essay, assignment questions

I need someone that answer a few assignment questions, essay.  I attend Ashford University.  I need these assignments by Wed. Jan. 20th

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Week 1-communication assignment/Instructions

For this quiz, you will verify that you completed the exercise below by clicking the “preview” button at the bottom of this screen and checking “yes” to indicate you completed the work.

Prior to beginning work on this exercise, complete the 

Course Training: Exercises and Integrating Sources

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 quiz. As mentioned in that training, each week students will be required to do an exercise where they explore a theme from the class by observing others or reflecting on some course idea. Students will compile FOUR exercises for their final project – a

Communication Notebook

. In weeks 1, 2, and 4, students will be required to complete step 1 of each exercise in their Communication Notebook and complete the check-in quiz.

In week 5, you must complete the fourth exercise and complete step 2 for all four exercises. Step 2 will involve connecting your findings to key themes from this class. In most weeks, you will have options to choose from. However, in this week, you will be required to address channels of communication.

Here are the instructions for completing this week’s exercise:

Speak to two people in two different ways – 1) via phone or video chat and 2) through email, messenger, or phone texting. You will ask them the same set of questions and discuss the same topic – their birthday or vacation plans. You will ask them the following questions:

1. What are you doing for your birthday or next vacation?

2. What did you do last year?

3. What do you want as a gift or what do you want to do while on vacation? 

After your interaction, answer the following questions in the Week 1 Step 1 section of your 

Communication Notebook.

1. How much time did each exchange take (roughly)?

2. How well were the questions answered via phone or video chat?

3. How well were the questions answered via email, messenger, or phone texting?

4. How close did you feel to the person in the phone or video chat exchange?

5. How close did you feel to the person in email, messenger, or phone texting exchange?

6. Which interaction was most satisfying and why?

Communication Notebook

This is the form you will use to record all of your weekly exercise notes. In weeks 1, 2, 4 and 5 you will update this document with the new exercise you complete. You only have to answer three questions, through week 4. Then, in week 5, you will be required to complete questions two for each week’s exercise. You will be required to use Bevan, one course reading from the required or recommended list, and TWO course videos. See the resources box for the week 5 paper instructions for a list of videos, but you can use any from class. They should all be listed in a reference list at the end of this document and they should all comply with APA style guidelines.

Week 1: Channels of Communication

Step 1 – Describe the findings. (100 to 150 words) – Only this part is due at the end of week 1

a) How much time did each exchange take (roughly)? (1 to 2 sentences)

b) How well were the questions answered via phone or video chat? (1 to 2 sentences)

c) How well were the questions answered via email, messenger, or phone texting? (1 to 2 sentences)

d) How close did you feel to the person in the phone or video chat exchange? (1 to 2 sentences)

e) How close did you feel to the person in email, messenger, or phone texting exchange? (1 to 2 sentences)

f) Which interaction was most satisfying and why? (1 to 2 sentences)

Step 2 – Apply what you have learned during this class, especially the basic principles of effective communication, ideas of the self, or culture, to your exercise results, citing at least two course resources to support you and one can be a video. (This must be 200 to 250 words.) Due week 5.

Week 2:

Please list your exercise: ___________________________

Option 3: Stereotypes 

As we have learned in Bevan, we use perceptual schemas to make sense of the world around us. These are central to communication, as they involve perception (taking in information into our minds through observing verbal and nonverbal cues), classification (putting information into categorical boxes in our minds), and then assigning meaning to those classifications, which are typically positive or negative.  In this option, you will explore a broad category of schemas called “stereotypes.”  To complete the task, do the following, using and citing Bevan as much as possible: 

· Define stereotypes, utilizing Bevan.

· Explain how stereotypes are useful tools we use to make sense of the world and make choices.

· Identify three common stereotypes and write a sentence that draws on them.

· Explore why each stereotypical sentence can be destructive.

· List some steps we can take to mitigate the negative impacts of stereotypes

Step 1 – Describe the findings. (100 to 150 words) – Due week 2

Step 2 – Apply what you have learned during this class, especially the basic principles of effective communication, ideas of the self, or culture, to your exercise results, using and citing at least two course resources to support you and one can be a video. (This must be 200 to 250 words.) Due week 5.

Week 4:

Please list your exercise: ___________________________

Step 1 – Describe the findings. (100 to 150 words) – Due week 4

Step 2 – Apply what you have learned during this class, especially the basic principles of effective communication, ideas of the self, or culture, to your exercise results, using and citing at least two course resources to support you and one can be a video. (This must be 200 to 250 words.) Due week 5.

Week 5:

Please list your exercise: ___________________________

Step 1 – Describe the findings. (100 to 150 words) – Due week 5

Step 2 – Apply what you have learned during this class, especially the basic principles of effective communication, ideas of the self, or culture, to your exercise results, using and citing at least two course resources to support you and one can be a video. (This must be 200 to 250 words.) Due week 5.

Week 2 communication notebook/Instructions

In Weeks 1, 2, and 4 you will complete an exercise that you will add to your Communication Notebook. For this quiz, you will simply verify that you have completed the Week 2 exercise (see instructions below) to earn 0.5 points. While you are on the honor system, if you do not complete these exercises each week, you will be catching up on multiple exercises in Week 5, as the four exercises are the basis of your Week 5 Communication Notebook Final Paper.

While you are on the honor system, if you do not complete these exercises each week, you will be catching up on multiple exercises in Week 4, when you submit the document to your peers for feedback. As a reminder, you will be using your four exercises as the basis of your Week 5 Communication Notebook Final Paper.

This week, you will choose from the options below to explore. When you have finished the write-up, add the content to your notebook and take the quiz.

Week 2 Exercise Instructions (choose one option):

Option 1: Violate a nonverbal cultural norm by doing one of the following: 

· Stand in the wrong direction, face someone, or sit down in an elevator, bus or even while in line at a store.

· Wave to everyone as you walk down a busy street.

· Shake the hands of as many people as possible when you greet them in the morning.

As you write about the experience, answer the following questions: 

· What do the norms that are usually followed in the elevator, bus or line try to establish, in terms of values or beliefs?

· How does your experiment connect to one of the elements of nonverbal communication addressed in Bevan (e.g., haptics, proxemics, paralanguage or kinesics)?

· How have you been trained to obey the nonverbal communication norms you normally follow?

Option 2: How gender might impact patterns of communication 

Read Bevan on gender and communication. Then, ask two people (one male and one female) to allow you to record your conversations with them on your phone. Here are some themes you can discuss: the weather on that day, some news event you just heard about, or something going on in your or their family. Keep the conversation to 2 to 3 minutes. Then, listen to the recordings and make note of whether you hear the more masculine or feminine styles of communication outlined in Bevan. 

In addition to what Bevan says, here are five features that are often found in more stereotypically “feminine” and “masculine” styles of communication:

Feminine Styles: 

· Tag questions (ending statements with phrases such as “isn’t it?” or “don’t you think?”).  This is thought to undermine the speaker and demonstrate a lack of confidence.

· Flowery language (phrases such as absolutely or precision of color or taste)

· Hedging statements (mitigating assertiveness, including words such as “quite” or “at that time”)

· Intensifiers (words such as absolutely or incredible)

· Bonding (searching for common ground, agreement)

Masculine Styles: 

· Certainty (speaks as if from fact, rather than opinion)

· Vulgarity/profanity 

· Sentence fragments/informality

· Confrontation/argumentative

· Interrupting

Did you find that you or the two people you spoke with illustrated any of these patterns of more masculine or feminine styles of communication? Write a one to two-paragraph summary of your results. Include some of the expressions you heard to demonstrate your key points.

Option 3: Stereotypes 

As we have learned in Bevan, we use perceptual schemas to make sense of the world around us. These are central to communication, as they involve perception (taking in information into our minds through observing verbal and nonverbal cues), classification (putting information into categorical boxes in our minds), and then assigning meaning to those classifications, which are typically positive or negative.  In this option, you will explore a broad category of schemas called “stereotypes.”  To complete the task, do the following, using and citing Bevan as much as possible: 

· Define stereotypes, utilizing Bevan.

· Explain how stereotypes are useful tools we use to make sense of the world and make choices.

· Identify three common stereotypes and write a sentence that draws on them.

· Explore why each stereotypical sentence can be destructive.

· List some steps we can take to mitigate the negative impacts of stereotypes

Communication Notebook

This is the form you will use to record all of your weekly exercise notes. In weeks 1, 2, 4 and 5 you will update this document with the new exercise you complete. You only have to answer three questions, through week 4. Then, in week 5, you will be required to complete questions two for each week’s exercise. You will be required to use Bevan, one course reading from the required or recommended list, and TWO course videos. See the resources box for the week 5 paper instructions for a list of videos, but you can use any from class. They should all be listed in a reference list at the end of this document and they should all comply with APA style guidelines.

Week 1: Channels of Communication

Step 1 – Describe the findings. (100 to 150 words) – Only this part is due at the end of week 1

a) How much time did each exchange take (roughly)? (1 to 2 sentences)

b) How well were the questions answered via phone or video chat? (1 to 2 sentences)

c) How well were the questions answered via email, messenger, or phone texting? (1 to 2 sentences)

d) How close did you feel to the person in the phone or video chat exchange? (1 to 2 sentences)

e) How close did you feel to the person in email, messenger, or phone texting exchange? (1 to 2 sentences)

f) Which interaction was most satisfying and why? (1 to 2 sentences)

Step 2 – Apply what you have learned during this class, especially the basic principles of effective communication, ideas of the self, or culture, to your exercise results, citing at least two course resources to support you and one can be a video. (This must be 200 to 250 words.) Due week 5.

Week 2:

Please list your exercise: ___________________________

Option 3: Stereotypes 

As we have learned in Bevan, we use perceptual schemas to make sense of the world around us. These are central to communication, as they involve perception (taking in information into our minds through observing verbal and nonverbal cues), classification (putting information into categorical boxes in our minds), and then assigning meaning to those classifications, which are typically positive or negative.  In this option, you will explore a broad category of schemas called “stereotypes.”  To complete the task, do the following, using and citing Bevan as much as possible: 
· Define stereotypes, utilizing Bevan.
· Explain how stereotypes are useful tools we use to make sense of the world and make choices.
· Identify three common stereotypes and write a sentence that draws on them.
· Explore why each stereotypical sentence can be destructive.
· List some steps we can take to mitigate the negative impacts of stereotypes

Step 1 – Describe the findings. (100 to 150 words) – Due week 2

Step 2 – Apply what you have learned during this class, especially the basic principles of effective communication, ideas of the self, or culture, to your exercise results, using and citing at least two course resources to support you and one can be a video. (This must be 200 to 250 words.) Due week 5.

Week 4:

Please list your exercise: ___________________________

Step 1 – Describe the findings. (100 to 150 words) – Due week 4

Step 2 – Apply what you have learned during this class, especially the basic principles of effective communication, ideas of the self, or culture, to your exercise results, using and citing at least two course resources to support you and one can be a video. (This must be 200 to 250 words.) Due week 5.

