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Total Assessment Submission Length: 4-6 pages total submitted through an Agenda, Memo, and two email templates.

Professional Skills:

Written Communication


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Information Literacy


Inquiry and Analysis



are assessed in this Competency

This Assessment requires submission of one complete file that includes your memo, your two emails, and your agenda. Save your files as IM004_firstinitial_lastname (for example, IM004_J_Smith).

When you are ready to upload your completed Assessment, use the Assessment tab on the top navigation menu.


Before submitting your Assessment, carefully review the rubric. This is the same rubric the assessor will use to evaluate your submission and it provides detailed criteria describing how to achieve or master the Competency. Many students find that understanding the requirements of the Assessment and the rubric criteria help them direct their focus and use their time most productively.


Access the following to complete this Assessment:

  • Meeting Agenda Template
  • Memo Template
  • Email Template

In this assessment, you will create four different types of communication to ensure the protection of patient data and privacy: a meeting agenda, a staff memo, and two emails. Each of these will be in response to a short scenario. Read each scenario and first identify the issue that is being addressed related to patient privacy and confidentiality. Then, prepare a response using the specified method (agenda, memo, or email) that includes the following:

  • Strategies for maintaining privacy of patient health information, and electronic health records, including the importance of safeguarding electronic health records (EHR)
  • Identify technology resources that may be used to protect patient confidentiality and privacy
  • Explain a nurse’s ethical duty when it comes to maintaining confidentiality of private patient information, and list possible implications of not maintaining patient confidentiality and privacy
  • Explain the role of HIPAA in governing electronic health information and provide HIPAA guidelines for permitted use and disclosure of protected patient health information
  • Evaluate the potential privacy, security, and confidentiality risks involved with using personal smartphones when providing nursing care
  • List HIPAA guidelines that should be followed and possible technology used to help protect patient confidentiality and privacy

To complete this Assessment:

  • Read the scenarios.
  • Complete the templates to create a meeting agenda, a memo, and two emails of your own

Scenario 1:

A tragic car accident involving an A-list Hollywood actor happened near the hospital at which you work. A member of the care team at the hospital posted information about the actor on social media, which occurred prior to any public disclosure of information regarding the actor’s accident. In an attempt to avoid a similar episode at your hospital, you have decided to schedule a meeting with your staff to discuss the implications to patient privacy and confidentiality, including how these types of situations should be handled. You decided to draft an agenda in preparation.

The agenda should include a brief overview of the incident described above and the legal implications involved for the person who posted the information. The agenda should also include the following:

  • A description of how a situation like this should be handled. Include any relevant laws or codes of ethics that apply.
  • The importance of safeguarding patient information (no matter who it is).
  • The technology or policy related to technology that could be used to protect patient privacy in this situation.
  • Strategies you have used personally to protect patient health information.
  • A list of resources for your staff to reference.

The agenda should be 1- to 2-pages in length.

Scenario 2:

A friend of yours has a family member who is a patient at the hospital where you work. Your friend approaches you and asks if you could obtain the latest lab results and physician notes for her family member. She explains that she cannot ask the family member directly because they have not spoken to each other in years, but the friend is concerned with her family member’s health nonetheless. You respond to your friend and explain to her why you cannot do this. After finishing your letter to your friend, you decide to draft a memo to your nursing staff to remind them of the importance of ethical use of electronic health records. Your memo should include the following:

  • A statement on the nurse’s ethical duty to maintain patient confidentiality and protect private patient information
  • A reminder of why it is important to maintain patient confidentially and privacy for both the patient and the medical practice
  • A list of the possible implications of not maintaining patient confidentiality and privacy

Your memo should be 1- to 2-pages in length.

Scenario 3:

You are the managing nurse at Valley View Clinic where smartphones are part of the daily lives of nurses, doctors, and patients. You’ve noticed an increased use of smartphones by nurses and doctors and are concerned that this may be compromising the privacy of patient information. In fact, you overheard one of your nurses saying that she used her personal smartphone to schedule an appointment for a patient. You have decided to send an email to the staff outlining the following:

  • The potential privacy, security, and confidentiality risks involved with using personal smartphones in the clinic
  • Guidelines for using smartphones, including what to do and what not to do
  • Technology or policy related to technology that could be used to protect patient confidentiality and privacy when using smartphones
  • Strategies you have used personally to protect patient health information when using smartphones
  • A list of resources that your staff can refer to

Your email should be one page.

Scenario 4:

You are the nurse manager at Cedar Grove Medical Clinic. You have recently hired a new nurse and have taken her under your wing to help her get acquainted with her new workplace. She sent you an email this morning asking you for help regarding a request she received from another clinic to release patient information for a patient that was recently treated at Cedar Grove Medical Clinic. She is unsure how to respond and has asked you for guidance. Write an email to her with the following:

  • HIPAA guidelines for permitted use and disclosure of protected health information
  • An explanation of whether she should or should not release this information and why

Your email should be one page.

