essay body paragraphs


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Assignment #4— you need to write body paragraphs, …and info about how to write your paragraphs

Hey all,  we need to start writing the essay!  (if you haven’t finished all your interviews, it is ok. You can still start writing, and then complete the interviews ASAP.) 

For now we are NOT  going to worry about writing an introduction. Instead, our focus will be on creating good body paragraphs. By this Friday, you need to upload at least 6-8 body paragraphs to Canvas. This is essentially a first draft of your paper. In order to do these body paras CORRECTLY, you MUST really pay attention to the advice in the links below. If you ignore this advice, it is very likely your paper will get off on the wrong track, and will be more likely to not receive a passing grade… here are 3 links that you need to look at. In addition we will be going over these on our zoom calls this week. 

this is advice about doing “Rule of 3” —this approach to writing helps make your papers much  much much longer and more involved.  

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this link is to the advice about how to create a kick ass academic paragraph. (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

this link has advice about how to write the essay, and also there is an example of this kind of essay (written by a student)

Make sure at least 2 quote on each paragraphs , one from the interviewees  and the other one if not enough you can search online. and make sure make the topic sentences clear. and make A LONG PARAGRAPH !!!



Interview about the City (Hayward in CA)

Interviewee 1

1. What are three words you would use to describe the feeling of being safe in Hayward?

Cool, calm, but alert are the words that accurately capture the safety status I would feel in Hayward. The city has been conducive for me due to the beautiful and calm serenity associated with the city. The occasional incidents of mugging in the streets in the downtown calls for me to be acutely alert when in walking in those areas. 

2. What song encapsulates living in Hayward? Why did you pick this song?

Pharrell’s song “Happy” best captures the feeling I have about living in Hayward city. It is generally a happy affair from the one-on-one interaction with the residents of the town to the public amenities provided by the local government.

3. How safe do you feel walking alone in your neighborhood? Why? What about driving or taking public transit? What about shopping?

I feel very safe when walking alone in the streets in my neighborhood. The major highways are well lit at night, which provides the necessary visibility that I need. I feel safe when driving too due to the lack of traffic and available lighting in the streets. The public transit is safe for me due to the accessibility of the bus stops. Shopping is secure because shopping malls are located in safe areas.  

4. Compared to Hayward as a whole, does your neighborhood feel more or less safe? Why?

My neighborhood feels moderately safe as compared to the rest of the Hayward neighborhood. The city safety standards are generally homogenous. 

5. When you have felt unsafe, have you ever reached out to someone from a Hayward government for help, like police, fire, code enforcement, or a school principal? If so, what was the topic(s)? If not, why not?

I have never reached out to any party for help. I have never been involved in any situation that called for such assistance. 

6. Most of the time, we think of safety as relating to violence. What other factors in your life make you feel unsafe or fearful? Examples could include housing, food, employment, healthcare, climate, racism, or isolation.

The employment status of the town makes me fearful of future chances to be gainfully employed.

7. We want every community member in Hayward to feel safe in their community. As we discuss and work on these issues, what strategies can we use for everyone to feel safe and fully participate?

Community policing is the most needed approach to engage everyone in the city’s safety.

8. Do you think policing is done safely in Hayward? Why or why not?

The city police are done safely. The police are trained and equipped well.

9. When you envision a Hayward where everyone feels safe, what does it look like? In your vision, what role does law enforcement play?

A safe Hayward has a close-knitted society with multiple systems of accountability for community members. Law enforcement is charged with ensuring boundaries are maintained in these relationships.

10. When you think about safety broadly, what solutions should we prioritize first?

Community policing solutions should be prioritized. 

11. Is there anything else you would like to add?


Interviewee 2

1. What are three words you would use to describe the feeling of being safe in Hayward?

Tranquility, workable and calm appropriately describes the safety standards in the, which is very appealing to the eye but is quite deceiving. However, the safety situation can be enhanced if good leadership is instilled in the apparatus. 

2. What song encapsulates living in Hayward? Why did you pick this song?

Jay-z’s “Guilty until proven innocent” song is the right song. The city still has a lot of ground to cover before it can be considered safe. 

3. How safe do you feel walking alone in your neighborhood? Why? What about driving or taking public transit? What about shopping?

I feel relatively safe while walking alone in my neighborhood. The well-lit streets and the demarcated roads make driving and public transport very seamless in their operations. Shopping in the city is not safe because it does not provide adequate amenities for shoppers without cars.

4. Compared to Hayward as a whole, does your neighborhood feel more or less safe? Why?

My neighborhood is not as safe as compared to the rest of the city. This situation is because the area that I live in is more densely populated than in other places. This population causes pressure on the facilities in my neighborhood. 