Week 5:

Please list your exercise: ___________________________

Step 1 – Describe the findings. (100 to 150 words) – Due week 5

Step 2 – Apply what you have learned during this class, especially the basic principles of effective communication, ideas of the self, or culture, to your exercise results, using and citing at least two course resources to support you and one can be a video. (This must be 200 to 250 words.) Due week 5.

Week 2 communication notebook/Instructions

This week, you have three options for your exercise. When you have finished the write-up, add it to your notebook and complete the one-question check-in quiz. You must submit the quiz by Day 7 (Monday) of class to earn credit for doing this exercise.

Option 1: Conversation management and the four “C”s

Review the themes covered in section 7.2 of Bevan. Then, go have a conversation with someone. Ask them for permission to record it. As you replay it, answer the following questions:

1. How did you or the other party convey confidence, creativity, caring, or consideration?

2. How did the conversation allow you build or sustain what Bevan calls “rapport?”

3. What did you note about open-ended questions, turn-taking, and mirroring?

Option 2: Assisting Others

When was the last time someone provided you with social support or you provided others with support? What were the circumstances? Which type(s) of social support did they use (action-facilitating, nurturing, emotional, instrumental, informational)? Was it appropriate for the situation? Try to list both nonverbal or verbal cues that were used when giving the support.

Option 3: Relationship Maintenance

1. Take a moment to evaluate one of your own relationships or the relationship of someone close to you.

2. What types of positive relationship maintenance behaviors related to communication outlined in chapter 8 in Bevan are used in this close relationship?

3. What different communication techniques are used in different types of relationships?

When you are done, be sure to add this to your “Communication Notebook.” Here, you only have to complete the first halves of each question. For the week 5 final paper, you will need to complete the second halves as well. So, be sure to complete the entire assignment.

Communication Notebook

This is the form you will use to record all of your weekly exercise notes. In weeks 1, 2, 4 and 5 you will update this document with the new exercise you complete. You only have to answer three questions, through week 4. Then, in week 5, you will be required to complete questions two for each week’s exercise. You will be required to use Bevan, one course reading from the required or recommended list, and TWO course videos. See the resources box for the week 5 paper instructions for a list of videos, but you can use any from class. They should all be listed in a reference list at the end of this document and they should all comply with APA style guidelines.

Week 1: Channels of Communication

Step 1 – Describe the findings. (100 to 150 words) – Only this part is due at the end of week 1

a) How much time did each exchange take (roughly)? (1 to 2 sentences)

b) How well were the questions answered via phone or video chat? (1 to 2 sentences)

c) How well were the questions answered via email, messenger, or phone texting? (1 to 2 sentences)

d) How close did you feel to the person in the phone or video chat exchange? (1 to 2 sentences)

e) How close did you feel to the person in email, messenger, or phone texting exchange? (1 to 2 sentences)

f) Which interaction was most satisfying and why? (1 to 2 sentences)

Step 2 – Apply what you have learned during this class, especially the basic principles of effective communication, ideas of the self, or culture, to your exercise results, citing at least two course resources to support you and one can be a video. (This must be 200 to 250 words.) Due week 5.

Week 2:

Please list your exercise: ___________________________

Option 3: Stereotypes 

As we have learned in Bevan, we use perceptual schemas to make sense of the world around us. These are central to communication, as they involve perception (taking in information into our minds through observing verbal and nonverbal cues), classification (putting information into categorical boxes in our minds), and then assigning meaning to those classifications, which are typically positive or negative.  In this option, you will explore a broad category of schemas called “stereotypes.”  To complete the task, do the following, using and citing Bevan as much as possible: 

· Define stereotypes, utilizing Bevan.

· Explain how stereotypes are useful tools we use to make sense of the world and make choices.

· Identify three common stereotypes and write a sentence that draws on them.

· Explore why each stereotypical sentence can be destructive.

· List some steps we can take to mitigate the negative impacts of stereotypes

Step 1 – Describe the findings. (100 to 150 words) – Due week 2

Step 2 – Apply what you have learned during this class, especially the basic principles of effective communication, ideas of the self, or culture, to your exercise results, using and citing at least two course resources to support you and one can be a video. (This must be 200 to 250 words.) Due week 5.

Week 4:

Please list your exercise: ___________________________

Step 1 – Describe the findings. (100 to 150 words) – Due week 4

Step 2 – Apply what you have learned during this class, especially the basic principles of effective communication, ideas of the self, or culture, to your exercise results, using and citing at least two course resources to support you and one can be a video. (This must be 200 to 250 words.) Due week 5.

Week 5:

Please list your exercise: ___________________________

Step 1 – Describe the findings. (100 to 150 words) – Due week 5

Step 2 – Apply what you have learned during this class, especially the basic principles of effective communication, ideas of the self, or culture, to your exercise results, using and citing at least two course resources to support you and one can be a video. (This must be 200 to 250 words.) Due week 5.



Interpersonal Conflict

Student’s Name

COM 200: Interpersonal Communication

Instructor’s Name

December 9, 2019


Interpersonal Conflict

We all experience conflict in our lives to varying degrees. We all deal with it differently,

as well. Conflict can be as simple as differing opinions regarding the best sports teams to as

complicated as the best way to run a country. How we deal with interpersonal conflict can mean

the difference between peace and all-out war.

Defining Conflict

Conflict is a serious disagreement or argument. According to Bevan (2020), there are

three criteria for a conflict. 1) Conflict can only exist if at least one person communicates, either

verbally or nonverbally, that there is a struggle happening. If no one says anything about the

situation, then there is not a conflict. 2) There have to be at least two people involved and they

must need each other in some way. If they can both walk away from the situation, then there is

no conflict. 3) Each person perceives that they have incompatible goals, scarce resources, and

interference from others in achieving their goals. They feel the other person is getting in their

way and keeping them from what they want.

Conflict Example

The multimedia resource I chose was an episode from the television show “This Is Us.

S4E4.” In the scene, Randall and Beth are a married couple. They arrive for the opening of

Beth’s dance studio. Her mother is also arriving at the same time. The storyline suggests that

Carol, Beth’s mother and Randall, her husband, do not get along very well. They enter the

building to find a terrible odor. They call in someone and find that there is a dead possum in the

wall, and they are told it might take a week or so for the smell to dissipate on its own. This is

where this particular conflict between Carol and Randall begins. Carol tells her daughter Beth

that she needs to reschedule the opening. Randall tells her no, they are not rescheduling. Carol

Commented [KC1]: There is good sentiment here. But as
an introduction, the stduent also needs a clear thesis that is
the heart of their paper and a preview of what they plan to do
in the paper.

Commented [KC2]: Great definition, as the student has
paraphrased Bevan nicely and added additional detail.


starts to say, “Randall, you can’t have people coming…” She stops and says, “this is what we are

going to do.” She turns to Beth and continues. “You are going to tell people you are very sorry.

You are going to ask them to come next Saturday. You are going to double down on promotions.

It’s a shame…” Meanwhile, you can see Randall is getting really upset. He interrupts Carol by

retorting, “Don’t tell me what I can and can’t do, Carol. This is important to my wife and I am

going to fix it so we’re not rescheduling. Am I clear?” He turns and starts to walk away. He stops

and comes back to her and says, “I apologize for speaking to you in that tone, but the content

holds.” He then walks away again.

In this scene, the first criterion is met when Randall verbally communicates his part of the

struggle by saying, “Don’t tell me what I can and can’t do, Carol.” The second criterion is met as

the conflict in this scene is between Carol and Randall. They each want to control the situation,

and they need the other person to cooperate. For the third criterion in this scene, Randall wants

the opening of Beth’s dance studio to continue as planned, and her mother, Carol, wants her to

postpone it for a week.

Ineffective Handling

In this scene, Randall loses his temper with his overbearing mother-in-law. Carol, in

particular, expresses some negative relationship maintenance behaviors. According to Bevan

(2020), this type of behavior is considered antisocial and involves being controlling. Carol

should not have been so quick to start giving orders and let the couple deal with the situation. If

they could not come up with a solution or ask for her advice, that would have been fine. Randall,

on the other hand, should not have lost his temper.

Commented [KC3]: Yes. Nice detail about exactly what
happened as it helps the reader understand your later points.

Commented [KC4]: Yes. Good illustration of how there is a
clear struggle here over what should be done.

Commented [KC5]: Good point, as it might not help him
accomplish his goals. Is there value in this “dark side” as well?
I’d like to have seen this critique developed more but it is still a
very good point.


Addressing the Conflict

Two conflict strategies that the characters addressed in this scene were competition and

compromise. Carol’s strategy seems to be competition as she appears to have a high concern for

self and a low concern for others. She wants everyone to obey her and quickly disregards what

Randall has to say. Randall, on the other hand, appears to use the compromise strategy which is a

moderate concern for both self and others, according to Bevan (2020). He wants everyone to get

along and is trying to avoid any type of conflict. Bevan (2020), refers to the “Dark Side” of

interpersonal communication and explains how it is not always an entirely negative thing.

Sometimes these dark messages can reveal useful information. In this particular scene, Randall

gets angry and stands up to his mother-in-law. Carol thought he lacked the strength of character

that she believed her daughter needed in a husband. After his outburst, he proved her wrong by

setting up the opening of the dance hall outside in the parking lot where it was a success. The

opening was to showcase his wife’s talent, not the location of the studio. As Carol watched him

take charge and turned things around, her admiration for him grew.

What they could have done

Beth and Randall had to have been together at least 15 or more years, and that is a long

time to be at odds with your mother-in-law. Carol appears to be a very domineering character

based on the reactions of the other characters in the show. Randall and Carol could have used a

couple of different strategies to improve their relationship many years before. One of the things

they could have done was set aside some time together to express their thoughts and emotions.

Bevan (2020) states that expressing your feelings while they are happening is not always

appropriate, like Randall giving in to his anger at that particular moment. He could have let it go

and asked Carol to sit down with him to discuss why she appeared to dislike him. He could have

Commented [KC6]: Nice resolution. I wondered if he
“collaborated” with others to get there.

I only saw one strategy fully addressed here and two were required.

Commented [KC7]: This is another great observation, as it
speaks to the importance of self control. This could have
been addressed more directly, but it is still a nice point.


approached the meeting by saying “I” statements. According to Bevan (2020), these types of

statements can relay your emotions without appearing that you are attacking the other person.

The characters did talk during the opening and were able to come to an understanding, which

will undoubtedly help to improve their relationship.

In conclusion, there are many things we can do to improve our relationships if that is

what we want to do. First, we need to identify where the conflict is, then try different strategies

to improve relations. If all parties are willing, then the conflict should be resolved, and the

relationship should improve.



Bevan, J. L. (2020). Making connections: Understanding interpersonal communication (3rd ed.).