Email 1 (Scenario 3)

Note: The following template includes guidance on how to draft an email.


[your name should go here]


[the person you are sending the email to should go here]


[if necessary, include anyone you would like to copy on this email here]


[Dear Sir/Ma’am]:

[body of your email]


[Your name and contact information]Use a closing that you prefer, such as Thank You, Best Wishes, Take Care, etc.
Your salutation can vary based on whom you are addressing. For example, if you are addressing someone you know well, you can use an informal salutation such as Hello Bob, Hi Stacy, or simply Stacy. Formal salutations can include Mr. or Mrs. and a last name, or if you are uncertain of the marital status of a woman, use Ms. You can also use Dear Sir or Madam.
Include your name, and if necessary, your title, company, and contact information in your signature.

Email 2 (Scenario 4)

Note: The following template includes guidance on how to draft an email.


[your name should go here]


[the person you are sending the email to should go here]


[if necessary, include anyone you would like to copy on this email here]


[your name should go here]

[Dear Sir/Ma’am]:

[body of your email]


[Your name and contact information]Include your name, and if necessary, your title, company, and contact information in your signature.
Use a closing that you prefer, such as Thank You, Best Wishes, Take Care, etc.
Your salutation can vary based on whom you are addressing. For example, if you are addressing someone you know well, you can use an informal salutation such as Hello Bob, Hi Stacy, or simply Stacy. Formal salutations can include Mr. or Mrs. and a last name, or if you are uncertain of the marital status of a woman, use Ms. You can also use Dear Sir or Madam.


(Scenario 2)

To: [List the names of those who are receiving this memo]

From: [Include the name of the person issuing the memo]

CC: [Copy anyone you think should be copied on this memo]

Date: [Include the date at which the memo was issued]

Re: [List the topic this memo is addressing]


Address all of the people who will be receiving this memo with a salutation, such as Dear Team or Dear Nursing Staff.


This is where you should provide the content of your memo. Explain why the memo was created, and what readers need to do in order to comply or respond.

©2016 Walden University


IM3004: Protecting Patient Privacy: Use strategies to ensure the protection of patient data and


Assessment Rubric


Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations

Strategies to Maintain Privacy

Explain strategies for

maintaining privacy of

electronic health

records, including the

importance of


Electronic Health

Records (EHR).

LO1: Apply strategies

for protecting privacy

of patient electronic

health records.

Strategies, explanation, and

technology are not present.

Strategies, explanation, and

technology are vague,

inaccurate, or incomplete.

Strategies are effective and reflect

recommended best practices. An

explanation of the importance of

safeguarding electronic health

records is present.

Identify technology

resources that may be


to protect patient

confidentiality and


LO2: Explain

technology resources

to protect patient
confidentiality and

A list of technology resources is

not present.

A list of technology resources is

vague, inaccurate, or


A list of technology resources that

may be used to protect patient

confidentiality and privacy is present.

©2016 Walden University 2

Ethical Issues in Nursing Informatics

Explain a nurse’s
ethical duty when it
comes to maintaining
confidentiality of
private patient
information, and list
possible implications
of not maintaining
patient confidentiality
and privacy.

LO1: Evaluate ethical
issues in nursing
informatics related to
security and
confidentiality of
patient electronic


Explanation and possible

implications are not present.

Explanation and possible

implications are missing,

incomplete, or they are


Explanation is accurate. List of

possible implications identified is

complete and accurately details

industry rules and regulations

concerning a nurse’s ethical duty for

maintaining confidentiality and

patient privacy.


Explain the role of

HIPAA in governing

electronic health

information and

provide HIPAA

guidelines for

permitted use and

disclosure of protected

patient health

Explanation and guidelines for

permitted use are not present.

Explanation or guidelines for

permitted use are missing,

incomplete, or inadequately


Explanation is complete and the

guidelines for permitted use and

disclosure are appropriate for

addressing the situation.

©2016 Walden University 3


LO1: Apply HIPAA

guidelines for the use

of patient electronic

health information.

New Technologies to Protect Privacy

Evaluate the potential

privacy, security, and

confidentiality risks

involved with using

personal smartphones

when providing

nursing care.

LO1: Evaluate the ways

new technologies may

be used while

maintaining patient

confidentiality and

Explanation, guidelines, and

technology are not present.
Explanation, guidelines, and

technology are missing,

incomplete, or inadequately

Response is comprehensive and

adequately describes the risks of

using new technologies for

maintaining patient confidentiality

and privacy.

List HIPAA guidelines

that should be

followed and possible

technology used to

help protect patient

confidentiality and

HIPAA guidelines and

technology is not present.

