will attempt to clarify all  pertaining issues of one particular sub-group. You may choose the  sub-group that you are most interested in. Hence, the research paper  will be developed in three parts.

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 Part 1 
 The Literature Review: you will need seven sources to begin  writing your research paper. A literature review is simply data that is  in current publication, which provides basic information on your  selected subculture. Current definitions, ideologies, trends,  organizations, oppositions, political considerations, misconceptions,  historical development, biology, the law, religious considerations or  opposition, sociological perspective, or maybe some of the clarifying  issues needed in order to understand your subculture. Your articles  should reflect all pertaining issues found within your selected  population.

 Part 2
 Quantitative research: The root word in quantitative is the  word ‘quan’ meaning numbers. Numbers are important because they show  widely held beliefs. What is tricky about widely held beliefs is that  people can simply change their perspectives. Although there are many  instances where beliefs do not change over countless generations. It is  good to have one’s hand on the pulse of a nation in order to understand  what could jeopardize or harm a subculture. Is your subculture popular?  Is your subculture misunderstood by the mainstream population? Is your  subculture currently emerging? 
 It is important to understand the thought process of people,  and sampling a small portion of the population by using a survey tool  can deliver substantial results on how people are thinking and possibly  behaving towards your sub-group. Surveys can sample a small portion of  the population, and if administered randomly will produce data for your  research paper.
 Part 3
 Qualitative research: The root word in qualitative is  ‘qual’ meaning quality or quality data. While quantitative data allows  you to observe what an entire population is thinking,  qualtitative research is a way of understanding the data lodged in the  mind of one individual. An individual may hold countless information  from either his or her work as a professional in the field of your  subculture or an individual may be so immersed in your subculture that  data may be priceless. Thus, qualitative research is when you, the  student, the researcher, sits with an individual and asks open-ended  questions. You may take notes or you may even record the interview if  the person grants permission. In Florida, you need two parties to  consent in order to tape an interview, while in other states one party  consent is sufficient. Whom you chose to interview is up to you, but the  data that you will be extrapolating will be a vital part of your  research paper. 
 Your research paper will be 7-10 pages long, in the MLA format, and of course, a Works Cited page is required. 

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