Retrieved from

Fogelman, D., Rosenthal, J, Todd, D., Olin, K., Gogolak, C., Requa, J., Ficarra, G., Aptaker, I.,

Berger, E., & Oyegun, K. (Executive Producers). (2016). This Is Us [Television series].

Los Angeles, CA: 20th Century.

Week 4 assignments

Watch link below:

Television options (each show has no charge and has closed captioning):

Use this link do mines on This is Us:

· This Is Us


(Links to an external site.)

If you have problems accessing any of this content, contact your instructor immediately.

In this assignment, you will write a two- to three-page (500 to 750 word) paper in which you apply some of the communication-based conflict resolution strategies outlined in your textbook to a conflict in a fictional television program or film.

In your paper,

· Define conflict, utilizing Bevan.

· Describe one interpersonal conflict that was not handled effectively in the television episode or film.

· Explain how this situation meets the criteria for interpersonal conflict, utilizing Bevan, Section 9.2.

· Note: Focus on one exchange that illustrates one conflict and not the entire plot of the episode. If possible, provide some dialogue so the reader can clearly see how the characters handled the situation.

· Explain why the conflict was not handled effectively, utilizing Bevan (Chapters 8 and 9).

· Describe two strategies outlined in Bevan that the characters used to address the conflict, utilizing Bevan.

· Describe two strategies outlined in Bevan that the characters could have used to resolve this conflict more effectively, utilizing Bevan.


The Interpersonal Conflict in Television or Film paper

· Must be two to three double-spaced pages in length, which is 500 to 750 words (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s 

APA Style (Links to an external site.)


· Must include a separate title page with the following:

· Title of paper

· Student’s name

· Course name and number

· Instructor’s name

· Date submitted

Short Answer Assignment 1

Short Answer Assignment

Tara Thompson

January 18, 2021

Short Answer Assignment

– 1 –

[no notes on this page]

Short Answer Assignment 2

An1: Explanation of verbal and non-verbal communication to enhance job


Verbal and nonverbal communication has the most important role in organizations related to

employees’ job satisfaction in the workplace. Motivation towards the success of work related to

employees heavy depend upon open communication in the organization, so it increases the job

satisfaction of employees, and such is provided by Bevan (section 6.2)

• To improve verbal and nonverbal communication, one should consider the following.

• Focus on eye contact, particularly when encountering others

• Facial expressions have a vital role in communicating views, so these are an expression of

our emotion.

• Personal space is also important when making communication with any person.

• The tone of voice also has an important role in good communication, so it must be focused.

• Making awareness of signals because these can be sometimes misunderstood

• Try at home about communication enhancement with more and more practice.

• Focus on postures because they also play a significant role in good communication. (Bevan,


Guidelines for job satisfaction
Eye contact with others realizes that they are important and material. Hence, others

realize that they are given respect, so when making communication with the employer, they need

to consider this eye contact factor. In this way, it can establish a good relationship in the

organization. The facial expression also describes our emotion, so when making any

communication, employees and employers must express their facial expressions to realize others

about their feelings and emotions during whole communication. Personal space is also important

– 2 –

[no notes on this page]

Carol Grinage
depend heavily

Carol Grinage
Good ideas. Text support required.

Carol Grinage
es the

Short Answer Assignment 3

in good communication at every organization level, particularly when you encounter your

employer, supervisor, and subordinates, so it is necessary to improve this factor. Moreover, the

tone of voice of any person describes his communication skills improvement and ethical

behavior. So it is important to control your voice tone so that when communicating with others,

your tone must describe that you are giving respect to them, particularly when making

communication with higher management at the organization. Moreover, postures must be

focused, so that good communication satisfy employees, and practice at home by employees also

results in job satisfaction.

(Bevan, 2020)

An2: Elements of conversation management

The conversation is the most interactive way of things in two or more people’s

communication. It needs more analysis and specific focus on the interaction of different people’s

conversation in this instance. Some elements of conversation should be recognized while talking

with someone and considered more important. The management of conversation gives everyone

better control on how to make conversation successful and make them able to respond better so

that by using these elements of conversation, everyone easily analyzes the mistakes and misuse

in the structure of the conversation.

A) Explain what rapport is and why it matters

The first step to making conversation with two or more peoples is to make a valid report,

which is necessary for establishing a good conversation and making it useful that is the main

matters and fundamental to recognize report seriously, so that source, message, channel, and

receiver all the elements of conversation are possible through this rapport because this is the

main thing in which one person easily understand the other concept and point of view. However,

– 3 –

[no notes on this page]

Carol Grinage
Explains One Way One Can Alter Their Nonverbal Communication to Enhance Their Job Satisfaction, Utilizing Bevan
* Good details. More text support needed.

Carol Grinage
Explains One Way One Can Alter Their Verbal Communication to Enhance Their Job Satisfaction, Utilizing Bevan
* Is this portion about verbal communication? If so, the connection needs to be clear.
Please see the sample paper for how this content should have been organize.

Carol Grinage
Discusses How Following These Guidelines Could Help the Student or Some Hypothetical Worker to Be More Satisfied at Work
* I don’t see this point addressed. Please see sample paper for who this point could have been met.

Carol Grinage
Explains What Rapport Is and Why It Matters, Utilizing Bevan
* I don’t see a clear discussion on rapport and why it matters.

Short Answer Assignment 4

that is the major thing that makes entire communication very useful, attractive, meaningful, and

effective. (Bevan, 2020)

B) Principles of building rapport Confidence, creativity, or caring

Building rapport is the main thing for creating a harmonious and soft understanding with

someone and a group, so that is the process of building rapport with someone. And this is the

natural process of building rapport among peoples.

Confidence: It is necessary to make every level of conversation successful because it affects

every stage of life in human life. The perception to receive things is important because we are

happy to see things better, even feel pleasant to have around us. That is the major rapport of

building our-self happier and motivator so that we feel comfortable in this way.

Creativity: The important principle is to make creative things in a concise period. Those people

who always see opportunities and creatively do something different don’t think about negativity

and obstacles.

Caring: The peoples who are too close with others are more caring and have some harmony,

which is the basic principle of building rapport. This way, it allows them to understand and feel

some inner conversation and connect them with other souls.

C) Example to enhance either a personal or professional relationship

If a company hires someone as a CEO so that their first aim is to meet all their employees in a

better way and give some fresh meal for the sake of building rapport with all their colleagues and

employees. In the all-time meeting, the CEO smiled and listened carefully to their colleagues’

conversations and understood their problems, and tried to reduce them by their power and status.

– 4 –

[no notes on this page]

Carol Grinage
Defines and Describes One of the First Three Principles of Building Rapport (Confidence, Creativity, or Caring), Utilizing Bevan
* Only one of these points was required for discussion. I also don’t see the required text support.
Remember that when you see “utilizing Bevan”, you must use and cite Bevan in your response.

Carol Grinage
Sentence meaning unclear.

Carol Grinage
What do you mean by “tried to reduce them”?

Carol Grinage
Comma splice.

Carol Grinage
Minor punctuation errors are present throughout. Please remember to use Grammarly and the Ashford Writing Center paper review for help with editing.

Carol Grinage
Shares an Example to Illustrate How One of the Principles of Building Rapport Can Enhance a Personal or Professional Relationship
* This paragraph needs to be clearly connected with one of the principle of rapport.

Short Answer Assignment 5

In this way, the CEO enhances the relationship among all their colleagues and employees.

(Bevan, 2020)

An3: Definition and use of Self-disclosure

• There is no matter you are intended to the situation or not. Still, self-disclosure is entirely

based on the procedure of passing on whole information about yourself towards someone

else so that it would be related to our religion, beliefs, values, perception, morals, and other

all private life information.

• The usage of self-disclosure is widespread, giving different benefits; therefore, ask yourself

earlier how disclosure helps you make clients. It is instrumental in considering the risks and

be brief. In this instance, it gives support in building rapport with clients to make good

relations by developing an interest through counseling. (Bevan, 2020)

Rewards and Risks of Self-disclosure

Self-knowledge is the main reward in which a person can easily understand the

perspective and perception of others’ motives and behavior. On the other side, understanding the

difficulties and overcoming it is an essential part of rapport, which is to be completed through

self-knowledge and awareness. Self-acceptance is listed in the rewards of self-disclosure so that

in this way, everyone accepts himself through the eyes of the other and makes them better. By

using self-disclosure, everyone understands others’ conversation and has better communication

skills by improving the individual’s understanding. (Bevan, 2020)

– 5 –

[no notes on this page]

Carol Grinage
Sentence meaning unclear.

Carol Grinage
What is your source for this information? A text citation is needed.

Carol Grinage
Period should be outside of the parentheses.
Please review APA style and punctuation with in-text citations. The Ashford Writing Center has a link to APA citations.

Carol Grinage
Defines Self-Disclosure, Utilizing Bevan
* Good details. More text support needed.

Carol Grinage
What is your source? Text support needed.

Carol Grinage
What is your source? Text citation needed.

Carol Grinage
Explains at Least Two of the Rewards of Self-Disclosure, Utilizing Bevan
* Good ideas. Much more text support required.

Short Answer Assignment 6

The one and main risk of self-disclosure are that peoples do not give a favorable response

to others due to the lack of communication skills. Also, they don’t know about conversation

management elements, which is an essential part of every communication.

The second and worse risk is that the relationships among people have been destroyed

only because they gain so much power due to the self-disclose that comes in advance in a

relationship could damage their relationship. (Bevan, 2020)

– 6 –

[no notes on this page]

Carol Grinage
I don’t know how this relates as a risk of self-disclosure. What is your source?

Carol Grinage
Sentence meaning not clear.

Short Answer Assignment 7


Bevan, J. L. (2020). Making connections: Understanding interpersonal communication (3rd ed.).

Retrieved from

– 7 –

[no notes on this page]

Short Answer Assignment 8

– 8 –

[no notes on this page]

Tara,Because you did not earn a passing grade on this assignment, you may revise it. Before you revise your assignment, please make sure you read my in-text comments and understand what is needed. If you have any questions, please contact me. In addition, make sure you contact me once you submit your assignment so I know it is ready for grading. This short-answer essay was designed to test students’ knowledge of some of the key themes from the week.  You were also asked to apply some of this information to some real-world self-disclosure experience.These responses did not quite meet the expectations.  Remember, students were required to answer all elements of the prompt and use course material for all these responses.  First, many times you did not do all of the required elements.  Second, though these responses might have been influenced by class readings, it was not clear and/or deep enough discussion of key themes from class.  I needed to see much more engagement with course themes to illustrate deeper understanding.  For instance, in your reply to the question about defining and describing one principle of rapport, you described three principles instead of discussion one in detail. Also, the required text support was not needed. To improve, remember to review the rubric to see if you must use and cite the text in your response. While I saw some attempt to demonstrate understanding of course concepts, there was not enough here to warrant a passing grade.  In future work, please be sure all responses use course material to support you and clearly and completely address all elements of the questions.Please read over my in-text comments and contact me if you have any questions.Regards,Carol 

(0.49 / 0.65); : Explains One Way One Can Alter Their Verbal Communication to Enhance Their Job Satisfaction, Utilizing Bevan

Basic – Minimally explains one way one can alter their verbal communication to enhance their job satisfaction, vaguely utilizing Bevan. Relevant details are missing, unclear, and/or inaccurate.  