5. When you have felt unsafe, have you ever reached out to someone from a Hayward government for help, like police, fire, code enforcement, or a school principal? If so, what was the topic(s)? If not, why not?

I have reached out for help from the area code enforcement officials on two occasions. The engagement was concerning unruly neighbors who played loud music in the apartment blocks.

6. Most of the time, we think of safety as relating to violence. What other factors in your life make you feel unsafe or fearful? Examples could include housing, food, employment, healthcare, climate, racism, or isolation.

The housing standards in the area are a source of fear to me because they are continuing to crowd out each other. This condition may have a spiral effect on different aspects of living standards of the city’s population.

7. We want every community member in Hayward to feel safe in their community. As we discuss and work on these issues, what strategies can we use for everyone to feel safe and fully participate?

Community policing should be enforced to improve the safety standards in the city.

8. Do you think policing is done safely in Hayward? Why or why not?

Policing is done safely in the city. The relationship between the police and the community members is very healthy, and there have been very few conflicts.

9. When you envision a Hayward where everyone feels safe, what does it look like? In your vision, what role does law enforcement play?

A safe city is where we can develop trust in the system and between each other in our dealings.

10. When you think about safety broadly, what solutions should we prioritize first?

Training of the police and the community members on the law enforcement expectations should be prioritized.

11. Is there anything else you would like to add?

Interviewee 3

1. What are three words you would use to describe the feeling of being safe in Hayward?

Tight, vigilant and dependable characterize the safety situation of the city.

2. What song encapsulates living in Hayward? Why did you pick this song?

The song “Hustle hard” describes the living conditions in Hayward city because most of the people in the town live on average incomes, and they depend on regularly working to pay their monthly bills. 

3. How safe do you feel walking alone in your neighborhood? Why? What about driving or taking public transit? What about shopping?

I feel slightly safe when walking alone because most people in my neighborhood are of low income as compared to the rest of the city. Driving in the city is safe because the roads marked well. The public transit is very smooth, and shopping in the area is not conducive for the people lacking vehicles.

4. Compared to Hayward as a whole, does your neighborhood feel more or less safe? Why?

My neighborhood is less safe as compared to the rest of the community. This situation is brought about by the lack of employment that faces most of the people in my neighborhood. Most residents in the area are also not supported by any government scheme.

5. When you have felt unsafe, have you ever reached out to someone from a Hayward government for help, like police, fire, code enforcement, or a school principal? If so, what was the topic(s)? If not, why not?

 I have never reached out to anyone for any help.

6. Most of the time, we think of safety as relating to violence. What other factors in your life make you feel unsafe or fearful? Examples could include housing, food, employment, healthcare, climate, racism, or isolation.

The general neglect that I face in my neighborhood amplifies the existing fear. The local government has never been swift in responding to the issues that we, as the community members raise. 

7. We want every community member in Hayward to feel safe in their community. As we discuss and work on these issues, what strategies can we use for everyone to feel safe and fully participate?

Participatory training of the police officers and the community members will go a long way in improving the safety of my neighborhood.

8. Do you think policing is done safely in Hayward? Why or why not?

No. Because the community have had a strained relationship with the police that arise from unresolved grievances towards the police.

9. When you envision a Hayward where everyone feels safe, what does it look like? In your vision, what role does law enforcement play?

A safe city involves improved trust between the police and the city residents. Law enforcement will play as a facilitating party.

10. When you think about safety broadly, what solutions should we prioritize first?

Community policing should be prioritized as the primary solution in enhancing the safety of the city.

11. Is there anything else you would like to add?

Interviewee 4

1. What are three words you would use to describe the feeling of being safe in Hayward?

Tranquil, calm and dynamic.

2. What song encapsulates living in Hayward? Why did you pick this song?

Dolly Patron’s “Coat of many colors” best describes the safety situation of the city.

3. How safe do you feel walking alone in your neighborhood? Why? What about driving or taking public transit? What about shopping?

I feel safe walking alone because the neighborhood’s streets are well-lit and in reasonably good condition. The state of driving and public transit has room for improvement with more focus on coordination and marshalling. 

4. Compared to Hayward as a whole, does your neighborhood feel more or less safe? Why?

My neighborhood feels safer than the rest of the city because of the lower recorded insecurity incidences in my area. 

5. When you have felt unsafe, have you ever reached out to someone from a Hayward government for help, like police, fire, code enforcement, or a school principal? If so, what was the topic(s)? If not, why not?

I have no reached out for help to any department in the city because they don’t have a good reputation in responding to emergencies.

6. Most of the time, we think of safety as relating to violence. What other factors in your life make you feel unsafe or fearful? Examples could include housing, food, employment, healthcare, climate, racism, or isolation.

The low healthcare standards make me fearful due to the potential of the community facing disease outbreaks. 

