Essay: Leadership Connection

Essay:  Leadership Connection

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Learning Area 2:  Group Sub-System


Module # 3: Leadership Connection

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 Essay:  Leadership Connection        


Provide your essay response to the question below.   A minimum of 300 words is required for this essay.

  • At the top of your Essay state your Rank, Full name, Agency and Session number.
  • Be sure you are writing in APA with a minimum of one source.
  • Type your essay in a Word Document to utilize the “word-count” feature and ensure a minimum of 300 words.  Then copy and paste from Word into your essay text box.
  • You will not be required to format this 300 word Essay in the full APA format that is required in your case study. You ONLY need to use APA in your reference and in text citation.
  • Make certain that you paste the CORRECT essay that corresponds to the question below into the text box. Proof read your essay very carefully before submitting it.  You will be graded on the quality of your content and your proper use of grammar, spelling and punctuation.
  • Click on “Finish Essay” to submit your essay.
  • Your score will show as 0/100% until your instructor grades your essay.  Your grade will then update automatically in your grade book.
  • Print your essay page and place in your folder.

As a part of the continuous quality improvement program at our college, this course was updated with new content and a new instructor.

  • Please proceed to the next module if you already completed the previous version before 2/7/2020. 
  • Otherwise proceed with this module.

Module Overview 

As a part of the continuous quality improvement program at our college, this course was updated with new content and a new instructor.

    Please proceed to the next module if you already completed the previous version before 2/7/2020. 
    Otherwise proceed with this module.

Module Overview 

This module is built around the book “Think Great” – It provides an overview of chapters 7-12 of the book by the author.  

The book is an optional reading – order your copy from here if you wish.

Every organization, whether big or small, strives for the same thing – to achieve greater results. In today’s unpredictable business environment, companies face new challenges and the need for strong leaders, has never been greater. Leaders who can deliver consistent results are the greatest asset to any business.  

Course Objectives:

Upon the successful completion of this course, the students should be able to:

  • Raise your leadership skills, unify your team, and accomplish the goals of your organization. 
  • Understand the dynamic leadership traits and principles of the United States Marine Corps and apply them into your own unique environment.
  • Comprehend strategies to enhance perceptions and discover new ways to empower people.

Instructor: Erik Therwanger

Born in New York and raised in Southern California, Erik enlisted in the United States Marine Corps and served our nation from 1987-1991. After being honorably discharged, Erik attended Orange Coast College and the University of Southern California with the dreams of becoming a filmmaker. Life had different plans and Erik left the entertainment industry to be his wife’s caregiver during her first bout with cancer.

After four years in the financial services industry, Erik returned to the entertainment industry and worked his way from entry level scheduler to vice president as he helped the company develop a leadership team, sales system, and a plan that would elevate their results to over 300% sales growth. He founded Think GREAT in 2008 and draws from his experiences as a U.S. Marine, executive business leader, sales professional, and entrepreneur to help organizations achieve new levels of success. He now delivers dynamic keynote speeches and presentations, based on the contents of his book series, The Think GREAT Collection.

Erik has provided motivational and inspirational training sessions and workshops for the spouses of the United States Marines Corps and the Air National Guard through their Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program. Erik has long-held the desire to create a foundation that allowed him to achieve his desire to “enrich the lives of military families.” The Think GREAT Foundation is the culmination of years of working with military families and understanding their unique challenges and needs.

Erik now lives in Minnesota with his family.


  1.  Your Essay Question
    Discuss the importance of building a strong foundation for the individual and the agency. What “cracks” do you see in your agency and how can you take ownership in repairing them?

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