(0.49 / 0.65); : Explains One Way One Can Alter Their Nonverbal Communication to Enhance Their Job Satisfaction, Utilizing Bevan

Basic – Minimally explains one way one can alter their nonverbal communication to enhance their job satisfaction, vaguely utilizing Bevan. Relevant details are missing, unclear, and/or inaccurate.  

(0.00 / 0.65); : Discusses How Following These Guidelines Could Help the Student or Some Hypothetical Worker to Be More Satisfied at Work

Non-Performance – The discussion of how following these guidelines could help the student or some hypothetical worker to be more satisfied at work is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions.

(0.49 / 0.65); : Explains What Rapport Is and Why It Matters, Utilizing Bevan

Basic – Minimally explains what rapport is and why it matters, vaguely utilizing Bevan. Relevant details are missing, unclear, and/or inaccurate.  

(0.42 / 0.65); : Defines and Describes One of the First Three Principles of Building Rapport (Confidence, Creativity, or Caring), Utilizing Bevan

Below Expectations – Attempts to define and describe one of the first three principles of building rapport (confidence, creativity, or caring); however, does not utilize Bevan, and/or significant details are missing, unclear, and inaccurate.

(0.42 / 0.65); : Shares an Example to Illustrate How One of the Principles of Building Rapport Can Enhance a Personal or Professional Relationship

Below Expectations – Attempts to share an example to illustrate how one of the principles of building rapport can enhance a personal or professional relationship; however, significant details are missing and unclear.

(0.57 / 0.65); : Defines Self-Disclosure, Utilizing Bevan

Proficient – Defines self-disclosure, utilizing Bevan. Minor details are missing, slightly unclear, or inaccurate.

(0.49 / 0.65); : Explains at Least Two of the Rewards of Self-Disclosure, Utilizing Bevan

Basic – Minimally explains at least two of the rewards of self-disclosure, vaguely utilizing Bevan. Relevant details are missing, unclear, and/or inaccurate.  

(0.42 / 0.65); : Explains at Least Two of the Risks of Self-Disclosure, Utilizing Bevan

Below Expectations – Attempts to explain at least two of the risks of self-disclosure; however, does not utilize Bevan, only one reward of self-disclosure is explained, and/or significant details are missing, unclear, and inaccurate.

(0.29 / 0.38); : Written Communication: Control of Syntax and Mechanics

Basic – Displays basic comprehension of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains a few errors which may slightly distract the reader.

(0.33 / 0.37); : Written Communication: APA Formatting

Proficient – Exhibits APA formatting throughout the paper. However, layout contains a few minor errors. 

(0.40 / 0.40); : Written Communication: Word Requirement

Distinguished – The length of the paper is equivalent to the required number of words.

Overall Score: 4.81 / 7.00 Overall Grade: 4.81

Week 1-communication assignment/Instructions

For this quiz, you will verify that you completed the exercise below by clicking the “preview” button at the bottom of this screen and checking “yes” to indicate you completed the work.

Prior to beginning work on this exercise, complete the 

Course Training: Exercises and Integrating Sources

 quiz. As mentioned in that training, each week students will be required to do an exercise where they explore a theme from the class by observing others or reflecting on some course idea. Students will compile FOUR exercises for their final project – a

Communication Notebook

. In weeks 1, 2, and 4, students will be required to complete step 1 of each exercise in their Communication Notebook and complete the check-in quiz.

In week 5, you must complete the fourth exercise and complete step 2 for all four exercises. Step 2 will involve connecting your findings to key themes from this class. In most weeks, you will have options to choose from. However, in this week, you will be required to address channels of communication.

Here are the instructions for completing this week’s exercise:

Speak to two people in two different ways – 1) via phone or video chat and 2) through email, messenger, or phone texting. You will ask them the same set of questions and discuss the same topic – their birthday or vacation plans. You will ask them the following questions:

1. What are you doing for your birthday or next vacation?

2. What did you do last year?

3. What do you want as a gift or what do you want to do while on vacation? 

After your interaction, answer the following questions in the Week 1 Step 1 section of your 

Communication Notebook.

1. How much time did each exchange take (roughly)?

2. How well were the questions answered via phone or video chat?

3. How well were the questions answered via email, messenger, or phone texting?

4. How close did you feel to the person in the phone or video chat exchange?

5. How close did you feel to the person in email, messenger, or phone texting exchange?

6. Which interaction was most satisfying and why?

Communication Notebook

This is the form you will use to record all of your weekly exercise notes. In weeks 1, 2, 4 and 5 you will update this document with the new exercise you complete. You only have to answer three questions, through week 4. Then, in week 5, you will be required to complete questions two for each week’s exercise. You will be required to use Bevan, one course reading from the required or recommended list, and TWO course videos. See the resources box for the week 5 paper instructions for a list of videos, but you can use any from class. They should all be listed in a reference list at the end of this document and they should all comply with APA style guidelines.

Week 1: Channels of Communication

Step 1 – Describe the findings. (100 to 150 words) – Only this part is due at the end of week 1

a) How much time did each exchange take (roughly)? (1 to 2 sentences)

b) How well were the questions answered via phone or video chat? (1 to 2 sentences)

c) How well were the questions answered via email, messenger, or phone texting? (1 to 2 sentences)

d) How close did you feel to the person in the phone or video chat exchange? (1 to 2 sentences)

e) How close did you feel to the person in email, messenger, or phone texting exchange? (1 to 2 sentences)

f) Which interaction was most satisfying and why? (1 to 2 sentences)

Step 2 – Apply what you have learned during this class, especially the basic principles of effective communication, ideas of the self, or culture, to your exercise results, citing at least two course resources to support you and one can be a video. (This must be 200 to 250 words.) Due week 5.

Week 2:

Please list your exercise: ___________________________

Option 3: Stereotypes 

As we have learned in Bevan, we use perceptual schemas to make sense of the world around us. These are central to communication, as they involve perception (taking in information into our minds through observing verbal and nonverbal cues), classification (putting information into categorical boxes in our minds), and then assigning meaning to those classifications, which are typically positive or negative.  In this option, you will explore a broad category of schemas called “stereotypes.”  To complete the task, do the following, using and citing Bevan as much as possible: 

· Define stereotypes, utilizing Bevan.

· Explain how stereotypes are useful tools we use to make sense of the world and make choices.

· Identify three common stereotypes and write a sentence that draws on them.

· Explore why each stereotypical sentence can be destructive.

· List some steps we can take to mitigate the negative impacts of stereotypes

Step 1 – Describe the findings. (100 to 150 words) – Due week 2

Step 2 – Apply what you have learned during this class, especially the basic principles of effective communication, ideas of the self, or culture, to your exercise results, using and citing at least two course resources to support you and one can be a video. (This must be 200 to 250 words.) Due week 5.

Week 4:

Please list your exercise: ___________________________

Step 1 – Describe the findings. (100 to 150 words) – Due week 4

Step 2 – Apply what you have learned during this class, especially the basic principles of effective communication, ideas of the self, or culture, to your exercise results, using and citing at least two course resources to support you and one can be a video. (This must be 200 to 250 words.) Due week 5.

Week 5:

Please list your exercise: ___________________________

Step 1 – Describe the findings. (100 to 150 words) – Due week 5

Step 2 – Apply what you have learned during this class, especially the basic principles of effective communication, ideas of the self, or culture, to your exercise results, using and citing at least two course resources to support you and one can be a video. (This must be 200 to 250 words.) Due week 5.

Week 2 communication notebook/Instructions

In Weeks 1, 2, and 4 you will complete an exercise that you will add to your Communication Notebook. For this quiz, you will simply verify that you have completed the Week 2 exercise (see instructions below) to earn 0.5 points. While you are on the honor system, if you do not complete these exercises each week, you will be catching up on multiple exercises in Week 5, as the four exercises are the basis of your Week 5 Communication Notebook Final Paper.

While you are on the honor system, if you do not complete these exercises each week, you will be catching up on multiple exercises in Week 4, when you submit the document to your peers for feedback. As a reminder, you will be using your four exercises as the basis of your Week 5 Communication Notebook Final Paper.

This week, you will choose from the options below to explore. When you have finished the write-up, add the content to your notebook and take the quiz.

Week 2 Exercise Instructions (choose one option):

Option 1: Violate a nonverbal cultural norm by doing one of the following: 

· Stand in the wrong direction, face someone, or sit down in an elevator, bus or even while in line at a store.

· Wave to everyone as you walk down a busy street.

· Shake the hands of as many people as possible when you greet them in the morning.

As you write about the experience, answer the following questions: 

· What do the norms that are usually followed in the elevator, bus or line try to establish, in terms of values or beliefs?

· How does your experiment connect to one of the elements of nonverbal communication addressed in Bevan (e.g., haptics, proxemics, paralanguage or kinesics)?

· How have you been trained to obey the nonverbal communication norms you normally follow?

Option 2: How gender might impact patterns of communication 

Read Bevan on gender and communication. Then, ask two people (one male and one female) to allow you to record your conversations with them on your phone. Here are some themes you can discuss: the weather on that day, some news event you just heard about, or something going on in your or their family. Keep the conversation to 2 to 3 minutes. Then, listen to the recordings and make note of whether you hear the more masculine or feminine styles of communication outlined in Bevan. 

In addition to what Bevan says, here are five features that are often found in more stereotypically “feminine” and “masculine” styles of communication:

Feminine Styles: 

· Tag questions (ending statements with phrases such as “isn’t it?” or “don’t you think?”).  This is thought to undermine the speaker and demonstrate a lack of confidence.

· Flowery language (phrases such as absolutely or precision of color or taste)

· Hedging statements (mitigating assertiveness, including words such as “quite” or “at that time”)

· Intensifiers (words such as absolutely or incredible)

· Bonding (searching for common ground, agreement)

Masculine Styles: 

· Certainty (speaks as if from fact, rather than opinion)

· Vulgarity/profanity 

· Sentence fragments/informality

· Confrontation/argumentative

· Interrupting

Did you find that you or the two people you spoke with illustrated any of these patterns of more masculine or feminine styles of communication? Write a one to two-paragraph summary of your results. Include some of the expressions you heard to demonstrate your key points.

Option 3: Stereotypes 

As we have learned in Bevan, we use perceptual schemas to make sense of the world around us. These are central to communication, as they involve perception (taking in information into our minds through observing verbal and nonverbal cues), classification (putting information into categorical boxes in our minds), and then assigning meaning to those classifications, which are typically positive or negative.  In this option, you will explore a broad category of schemas called “stereotypes.”  To complete the task, do the following, using and citing Bevan as much as possible: 

· Define stereotypes, utilizing Bevan.

