Essay for Comp 2

I need an essay for comp 2 with a word count and kept within the word limit of no more than 1200 words (excluding footnotes, bibliography, and text in figures or tables). I have the bibliography, thesis and outline already that I will give you.

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Researched Argument Essay Instructions

Spring 2021

Goal: to choose a topic you wish to become an “expert” in, or at least really knowledgeable, and formulate an informative essay and argument based on your interest and knowledge in the subject. The paper should NOT be a “how to” paper. You should, even though it is informative, still have a position you wish to advance. However, a position can be a greater understanding of an idea, an understanding from your perspective. Thus, it will not be a “report” but rather a “report” of your perspective of an idea. You are writing to a scholarly/academic audience.

You will choose a primary text which will serve as a basis for your interest. This text should come from the collection of essays we’ve read in class or any other text you first clear with me. Your chosen text may be a source for your essay, or it may only serve to create an interest. For those of you who have had an AP course, you can consider this to be a work of equal literary merit to those acceptable to AP. You will need to inform me about what you are reading no matter from our course or an outside piece.

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· Read and analyze our class essays or another primary source of your choosing to identify thematic connections among the sources and possible areas for inquiry.

· Compose a research question of your own prompted by analysis of the materials.

· Gather information from a range of additional sources representing a variety of perspectives, including scholarly work.

· Analyze, evaluate, and select evidence. Interpret the evidence to develop a well-reasoned argument that answers the research question and conveys your perspective.

· Throughout your research, continually revisit and refine your original research question to ensure that the evidence you gather addresses your purpose and focus.

· Identify opposing or alternate views and consider their implications and/or limitations as you develop resolutions, conclusions, or solutions to your research question.

· Compose a coherent, convincing and well-written argument in which you:

· Identify and explain the relationship of your inquiry to a theme or connection among at least two of the stimulus materials prompted by your reading.

· Incorporate your primary source material.

· Place your research question in context.

· Include a variety of perspectives.

· Include evidence from a range of sources (most being scholarly).

· Establish an argument that links claims and evidence.

· Provide specific resolutions, conclusions and/or solutions.

· Evaluate objections, limitations or competing perspectives and arguments.

· Cite all sources that you have used, including the stimulus materials, and include a list of works cited or a bibliography.

· Use correct grammar and style.

· Do a word count and keep within the word limit of no more than 1200 words (excluding footnotes, bibliography, and text in figures or tables).


Cheryl Anderson

Composition II

April 19, 2021

Argumentative Essay Outline

Topic: Increased risk of litigations against estheticians


In the United States, non-physician personnel are not permitted to open cosmetic clinics or perform cosmetic procedures with the supervision of a qualified physician. While laws prohibiting such practices exist, non-physician staff is still carrying out cosmetic procedures. This has led to many medical liability litigations and complaints from patients due to injuries from these poorly performed procedures by non-physician operators.

Thesis statement: Thesis: Recently, there has been an increased risk of legal actions against estheticians due to cosmetic procedures performed by non-physician personnel, with slightly more training estheticians would be authorized to do such procedures.

Argumentative Essay Body Paragraphs

Paragraphs one

Claim: There are increased risks of injuries from cutaneous laser surgery especially those performed by non-physician operators leading to litigations.

Evidence: “From January 1999 to December 2012, we identified 175 cases related to injury secondary to cutaneous laser surgery. Of these, 75 (42.9%) were cases involving an NPO. (Ray, Julian, and Avram)”.

Commentary: due to the increased demand for cosmetic procedures, non-physician operators have jumped in to provide such services without medical licenses leading to botched procedures.

Paragraph two.

Claim: there has been an increased number of lawsuits filed by clients in connection to their dissatisfaction with facial dermabrasion and chemical peel services offered by their estheticians.

Evidence: “Plastic surgeons and dermatologists were the most commonly named physician defendants and 2 cases also included nonphysician “aesthetician” codefendants (Svider et al.)”.

Commentary: most plastic surgeons and dermatologists are allowing their unqualified staff to perform these complicated cosmetic procedures leading to dissatisfaction among the clients hence lawsuit complaints.

Paragraph three

Claim: with slightly more training and physician supervision over estheticians or NPOs they can learn how to effectively perform cosmetic procedures and reduce litigations.

Evidence: lack of training or supervision for non-physicians staff carrying out cosmetic procedures usually endangers the safety of the patients leading to litigations.

Commentary: due to the increasing demand for cosmetic procedures by many clients, there is a need to train more non-physicians operators to perform such procedures without risking patient’s safety to avoid litigation.


The increased numbers of litigations against estheticians have been due to non-physicians operators carrying out cosmetic procedures leading to injuries and dissatisfaction to the patients. More training and physician supervision on the NPOs can help them carry out successful cosmetic procedures hence reducing the number of litigations due to botched procedures.