HIPAA guidelines and

technology for protecting

patient confidentiality and

privacy is vague, inaccurate, or


HIPAA guidelines are complete and

effective to address and mitigate

potential risks. Suggested technology

is effective at addressing the risks of

not maintaining patient

confidentiality and privacy.

©2016 Walden University 4

LO2: Identify HIPAA

guidelines for the use

of technology in

protecting patient

confidentiality and

Exceeds Expectations: Inquiry and Analysis

LO1: Use in-depth

information from

relevant sources

presenting various

points of view and


The Assessment presents in-depth synthesis of maintaining patient electronic health information confidentiality and

privacy that includes the incorporation of various points of view regarding the protection of privacy for electronic

health records.

 Yes
 No

©2016 Walden University 5

Written Communication: Write with clarity, coherence, and purpose.

Not Present
Needs Improvement
Meets Expectations

LO1: Construct complete
and correct sentences
(AWE 2; Sentence Level

Sentences are
incoherent and impede
reader’s access to

Sentences are incomplete or
include fragments and run-on
sentence which limit the reader’s
access to ideas.

The sentences structure effectively
conveys meaning to the reader.

LO2: Demonstrate the
effective use of grammar
and mechanics. (AWE 2;
Sentence Level Skills)

Multiple inaccuracies in
grammar and
mechanics impede
reader’s access to

Some inaccuracies in grammar
and mechanics limit reader’s
access to ideas.

Use of grammar and mechanics is
straightforward and effectively
conveys meaning to reader.

LO4: Use supporting material
to support a claim. (AWE 2;
Use of Evidence)

Supporting materials
are not present.

Supporting material is used
inconsistently or inappropriately.

Supporting material is used to enhance
meaning. Writing is appropriately
paraphrased and uses direct quotes as

LO6: Identify sources
(AWE 2; Credit to source)

Sources are missing. Writing inconsistently identifies
or misrepresents


Writing clearly identifies the source
of unoriginal material or ideas.

Information Literacy: Apply strategies to evaluate information in order to effectively analyze issues and make decisions.

Not Present
Needs Improvement
Meets Expectations

LO2: Analyze information


Analysis is not present. Analysis superficially applies aspects

of sources that are most relevant to

the topic or assessment, or analysis is


Analysis thoroughly and clearly applies

aspects of sources that are most relevant

to the topic or assessment.

©2016 Walden University 6

LO3: Synthesize information

from multiple, credible


Synthesis is not present. Synthesis demonstrates a vague

connection between multiple sources

and the


Synthesis demonstrates a clear and

cohesive connection between multiple

sources and ideas to support a given


Inquiry and Analysis: Apply strategies to identify, frame, and evaluate problems.

Not Present
Needs Improvement
Meets Expectations

LO1: Identify a problem or
question in a selected area
of study.

No problem or question
is presented.

The problem or question is vague
or inappropriate to the selected
field of study.

The problem or question is clearly
stated in a form appropriate to the
selected field of study.

LO2: Use a logical
organizing principle to
identify the key parts or
elements of a problem or
question in a selected field
of study.

Elements or parts of the
problem or question are
not presented.

Elements or parts of the problem
or question are presented in a
disorganized manner.

Elements or parts of the problem or
question are presented in an
organized manner.

LO3: Evaluate theories and
approaches to explain
complex problems within a
chosen field of study.

No theoretical approach
is presented.

A theoretical approach is vaguely

A theoretical approach to the problem
or question is presented and justified.

LO4: Apply organizing
principles and theoretical
approaches to identify
solutions to a problem.

No attempt is made to
connect theories or
organizing principles to
solutions to the

Connections between theories or
organizing principles solutions to
the problem are vague.

Theories and organizing principles are
used to make connections, identify
gaps and/or provide evidence for
showing solutions to the problem or

Technology: Use technology effectively.

0 1 2

©2016 Walden University 7

Not Present Needs Improvement Meets Expectations

LO1: Apply the features of
technology programs (i.e.,
Excel, Word, and PowerPoint)
to communicate information

Technology program is not
applied appropriately.

Technology program includes
multiple formatting issues, or it is
difficult to interpret.

Technology program includes proper

Data can be easily read and interpreted.

Meeting Agenda

(Scenario 1)


State the objective of the meeting in one sentence. This will give your audience a clear idea of why they are at the meeting.


Include any details in this section that you think are necessary for the group, including call-in numbers for off-site team members, a list of those who will be attending, the location of the meeting, and the type of meeting (e.g., virtual, face-to-face).


Call-In Number:



Meeting Type:

List the agenda items that you will be covering during the meeting. This will provide focus and structure to your meeting and help attendees follow along.

Agenda Items


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