· Explain how stereotypes are useful tools we use to make sense of the world and make choices.

· Identify three common stereotypes and write a sentence that draws on them.

· Explore why each stereotypical sentence can be destructive.

· List some steps we can take to mitigate the negative impacts of stereotypes

Communication Notebook

This is the form you will use to record all of your weekly exercise notes. In weeks 1, 2, 4 and 5 you will update this document with the new exercise you complete. You only have to answer three questions, through week 4. Then, in week 5, you will be required to complete questions two for each week’s exercise. You will be required to use Bevan, one course reading from the required or recommended list, and TWO course videos. See the resources box for the week 5 paper instructions for a list of videos, but you can use any from class. They should all be listed in a reference list at the end of this document and they should all comply with APA style guidelines.

Week 1: Channels of Communication

Step 1 – Describe the findings. (100 to 150 words) – Only this part is due at the end of week 1

a) How much time did each exchange take (roughly)? (1 to 2 sentences)

b) How well were the questions answered via phone or video chat? (1 to 2 sentences)

c) How well were the questions answered via email, messenger, or phone texting? (1 to 2 sentences)

d) How close did you feel to the person in the phone or video chat exchange? (1 to 2 sentences)

e) How close did you feel to the person in email, messenger, or phone texting exchange? (1 to 2 sentences)

f) Which interaction was most satisfying and why? (1 to 2 sentences)

Step 2 – Apply what you have learned during this class, especially the basic principles of effective communication, ideas of the self, or culture, to your exercise results, citing at least two course resources to support you and one can be a video. (This must be 200 to 250 words.) Due week 5.

Week 2:

Please list your exercise: ___________________________

Option 3: Stereotypes 

As we have learned in Bevan, we use perceptual schemas to make sense of the world around us. These are central to communication, as they involve perception (taking in information into our minds through observing verbal and nonverbal cues), classification (putting information into categorical boxes in our minds), and then assigning meaning to those classifications, which are typically positive or negative.  In this option, you will explore a broad category of schemas called “stereotypes.”  To complete the task, do the following, using and citing Bevan as much as possible: 
· Define stereotypes, utilizing Bevan.
· Explain how stereotypes are useful tools we use to make sense of the world and make choices.
· Identify three common stereotypes and write a sentence that draws on them.
· Explore why each stereotypical sentence can be destructive.
· List some steps we can take to mitigate the negative impacts of stereotypes

Step 1 – Describe the findings. (100 to 150 words) – Due week 2

Step 2 – Apply what you have learned during this class, especially the basic principles of effective communication, ideas of the self, or culture, to your exercise results, using and citing at least two course resources to support you and one can be a video. (This must be 200 to 250 words.) Due week 5.

Week 4:

Please list your exercise: ___________________________

Step 1 – Describe the findings. (100 to 150 words) – Due week 4

Step 2 – Apply what you have learned during this class, especially the basic principles of effective communication, ideas of the self, or culture, to your exercise results, using and citing at least two course resources to support you and one can be a video. (This must be 200 to 250 words.) Due week 5.

Week 5:

Please list your exercise: ___________________________

Step 1 – Describe the findings. (100 to 150 words) – Due week 5

Step 2 – Apply what you have learned during this class, especially the basic principles of effective communication, ideas of the self, or culture, to your exercise results, using and citing at least two course resources to support you and one can be a video. (This must be 200 to 250 words.) Due week 5.

Week 2 communication notebook/Instructions

This week, you have three options for your exercise. When you have finished the write-up, add it to your notebook and complete the one-question check-in quiz. You must submit the quiz by Day 7 (Monday) of class to earn credit for doing this exercise.

Option 1: Conversation management and the four “C”s

Review the themes covered in section 7.2 of Bevan. Then, go have a conversation with someone. Ask them for permission to record it. As you replay it, answer the following questions:

1. How did you or the other party convey confidence, creativity, caring, or consideration?

2. How did the conversation allow you build or sustain what Bevan calls “rapport?”

3. What did you note about open-ended questions, turn-taking, and mirroring?

Option 2: Assisting Others

When was the last time someone provided you with social support or you provided others with support? What were the circumstances? Which type(s) of social support did they use (action-facilitating, nurturing, emotional, instrumental, informational)? Was it appropriate for the situation? Try to list both nonverbal or verbal cues that were used when giving the support.

Option 3: Relationship Maintenance

1. Take a moment to evaluate one of your own relationships or the relationship of someone close to you.

2. What types of positive relationship maintenance behaviors related to communication outlined in chapter 8 in Bevan are used in this close relationship?

3. What different communication techniques are used in different types of relationships?

When you are done, be sure to add this to your “Communication Notebook.” Here, you only have to complete the first halves of each question. For the week 5 final paper, you will need to complete the second halves as well. So, be sure to complete the entire assignment.

Communication Notebook

This is the form you will use to record all of your weekly exercise notes. In weeks 1, 2, 4 and 5 you will update this document with the new exercise you complete. You only have to answer three questions, through week 4. Then, in week 5, you will be required to complete questions two for each week’s exercise. You will be required to use Bevan, one course reading from the required or recommended list, and TWO course videos. See the resources box for the week 5 paper instructions for a list of videos, but you can use any from class. They should all be listed in a reference list at the end of this document and they should all comply with APA style guidelines.

Week 1: Channels of Communication

Step 1 – Describe the findings. (100 to 150 words) – Only this part is due at the end of week 1

a) How much time did each exchange take (roughly)? (1 to 2 sentences)

b) How well were the questions answered via phone or video chat? (1 to 2 sentences)

c) How well were the questions answered via email, messenger, or phone texting? (1 to 2 sentences)

d) How close did you feel to the person in the phone or video chat exchange? (1 to 2 sentences)

e) How close did you feel to the person in email, messenger, or phone texting exchange? (1 to 2 sentences)

f) Which interaction was most satisfying and why? (1 to 2 sentences)

Step 2 – Apply what you have learned during this class, especially the basic principles of effective communication, ideas of the self, or culture, to your exercise results, citing at least two course resources to support you and one can be a video. (This must be 200 to 250 words.) Due week 5.

Week 2:

Please list your exercise: ___________________________

Option 3: Stereotypes 

As we have learned in Bevan, we use perceptual schemas to make sense of the world around us. These are central to communication, as they involve perception (taking in information into our minds through observing verbal and nonverbal cues), classification (putting information into categorical boxes in our minds), and then assigning meaning to those classifications, which are typically positive or negative.  In this option, you will explore a broad category of schemas called “stereotypes.”  To complete the task, do the following, using and citing Bevan as much as possible: 

· Define stereotypes, utilizing Bevan.

· Explain how stereotypes are useful tools we use to make sense of the world and make choices.

· Identify three common stereotypes and write a sentence that draws on them.

· Explore why each stereotypical sentence can be destructive.

· List some steps we can take to mitigate the negative impacts of stereotypes

Step 1 – Describe the findings. (100 to 150 words) – Due week 2

Step 2 – Apply what you have learned during this class, especially the basic principles of effective communication, ideas of the self, or culture, to your exercise results, using and citing at least two course resources to support you and one can be a video. (This must be 200 to 250 words.) Due week 5.

Week 4:

Please list your exercise: ___________________________

Step 1 – Describe the findings. (100 to 150 words) – Due week 4

Step 2 – Apply what you have learned during this class, especially the basic principles of effective communication, ideas of the self, or culture, to your exercise results, using and citing at least two course resources to support you and one can be a video. (This must be 200 to 250 words.) Due week 5.

Week 5:

Please list your exercise: ___________________________

Step 1 – Describe the findings. (100 to 150 words) – Due week 5

Step 2 – Apply what you have learned during this class, especially the basic principles of effective communication, ideas of the self, or culture, to your exercise results, using and citing at least two course resources to support you and one can be a video. (This must be 200 to 250 words.) Due week 5.



Interpersonal Conflict

Student’s Name

COM 200: Interpersonal Communication

Instructor’s Name

December 9, 2019


Interpersonal Conflict

We all experience conflict in our lives to varying degrees. We all deal with it differently,

as well. Conflict can be as simple as differing opinions regarding the best sports teams to as

complicated as the best way to run a country. How we deal with interpersonal conflict can mean

the difference between peace and all-out war.

Defining Conflict

Conflict is a serious disagreement or argument. According to Bevan (2020), there are

three criteria for a conflict. 1) Conflict can only exist if at least one person communicates, either

verbally or nonverbally, that there is a struggle happening. If no one says anything about the

situation, then there is not a conflict. 2) There have to be at least two people involved and they

must need each other in some way. If they can both walk away from the situation, then there is

no conflict. 3) Each person perceives that they have incompatible goals, scarce resources, and

interference from others in achieving their goals. They feel the other person is getting in their

way and keeping them from what they want.

Conflict Example

The multimedia resource I chose was an episode from the television show “This Is Us.

S4E4.” In the scene, Randall and Beth are a married couple. They arrive for the opening of

Beth’s dance studio. Her mother is also arriving at the same time. The storyline suggests that

Carol, Beth’s mother and Randall, her husband, do not get along very well. They enter the

building to find a terrible odor. They call in someone and find that there is a dead possum in the

wall, and they are told it might take a week or so for the smell to dissipate on its own. This is

where this particular conflict between Carol and Randall begins. Carol tells her daughter Beth

that she needs to reschedule the opening. Randall tells her no, they are not rescheduling. Carol

Commented [KC1]: There is good sentiment here. But as
an introduction, the stduent also needs a clear thesis that is
the heart of their paper and a preview of what they plan to do
in the paper.

Commented [KC2]: Great definition, as the student has
paraphrased Bevan nicely and added additional detail.


starts to say, “Randall, you can’t have people coming…” She stops and says, “this is what we are

going to do.” She turns to Beth and continues. “You are going to tell people you are very sorry.

You are going to ask them to come next Saturday. You are going to double down on promotions.

It’s a shame…” Meanwhile, you can see Randall is getting really upset. He interrupts Carol by

retorting, “Don’t tell me what I can and can’t do, Carol. This is important to my wife and I am

going to fix it so we’re not rescheduling. Am I clear?” He turns and starts to walk away. He stops

and comes back to her and says, “I apologize for speaking to you in that tone, but the content

holds.” He then walks away again.

In this scene, the first criterion is met when Randall verbally communicates his part of the

struggle by saying, “Don’t tell me what I can and can’t do, Carol.” The second criterion is met as

the conflict in this scene is between Carol and Randall. They each want to control the situation,

and they need the other person to cooperate. For the third criterion in this scene, Randall wants

the opening of Beth’s dance studio to continue as planned, and her mother, Carol, wants her to

postpone it for a week.

Ineffective Handling

In this scene, Randall loses his temper with his overbearing mother-in-law. Carol, in

particular, expresses some negative relationship maintenance behaviors. According to Bevan

(2020), this type of behavior is considered antisocial and involves being controlling. Carol

should not have been so quick to start giving orders and let the couple deal with the situation. If

they could not come up with a solution or ask for her advice, that would have been fine. Randall,

on the other hand, should not have lost his temper.