The safety of the patient is very important when carrying cosmetic procedures and thus estheticians should always ensure they adhere to all laws protecting paints to avoid litigation.

Work Cited

Jalian, H. Ray, Chris A. Jalian, and Mathew M. Avram. “Increased risk of litigation associated with laser surgery by non-physician operators.” JAMA dermatology 150.4 (2014): 407-411.

Svider et al. “Unattractive consequences: litigation from facial dermabrasion and chemical peels.” Aesthetic surgery journal 34.8 (2014): 1244-1249.

Huang et al. “Ocular injury in cosmetic laser treatments of the face.” The Journal of clinical and aesthetic dermatology 11.2 (2018): 15.

Rossi et al. “Non Physician practice of cosmetic dermatology: A patient and physician perspective of outcomes and adverse events.” Dermatologic Surgery 45.4 (2019): 588-597.

Cypen, S. G., N. Langelier, and J. A. Woodward. “Transparency of Medical Spas in North Carolina.” J Community Med Health Care 3.2 (2018): 1027.

Macey Howard

Cheryl Anderson

Composition II

April 9, 2021

Thesis: Recently, there has been an increased risk of legal actions against estheticians due to cosmetic procedures performed by non-physician personnel, with slightly more training estheticians would be authorized to do such procedures.

Annotated Bibliography

Jalian, H. Ray, Chris A. Jalian, and Mathew M. Avram. “Increased risk of litigation associated with laser surgery by non-physician operators.” JAMA dermatology 150.4 (2014): 407-411. The authors researched the controversy surrounding the role of non-estheticians in performing laser surgery and the increased possibility of injury connected to the practice. The authors identified several cases of medical liability complaints resulting from the cutaneous laser surgery mostly carried out by non-estheticians operators. The authors make a connection between the number of lawsuits filed by clients concerning injuries from laser surgery and the number of surgeries performed by the non-physician operators (NPOs). They suggest that the recent increase in the number of lawsuits from laser surgery injuries can be curbed by physicians and other operators being aware of the state laws where they practice.

Svider et al. “Unattractive consequences: litigation from facial dermabrasion and chemical peels.” Aesthetic surgery journal 34.8 (2014): 1244-1249. Svider et al. analyze the lawsuits filed by clients in connection to their dissatisfaction with facial dermabrasion and chemical peel services offered by their estheticians. The authors argue that although these procedures are usually common and safe, they do have inherent risks. Svider et al. note that lawsuits involving physicians performing these procedures are on the rise due to complications associated with the procedures. The authors recommend that physicians need to document the potential complications from these procedures before treatment for the patients to make an informed consent decision to avoid litigation. Physicians also need to understand that they risk liability for any procedure performed by non-physician staff.

Huang et al. “Ocular injury in cosmetic laser treatments of the face.” The Journal of clinical and aesthetic dermatology 11.2 (2018): 15. Huang et al. conducted a review to determine the major causes of ocular injuries on patients during cosmetic laser procedures. The authors make a connection between ocular injuries and the rising number of litigation due to the cutaneous laser procedures. The authors discovered that ocular injuries during these procedures are mostly a result of physicians removing or not using ocular protection devices when performing these procedures. They recommended that the use of ocular protection devices is essential in the prevention of future litigations due to ocular injuries from cosmetic laser surgeries.

Rossi et al. “Nonphysician practice of cosmetic dermatology: A patient and physician perspective of outcomes and adverse events.” Dermatologic Surgery 45.4 (2019): 588-597. Today, non-physicians who have limited knowledge of cosmetic procedures, have expanded their practice into specialty medicine. This is in an effort to meet the increased demand for cosmetic procedures that are growing in the United States. Rossi et al. claim that this has resulted in adverse events and outcomes such as injuries leading to increased litigations among esthetics practices. The authors argued that patients treated by non-physicians usually experience burns as well as discoloration when compared to those treated by estheticians. This has led to an increased number of lawsuits by the patients claiming that the procedures resulted in adverse results that endangered their health safety. The authors recommend that physicians should ensure oversight of these procedures as well as the training of non-physicians to promote and guarantee patient safety.

Cypen, S. G., N. Langelier, and J. A. Woodward. “Transparency of Medical Spas in North Carolina.” J Community Med Health Care 3.2 (2018): 1027. The authors discuss the growing concerns of the devastating complications from medical health spas due to laser procedures and other injectable products. These complications have led to adverse effects on the patients such as skin necrosis, scarring infection, vision loss, and even death in some cases. The surge in these complications has led to the surge in the number of lawsuits against these medical spas. The authors argue that it is the responsibility of the estheticians to actively address the problem of expanding the business of medical spas to ensure patient safety and avoid litigations. Although the study was only carried out in the state of Florida, the authors suggest that there is a need for future studies on this topic to increase the areas of study to make sure it covers larger areas for better results.

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