Essay on Deco 2.0

Your assignment is as follows. Choose one or more of the following questions and generate 4-5 pages of reaction. 1. Decò starts off as an entitled South Beach snob and ends up humble, living in Little Haiti and finally El Portal. Talk about his exploration, his journey. What does he learn? Who helps him along the way? How does he change? 2. What is your reaction to Chichi (shee-shee)? Do you like her? Does she remind you of anyone?  Does Miami and Chichi put too much emphasis on external beauty? Why is that right or wrong? Would you become a stripper, if offered enough money? 3. What are some of the Miami stereotypes portrayed throughout the novel? Examples? 4. What side characters do you admire? What characters do you despise? Why? Choose from the Queen of Allapattah, Lazaro, Jaques, Mambo, the Migrant Workers, or the Farmer. 5.  What do you think of Mile Marker Zero as a utopian society? 6. If you have other ideas, observations, or criticisms, go for it. YOU MAY ALSO CHOOSE CREATIVE WRITING….here are some ideas.. 1. Write your own chapter of the book. Capture Miami in your own personal satire. 2. Tell a story though one of the characters. Put yourself in their frame of mind and write away. 3. Pretend you come face-to-face with one of the characters and tell a tale of what happened… If you have another idea, go for it. I won’t say no.

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