Commented [KC3]: Yes. Nice detail about exactly what
happened as it helps the reader understand your later points.

Commented [KC4]: Yes. Good illustration of how there is a
clear struggle here over what should be done.

Commented [KC5]: Good point, as it might not help him
accomplish his goals. Is there value in this “dark side” as well?
I’d like to have seen this critique developed more but it is still a
very good point.


Addressing the Conflict

Two conflict strategies that the characters addressed in this scene were competition and

compromise. Carol’s strategy seems to be competition as she appears to have a high concern for

self and a low concern for others. She wants everyone to obey her and quickly disregards what

Randall has to say. Randall, on the other hand, appears to use the compromise strategy which is a

moderate concern for both self and others, according to Bevan (2020). He wants everyone to get

along and is trying to avoid any type of conflict. Bevan (2020), refers to the “Dark Side” of

interpersonal communication and explains how it is not always an entirely negative thing.

Sometimes these dark messages can reveal useful information. In this particular scene, Randall

gets angry and stands up to his mother-in-law. Carol thought he lacked the strength of character

that she believed her daughter needed in a husband. After his outburst, he proved her wrong by

setting up the opening of the dance hall outside in the parking lot where it was a success. The

opening was to showcase his wife’s talent, not the location of the studio. As Carol watched him

take charge and turned things around, her admiration for him grew.

What they could have done

Beth and Randall had to have been together at least 15 or more years, and that is a long

time to be at odds with your mother-in-law. Carol appears to be a very domineering character

based on the reactions of the other characters in the show. Randall and Carol could have used a

couple of different strategies to improve their relationship many years before. One of the things

they could have done was set aside some time together to express their thoughts and emotions.

Bevan (2020) states that expressing your feelings while they are happening is not always

appropriate, like Randall giving in to his anger at that particular moment. He could have let it go

and asked Carol to sit down with him to discuss why she appeared to dislike him. He could have

Commented [KC6]: Nice resolution. I wondered if he
“collaborated” with others to get there.

I only saw one strategy fully addressed here and two were required.

Commented [KC7]: This is another great observation, as it
speaks to the importance of self control. This could have
been addressed more directly, but it is still a nice point.


approached the meeting by saying “I” statements. According to Bevan (2020), these types of

statements can relay your emotions without appearing that you are attacking the other person.

The characters did talk during the opening and were able to come to an understanding, which

will undoubtedly help to improve their relationship.

In conclusion, there are many things we can do to improve our relationships if that is

what we want to do. First, we need to identify where the conflict is, then try different strategies

to improve relations. If all parties are willing, then the conflict should be resolved, and the

relationship should improve.



Bevan, J. L. (2020). Making connections: Understanding interpersonal communication (3rd ed.).

Retrieved from

Fogelman, D., Rosenthal, J, Todd, D., Olin, K., Gogolak, C., Requa, J., Ficarra, G., Aptaker, I.,

Berger, E., & Oyegun, K. (Executive Producers). (2016). This Is Us [Television series].

Los Angeles, CA: 20th Century.

Week 4 assignments

Watch link below:

Television options (each show has no charge and has closed captioning):

Use this link do mines on This is Us:

· This Is Us


(Links to an external site.)

If you have problems accessing any of this content, contact your instructor immediately.

In this assignment, you will write a two- to three-page (500 to 750 word) paper in which you apply some of the communication-based conflict resolution strategies outlined in your textbook to a conflict in a fictional television program or film.

In your paper,

· Define conflict, utilizing Bevan.

· Describe one interpersonal conflict that was not handled effectively in the television episode or film.

· Explain how this situation meets the criteria for interpersonal conflict, utilizing Bevan, Section 9.2.

· Note: Focus on one exchange that illustrates one conflict and not the entire plot of the episode. If possible, provide some dialogue so the reader can clearly see how the characters handled the situation.

· Explain why the conflict was not handled effectively, utilizing Bevan (Chapters 8 and 9).

· Describe two strategies outlined in Bevan that the characters used to address the conflict, utilizing Bevan.

· Describe two strategies outlined in Bevan that the characters could have used to resolve this conflict more effectively, utilizing Bevan.


The Interpersonal Conflict in Television or Film paper

· Must be two to three double-spaced pages in length, which is 500 to 750 words (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s 

APA Style (Links to an external site.)


· Must include a separate title page with the following:

· Title of paper

· Student’s name

· Course name and number

· Instructor’s name

· Date submitted

Short Answer Assignment 1

Short Answer Assignment

Tara Thompson

January 18, 2021

Short Answer Assignment

– 1 –

[no notes on this page]

Short Answer Assignment 2

An1: Explanation of verbal and non-verbal communication to enhance job


Verbal and nonverbal communication has the most important role in organizations related to

employees’ job satisfaction in the workplace. Motivation towards the success of work related to

employees heavy depend upon open communication in the organization, so it increases the job

satisfaction of employees, and such is provided by Bevan (section 6.2)

• To improve verbal and nonverbal communication, one should consider the following.

• Focus on eye contact, particularly when encountering others

• Facial expressions have a vital role in communicating views, so these are an expression of

our emotion.

• Personal space is also important when making communication with any person.

• The tone of voice also has an important role in good communication, so it must be focused.

• Making awareness of signals because these can be sometimes misunderstood

• Try at home about communication enhancement with more and more practice.

• Focus on postures because they also play a significant role in good communication. (Bevan,


Guidelines for job satisfaction
Eye contact with others realizes that they are important and material. Hence, others

realize that they are given respect, so when making communication with the employer, they need

to consider this eye contact factor. In this way, it can establish a good relationship in the

organization. The facial expression also describes our emotion, so when making any

communication, employees and employers must express their facial expressions to realize others

about their feelings and emotions during whole communication. Personal space is also important

– 2 –

[no notes on this page]

Carol Grinage
depend heavily

Carol Grinage
Good ideas. Text support required.

Carol Grinage
es the

Short Answer Assignment 3

in good communication at every organization level, particularly when you encounter your

employer, supervisor, and subordinates, so it is necessary to improve this factor. Moreover, the

tone of voice of any person describes his communication skills improvement and ethical

behavior. So it is important to control your voice tone so that when communicating with others,

your tone must describe that you are giving respect to them, particularly when making

communication with higher management at the organization. Moreover, postures must be

focused, so that good communication satisfy employees, and practice at home by employees also

results in job satisfaction.

(Bevan, 2020)

An2: Elements of conversation management

The conversation is the most interactive way of things in two or more people’s

communication. It needs more analysis and specific focus on the interaction of different people’s

conversation in this instance. Some elements of conversation should be recognized while talking

with someone and considered more important. The management of conversation gives everyone

better control on how to make conversation successful and make them able to respond better so

that by using these elements of conversation, everyone easily analyzes the mistakes and misuse

in the structure of the conversation.

A) Explain what rapport is and why it matters

The first step to making conversation with two or more peoples is to make a valid report,

which is necessary for establishing a good conversation and making it useful that is the main

matters and fundamental to recognize report seriously, so that source, message, channel, and

receiver all the elements of conversation are possible through this rapport because this is the

main thing in which one person easily understand the other concept and point of view. However,

– 3 –

[no notes on this page]

Carol Grinage
Explains One Way One Can Alter Their Nonverbal Communication to Enhance Their Job Satisfaction, Utilizing Bevan
* Good details. More text support needed.

Carol Grinage
Explains One Way One Can Alter Their Verbal Communication to Enhance Their Job Satisfaction, Utilizing Bevan
* Is this portion about verbal communication? If so, the connection needs to be clear.
Please see the sample paper for how this content should have been organize.

Carol Grinage
Discusses How Following These Guidelines Could Help the Student or Some Hypothetical Worker to Be More Satisfied at Work
* I don’t see this point addressed. Please see sample paper for who this point could have been met.

Carol Grinage
Explains What Rapport Is and Why It Matters, Utilizing Bevan
* I don’t see a clear discussion on rapport and why it matters.

Short Answer Assignment 4

that is the major thing that makes entire communication very useful, attractive, meaningful, and

effective. (Bevan, 2020)

B) Principles of building rapport Confidence, creativity, or caring

Building rapport is the main thing for creating a harmonious and soft understanding with

someone and a group, so that is the process of building rapport with someone. And this is the

natural process of building rapport among peoples.

Confidence: It is necessary to make every level of conversation successful because it affects

every stage of life in human life. The perception to receive things is important because we are

happy to see things better, even feel pleasant to have around us. That is the major rapport of

building our-self happier and motivator so that we feel comfortable in this way.

Creativity: The important principle is to make creative things in a concise period. Those people

who always see opportunities and creatively do something different don’t think about negativity

and obstacles.

Caring: The peoples who are too close with others are more caring and have some harmony,

which is the basic principle of building rapport. This way, it allows them to understand and feel

some inner conversation and connect them with other souls.

C) Example to enhance either a personal or professional relationship

If a company hires someone as a CEO so that their first aim is to meet all their employees in a

better way and give some fresh meal for the sake of building rapport with all their colleagues and

employees. In the all-time meeting, the CEO smiled and listened carefully to their colleagues’

conversations and understood their problems, and tried to reduce them by their power and status.

– 4 –

[no notes on this page]

Carol Grinage
Defines and Describes One of the First Three Principles of Building Rapport (Confidence, Creativity, or Caring), Utilizing Bevan
* Only one of these points was required for discussion. I also don’t see the required text support.
Remember that when you see “utilizing Bevan”, you must use and cite Bevan in your response.

Carol Grinage
Sentence meaning unclear.

Carol Grinage
What do you mean by “tried to reduce them”?

Carol Grinage
Comma splice.

Carol Grinage
Minor punctuation errors are present throughout. Please remember to use Grammarly and the Ashford Writing Center paper review for help with editing.

Carol Grinage
Shares an Example to Illustrate How One of the Principles of Building Rapport Can Enhance a Personal or Professional Relationship
* This paragraph needs to be clearly connected with one of the principle of rapport.

Short Answer Assignment 5

In this way, the CEO enhances the relationship among all their colleagues and employees.

(Bevan, 2020)

An3: Definition and use of Self-disclosure

• There is no matter you are intended to the situation or not. Still, self-disclosure is entirely

based on the procedure of passing on whole information about yourself towards someone

else so that it would be related to our religion, beliefs, values, perception, morals, and other

all private life information.

• The usage of self-disclosure is widespread, giving different benefits; therefore, ask yourself

earlier how disclosure helps you make clients. It is instrumental in considering the risks and

be brief. In this instance, it gives support in building rapport with clients to make good

relations by developing an interest through counseling. (Bevan, 2020)

Rewards and Risks of Self-disclosure

Self-knowledge is the main reward in which a person can easily understand the

perspective and perception of others’ motives and behavior. On the other side, understanding the

difficulties and overcoming it is an essential part of rapport, which is to be completed through

self-knowledge and awareness. Self-acceptance is listed in the rewards of self-disclosure so that

in this way, everyone accepts himself through the eyes of the other and makes them better. By

using self-disclosure, everyone understands others’ conversation and has better communication

skills by improving the individual’s understanding. (Bevan, 2020)

– 5 –

[no notes on this page]

Carol Grinage
Sentence meaning unclear.