7. We want every community member in Hayward to feel safe in their community. As we discuss and work on these issues, what strategies can we use for everyone to feel safe and fully participate?

Collaborative training should be pursued involving the police and the city’s residents.

8. Do you think policing is done safely in Hayward? Why or why not?

Policing is not done safely in Hayward because there is low trust between the police and the residents.

9. When you envision a Hayward where everyone feels safe, what does it look like? In your vision, what role does law enforcement play?

It involves a city with very few cases of conflicts reported to the police and the police having the conflict resolution role as a measure of last resort.

10. When you think about safety broadly, what solutions should we prioritize first?

On-job training of the police should be prioritized.

11. Is there anything else you would like to add?

The city safety is much interconnected with the living conditions of the city’s residents, and they should be concurrently addressed. 

There are the 11 questions! Just pick like at least 4 question! And two paragraphs for each question! ( make sure have the topic sentences (3-5 sentences), support(quote from the interview and also can got from internet if it’s not enough) and Commentary.

1.What are three words you would use to describe the feeling of being safe in Hayward?

2.What song encapsulates living in Hayward? Why did you pick this song?

3.How safe do you feel walking alone in your neighborhood? Why? What about driving or taking public transit? What about shopping?

4.Compared to Hayward as a whole, does your neighborhood feel more or less safe? Why?

5.When you have felt unsafe, have you ever reached out to someone from a Hayward government for help, like police, fire, code enforcement, or a school principal? If so, what was the topic(s)? If not, why not?

6.Most of the time, we think of safety as relating to violence. What other factors in your life make you feel unsafe or fearful? Examples could include housing, food, employment, healthcare, climate, racism, or isolation.

7.We want every community member in Hayward to feel safe in their community. As we discuss and work on these issues, what strategies can we use for everyone to feel safe and fully participate?

8.Do you think policing is done safely in Hayward? Why or why not?

9.When you envision a Hayward where everyone feels safe, what does it look like? In your vision, what role does law enforcement play?

10.When you think about safety broadly, what solutions should we prioritize first?

11. Is there anything else you would like to add?

There are the 11 questions! Just pick like at least 4 question! And two paragraphs for each question! ( make sure have the topic sentences (3-5 sentences), support(quote from the interview and also can got from internet if it’s not enough) and Commentary.

1.What are three words you would use to describe the feeling of being safe in Hayward?

2.What song encapsulates living in Hayward? Why did you pick this song?

3.How safe do you feel walking alone in your neighborhood? Why? What about driving or taking public transit? What about shopping?

4.Compared to Hayward as a whole, does your neighborhood feel more or less safe? Why?

5.When you have felt unsafe, have you ever reached out to someone from a Hayward government for help, like police, fire, code enforcement, or a school principal? If so, what was the topic(s)? If not, why not?

6.Most of the time, we think of safety as relating to violence. What other factors in your life make you feel unsafe or fearful? Examples could include housing, food, employment, healthcare, climate, racism, or isolation.

7.We want every community member in Hayward to feel safe in their community. As we discuss and work on these issues, what strategies can we use for everyone to feel safe and fully participate?

8.Do you think policing is done safely in Hayward? Why or why not?

9.When you envision a Hayward where everyone feels safe, what does it look like? In your vision, what role does law enforcement play?

10.When you think about safety broadly, what solutions should we prioritize first?

11. Is there anything else you would like to add?

here are 3 of the questions that we can practice on 

1. Do you think policing is done safely in Hayward?  Why or why not?

2. When you envision a Hayward where everyone feels safe, what does it look like? In your vision, what role does law enforcement play?

3. When you think about safety broadly, what solutions should we prioritize first?

you need to start a para off by taking a question and turning it into a statement… 

for example ..for the first question above you could turn it into a statement like: 

​Many people think that policing is not done safely because…..(and here you insert your concept– a concept that you probably got from the interviewees)

or you can do 

Many people think that policing IS  done safely because…..(and here you insert your concept– a concept that you probably got from the interviewees)

for the 2nd question : 

One way that we can envision Hayward as a place where every one feels safe is……(and here you insert your concept– a concept that you probably got from the interviewees)

for the 3rd question:

When we think about safety in Hayward, one of solutions that should be prioritized is….(and here you insert your concept– a concept that you probably got from the interviewees)​

do you see how simple it is … ? you take the question and turn it into a statement… THEN, you insert what ever concept you are working with for THAT paragraph… and you talk about the concept for 3-4-5 sentences…. THEN you bring in a quote… 

of course, the key here is that you need to HAVE concepts, lol.. . 

for EACH question, you are going to do 2 or 3 paragraphs…. bc you will have 2 or 3 concepts that you are working with…. so, you will make these statements 2-3 times. for the 2nd one you might say, 

When we think about safety in Hayward, ANOTHER solution that should be prioritized is….

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