Carol Grinage
What is your source for this information? A text citation is needed.

Carol Grinage
Period should be outside of the parentheses.
Please review APA style and punctuation with in-text citations. The Ashford Writing Center has a link to APA citations.

Carol Grinage
Defines Self-Disclosure, Utilizing Bevan
* Good details. More text support needed.

Carol Grinage
What is your source? Text support needed.

Carol Grinage
What is your source? Text citation needed.

Carol Grinage
Explains at Least Two of the Rewards of Self-Disclosure, Utilizing Bevan
* Good ideas. Much more text support required.

Short Answer Assignment 6

The one and main risk of self-disclosure are that peoples do not give a favorable response

to others due to the lack of communication skills. Also, they don’t know about conversation

management elements, which is an essential part of every communication.

The second and worse risk is that the relationships among people have been destroyed

only because they gain so much power due to the self-disclose that comes in advance in a

relationship could damage their relationship. (Bevan, 2020)

– 6 –

[no notes on this page]

Carol Grinage
I don’t know how this relates as a risk of self-disclosure. What is your source?

Carol Grinage
Sentence meaning not clear.

Short Answer Assignment 7


Bevan, J. L. (2020). Making connections: Understanding interpersonal communication (3rd ed.).

Retrieved from

– 7 –

[no notes on this page]

Short Answer Assignment 8

– 8 –

[no notes on this page]

Tara,Because you did not earn a passing grade on this assignment, you may revise it. Before you revise your assignment, please make sure you read my in-text comments and understand what is needed. If you have any questions, please contact me. In addition, make sure you contact me once you submit your assignment so I know it is ready for grading. This short-answer essay was designed to test students’ knowledge of some of the key themes from the week.  You were also asked to apply some of this information to some real-world self-disclosure experience.These responses did not quite meet the expectations.  Remember, students were required to answer all elements of the prompt and use course material for all these responses.  First, many times you did not do all of the required elements.  Second, though these responses might have been influenced by class readings, it was not clear and/or deep enough discussion of key themes from class.  I needed to see much more engagement with course themes to illustrate deeper understanding.  For instance, in your reply to the question about defining and describing one principle of rapport, you described three principles instead of discussion one in detail. Also, the required text support was not needed. To improve, remember to review the rubric to see if you must use and cite the text in your response. While I saw some attempt to demonstrate understanding of course concepts, there was not enough here to warrant a passing grade.  In future work, please be sure all responses use course material to support you and clearly and completely address all elements of the questions.Please read over my in-text comments and contact me if you have any questions.Regards,Carol 

(0.49 / 0.65); : Explains One Way One Can Alter Their Verbal Communication to Enhance Their Job Satisfaction, Utilizing Bevan

Basic – Minimally explains one way one can alter their verbal communication to enhance their job satisfaction, vaguely utilizing Bevan. Relevant details are missing, unclear, and/or inaccurate.  

(0.49 / 0.65); : Explains One Way One Can Alter Their Nonverbal Communication to Enhance Their Job Satisfaction, Utilizing Bevan

Basic – Minimally explains one way one can alter their nonverbal communication to enhance their job satisfaction, vaguely utilizing Bevan. Relevant details are missing, unclear, and/or inaccurate.  

(0.00 / 0.65); : Discusses How Following These Guidelines Could Help the Student or Some Hypothetical Worker to Be More Satisfied at Work

Non-Performance – The discussion of how following these guidelines could help the student or some hypothetical worker to be more satisfied at work is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions.

(0.49 / 0.65); : Explains What Rapport Is and Why It Matters, Utilizing Bevan

Basic – Minimally explains what rapport is and why it matters, vaguely utilizing Bevan. Relevant details are missing, unclear, and/or inaccurate.  

(0.42 / 0.65); : Defines and Describes One of the First Three Principles of Building Rapport (Confidence, Creativity, or Caring), Utilizing Bevan

Below Expectations – Attempts to define and describe one of the first three principles of building rapport (confidence, creativity, or caring); however, does not utilize Bevan, and/or significant details are missing, unclear, and inaccurate.

(0.42 / 0.65); : Shares an Example to Illustrate How One of the Principles of Building Rapport Can Enhance a Personal or Professional Relationship

Below Expectations – Attempts to share an example to illustrate how one of the principles of building rapport can enhance a personal or professional relationship; however, significant details are missing and unclear.

(0.57 / 0.65); : Defines Self-Disclosure, Utilizing Bevan

Proficient – Defines self-disclosure, utilizing Bevan. Minor details are missing, slightly unclear, or inaccurate.

(0.49 / 0.65); : Explains at Least Two of the Rewards of Self-Disclosure, Utilizing Bevan

Basic – Minimally explains at least two of the rewards of self-disclosure, vaguely utilizing Bevan. Relevant details are missing, unclear, and/or inaccurate.  

(0.42 / 0.65); : Explains at Least Two of the Risks of Self-Disclosure, Utilizing Bevan

Below Expectations – Attempts to explain at least two of the risks of self-disclosure; however, does not utilize Bevan, only one reward of self-disclosure is explained, and/or significant details are missing, unclear, and inaccurate.

(0.29 / 0.38); : Written Communication: Control of Syntax and Mechanics

Basic – Displays basic comprehension of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains a few errors which may slightly distract the reader.

(0.33 / 0.37); : Written Communication: APA Formatting

Proficient – Exhibits APA formatting throughout the paper. However, layout contains a few minor errors. 

(0.40 / 0.40); : Written Communication: Word Requirement

Distinguished – The length of the paper is equivalent to the required number of words.

Overall Score: 4.81 / 7.00 Overall Grade: 4.81

Week 1-communication assignment/Instructions

For this quiz, you will verify that you completed the exercise below by clicking the “preview” button at the bottom of this screen and checking “yes” to indicate you completed the work.

Prior to beginning work on this exercise, complete the 

Course Training: Exercises and Integrating Sources

 quiz. As mentioned in that training, each week students will be required to do an exercise where they explore a theme from the class by observing others or reflecting on some course idea. Students will compile FOUR exercises for their final project – a

Communication Notebook

. In weeks 1, 2, and 4, students will be required to complete step 1 of each exercise in their Communication Notebook and complete the check-in quiz.

In week 5, you must complete the fourth exercise and complete step 2 for all four exercises. Step 2 will involve connecting your findings to key themes from this class. In most weeks, you will have options to choose from. However, in this week, you will be required to address channels of communication.

Here are the instructions for completing this week’s exercise:

Speak to two people in two different ways – 1) via phone or video chat and 2) through email, messenger, or phone texting. You will ask them the same set of questions and discuss the same topic – their birthday or vacation plans. You will ask them the following questions:

1. What are you doing for your birthday or next vacation?

2. What did you do last year?

3. What do you want as a gift or what do you want to do while on vacation? 

After your interaction, answer the following questions in the Week 1 Step 1 section of your 

Communication Notebook.

1. How much time did each exchange take (roughly)?

2. How well were the questions answered via phone or video chat?

3. How well were the questions answered via email, messenger, or phone texting?

4. How close did you feel to the person in the phone or video chat exchange?

5. How close did you feel to the person in email, messenger, or phone texting exchange?

6. Which interaction was most satisfying and why?

Communication Notebook

This is the form you will use to record all of your weekly exercise notes. In weeks 1, 2, 4 and 5 you will update this document with the new exercise you complete. You only have to answer three questions, through week 4. Then, in week 5, you will be required to complete questions two for each week’s exercise. You will be required to use Bevan, one course reading from the required or recommended list, and TWO course videos. See the resources box for the week 5 paper instructions for a list of videos, but you can use any from class. They should all be listed in a reference list at the end of this document and they should all comply with APA style guidelines.

Week 1: Channels of Communication

Step 1 – Describe the findings. (100 to 150 words) – Only this part is due at the end of week 1

a) How much time did each exchange take (roughly)? (1 to 2 sentences)

b) How well were the questions answered via phone or video chat? (1 to 2 sentences)

c) How well were the questions answered via email, messenger, or phone texting? (1 to 2 sentences)

d) How close did you feel to the person in the phone or video chat exchange? (1 to 2 sentences)

e) How close did you feel to the person in email, messenger, or phone texting exchange? (1 to 2 sentences)

f) Which interaction was most satisfying and why? (1 to 2 sentences)

Step 2 – Apply what you have learned during this class, especially the basic principles of effective communication, ideas of the self, or culture, to your exercise results, citing at least two course resources to support you and one can be a video. (This must be 200 to 250 words.) Due week 5.

Week 2:

Please list your exercise: ___________________________

Option 3: Stereotypes 

As we have learned in Bevan, we use perceptual schemas to make sense of the world around us. These are central to communication, as they involve perception (taking in information into our minds through observing verbal and nonverbal cues), classification (putting information into categorical boxes in our minds), and then assigning meaning to those classifications, which are typically positive or negative.  In this option, you will explore a broad category of schemas called “stereotypes.”  To complete the task, do the following, using and citing Bevan as much as possible: 

· Define stereotypes, utilizing Bevan.

· Explain how stereotypes are useful tools we use to make sense of the world and make choices.

· Identify three common stereotypes and write a sentence that draws on them.

· Explore why each stereotypical sentence can be destructive.

· List some steps we can take to mitigate the negative impacts of stereotypes

Step 1 – Describe the findings. (100 to 150 words) – Due week 2

Step 2 – Apply what you have learned during this class, especially the basic principles of effective communication, ideas of the self, or culture, to your exercise results, using and citing at least two course resources to support you and one can be a video. (This must be 200 to 250 words.) Due week 5.

Week 4:

Please list your exercise: ___________________________

Step 1 – Describe the findings. (100 to 150 words) – Due week 4

Step 2 – Apply what you have learned during this class, especially the basic principles of effective communication, ideas of the self, or culture, to your exercise results, using and citing at least two course resources to support you and one can be a video. (This must be 200 to 250 words.) Due week 5.

Week 5:

Please list your exercise: ___________________________

Step 1 – Describe the findings. (100 to 150 words) – Due week 5

Step 2 – Apply what you have learned during this class, especially the basic principles of effective communication, ideas of the self, or culture, to your exercise results, using and citing at least two course resources to support you and one can be a video. (This must be 200 to 250 words.) Due week 5.

Week 2 communication notebook/Instructions

In Weeks 1, 2, and 4 you will complete an exercise that you will add to your Communication Notebook. For this quiz, you will simply verify that you have completed the Week 2 exercise (see instructions below) to earn 0.5 points. While you are on the honor system, if you do not complete these exercises each week, you will be catching up on multiple exercises in Week 5, as the four exercises are the basis of your Week 5 Communication Notebook Final Paper.

While you are on the honor system, if you do not complete these exercises each week, you will be catching up on multiple exercises in Week 4, when you submit the document to your peers for feedback. As a reminder, you will be using your four exercises as the basis of your Week 5 Communication Notebook Final Paper.

This week, you will choose from the options below to explore. When you have finished the write-up, add the content to your notebook and take the quiz.

Week 2 Exercise Instructions (choose one option):

Option 1: Violate a nonverbal cultural norm by doing one of the following: 

· Stand in the wrong direction, face someone, or sit down in an elevator, bus or even while in line at a store.

· Wave to everyone as you walk down a busy street.

· Shake the hands of as many people as possible when you greet them in the morning.

As you write about the experience, answer the following questions: 

· What do the norms that are usually followed in the elevator, bus or line try to establish, in terms of values or beliefs?

· How does your experiment connect to one of the elements of nonverbal communication addressed in Bevan (e.g., haptics, proxemics, paralanguage or kinesics)?

· How have you been trained to obey the nonverbal communication norms you normally follow?

Option 2: How gender might impact patterns of communication 

Read Bevan on gender and communication. Then, ask two people (one male and one female) to allow you to record your conversations with them on your phone. Here are some themes you can discuss: the weather on that day, some news event you just heard about, or something going on in your or their family. Keep the conversation to 2 to 3 minutes. Then, listen to the recordings and make note of whether you hear the more masculine or feminine styles of communication outlined in Bevan. 

In addition to what Bevan says, here are five features that are often found in more stereotypically “feminine” and “masculine” styles of communication:

Feminine Styles: 

· Tag questions (ending statements with phrases such as “isn’t it?” or “don’t you think?”).  This is thought to undermine the speaker and demonstrate a lack of confidence.

· Flowery language (phrases such as absolutely or precision of color or taste)

· Hedging statements (mitigating assertiveness, including words such as “quite” or “at that time”)

· Intensifiers (words such as absolutely or incredible)

· Bonding (searching for common ground, agreement)

Masculine Styles: 

· Certainty (speaks as if from fact, rather than opinion)

· Vulgarity/profanity 

· Sentence fragments/informality

· Confrontation/argumentative

· Interrupting

Did you find that you or the two people you spoke with illustrated any of these patterns of more masculine or feminine styles of communication? Write a one to two-paragraph summary of your results. Include some of the expressions you heard to demonstrate your key points.

Option 3: Stereotypes 

As we have learned in Bevan, we use perceptual schemas to make sense of the world around us. These are central to communication, as they involve perception (taking in information into our minds through observing verbal and nonverbal cues), classification (putting information into categorical boxes in our minds), and then assigning meaning to those classifications, which are typically positive or negative.  In this option, you will explore a broad category of schemas called “stereotypes.”  To complete the task, do the following, using and citing Bevan as much as possible: 

· Define stereotypes, utilizing Bevan.

· Explain how stereotypes are useful tools we use to make sense of the world and make choices.

· Identify three common stereotypes and write a sentence that draws on them.

· Explore why each stereotypical sentence can be destructive.

· List some steps we can take to mitigate the negative impacts of stereotypes

Communication Notebook

This is the form you will use to record all of your weekly exercise notes. In weeks 1, 2, 4 and 5 you will update this document with the new exercise you complete. You only have to answer three questions, through week 4. Then, in week 5, you will be required to complete questions two for each week’s exercise. You will be required to use Bevan, one course reading from the required or recommended list, and TWO course videos. See the resources box for the week 5 paper instructions for a list of videos, but you can use any from class. They should all be listed in a reference list at the end of this document and they should all comply with APA style guidelines.

Week 1: Channels of Communication

Step 1 – Describe the findings. (100 to 150 words) – Only this part is due at the end of week 1

a) How much time did each exchange take (roughly)? (1 to 2 sentences)

b) How well were the questions answered via phone or video chat? (1 to 2 sentences)

c) How well were the questions answered via email, messenger, or phone texting? (1 to 2 sentences)

d) How close did you feel to the person in the phone or video chat exchange? (1 to 2 sentences)

e) How close did you feel to the person in email, messenger, or phone texting exchange? (1 to 2 sentences)

f) Which interaction was most satisfying and why? (1 to 2 sentences)

Step 2 – Apply what you have learned during this class, especially the basic principles of effective communication, ideas of the self, or culture, to your exercise results, citing at least two course resources to support you and one can be a video. (This must be 200 to 250 words.) Due week 5.

Week 2:

Please list your exercise: ___________________________

Option 3: Stereotypes 

As we have learned in Bevan, we use perceptual schemas to make sense of the world around us. These are central to communication, as they involve perception (taking in information into our minds through observing verbal and nonverbal cues), classification (putting information into categorical boxes in our minds), and then assigning meaning to those classifications, which are typically positive or negative.  In this option, you will explore a broad category of schemas called “stereotypes.”  To complete the task, do the following, using and citing Bevan as much as possible: 
· Define stereotypes, utilizing Bevan.
· Explain how stereotypes are useful tools we use to make sense of the world and make choices.
· Identify three common stereotypes and write a sentence that draws on them.
· Explore why each stereotypical sentence can be destructive.
· List some steps we can take to mitigate the negative impacts of stereotypes

Step 1 – Describe the findings. (100 to 150 words) – Due week 2

Step 2 – Apply what you have learned during this class, especially the basic principles of effective communication, ideas of the self, or culture, to your exercise results, using and citing at least two course resources to support you and one can be a video. (This must be 200 to 250 words.) Due week 5.

Week 4:

Please list your exercise: ___________________________

Step 1 – Describe the findings. (100 to 150 words) – Due week 4

Step 2 – Apply what you have learned during this class, especially the basic principles of effective communication, ideas of the self, or culture, to your exercise results, using and citing at least two course resources to support you and one can be a video. (This must be 200 to 250 words.) Due week 5.

Week 5:

Please list your exercise: ___________________________

Step 1 – Describe the findings. (100 to 150 words) – Due week 5

Step 2 – Apply what you have learned during this class, especially the basic principles of effective communication, ideas of the self, or culture, to your exercise results, using and citing at least two course resources to support you and one can be a video. (This must be 200 to 250 words.) Due week 5.

Week 2 communication notebook/Instructions

This week, you have three options for your exercise. When you have finished the write-up, add it to your notebook and complete the one-question check-in quiz. You must submit the quiz by Day 7 (Monday) of class to earn credit for doing this exercise.

Option 1: Conversation management and the four “C”s

Review the themes covered in section 7.2 of Bevan. Then, go have a conversation with someone. Ask them for permission to record it. As you replay it, answer the following questions:

1. How did you or the other party convey confidence, creativity, caring, or consideration?

2. How did the conversation allow you build or sustain what Bevan calls “rapport?”

3. What did you note about open-ended questions, turn-taking, and mirroring?

Option 2: Assisting Others

When was the last time someone provided you with social support or you provided others with support? What were the circumstances? Which type(s) of social support did they use (action-facilitating, nurturing, emotional, instrumental, informational)? Was it appropriate for the situation? Try to list both nonverbal or verbal cues that were used when giving the support.

Option 3: Relationship Maintenance

1. Take a moment to evaluate one of your own relationships or the relationship of someone close to you.

2. What types of positive relationship maintenance behaviors related to communication outlined in chapter 8 in Bevan are used in this close relationship?

3. What different communication techniques are used in different types of relationships?

When you are done, be sure to add this to your “Communication Notebook.” Here, you only have to complete the first halves of each question. For the week 5 final paper, you will need to complete the second halves as well. So, be sure to complete the entire assignment.

Communication Notebook

This is the form you will use to record all of your weekly exercise notes. In weeks 1, 2, 4 and 5 you will update this document with the new exercise you complete. You only have to answer three questions, through week 4. Then, in week 5, you will be required to complete questions two for each week’s exercise. You will be required to use Bevan, one course reading from the required or recommended list, and TWO course videos. See the resources box for the week 5 paper instructions for a list of videos, but you can use any from class. They should all be listed in a reference list at the end of this document and they should all comply with APA style guidelines.

Week 1: Channels of Communication

Step 1 – Describe the findings. (100 to 150 words) – Only this part is due at the end of week 1

a) How much time did each exchange take (roughly)? (1 to 2 sentences)

b) How well were the questions answered via phone or video chat? (1 to 2 sentences)

c) How well were the questions answered via email, messenger, or phone texting? (1 to 2 sentences)

d) How close did you feel to the person in the phone or video chat exchange? (1 to 2 sentences)

e) How close did you feel to the person in email, messenger, or phone texting exchange? (1 to 2 sentences)

f) Which interaction was most satisfying and why? (1 to 2 sentences)

Step 2 – Apply what you have learned during this class, especially the basic principles of effective communication, ideas of the self, or culture, to your exercise results, citing at least two course resources to support you and one can be a video. (This must be 200 to 250 words.) Due week 5.

Week 2:

Please list your exercise: ___________________________

Option 3: Stereotypes 

As we have learned in Bevan, we use perceptual schemas to make sense of the world around us. These are central to communication, as they involve perception (taking in information into our minds through observing verbal and nonverbal cues), classification (putting information into categorical boxes in our minds), and then assigning meaning to those classifications, which are typically positive or negative.  In this option, you will explore a broad category of schemas called “stereotypes.”  To complete the task, do the following, using and citing Bevan as much as possible: 

· Define stereotypes, utilizing Bevan.

· Explain how stereotypes are useful tools we use to make sense of the world and make choices.

· Identify three common stereotypes and write a sentence that draws on them.

· Explore why each stereotypical sentence can be destructive.

· List some steps we can take to mitigate the negative impacts of stereotypes

Step 1 – Describe the findings. (100 to 150 words) – Due week 2

Step 2 – Apply what you have learned during this class, especially the basic principles of effective communication, ideas of the self, or culture, to your exercise results, using and citing at least two course resources to support you and one can be a video. (This must be 200 to 250 words.) Due week 5.

Week 4:

Please list your exercise: ___________________________

Step 1 – Describe the findings. (100 to 150 words) – Due week 4

Step 2 – Apply what you have learned during this class, especially the basic principles of effective communication, ideas of the self, or culture, to your exercise results, using and citing at least two course resources to support you and one can be a video. (This must be 200 to 250 words.) Due week 5.

Week 5:

Please list your exercise: ___________________________

Step 1 – Describe the findings. (100 to 150 words) – Due week 5

Step 2 – Apply what you have learned during this class, especially the basic principles of effective communication, ideas of the self, or culture, to your exercise results, using and citing at least two course resources to support you and one can be a video. (This must be 200 to 250 words.) Due week 5.



Interpersonal Conflict

Student’s Name

COM 200: Interpersonal Communication

Instructor’s Name

December 9, 2019


Interpersonal Conflict

We all experience conflict in our lives to varying degrees. We all deal with it differently,

as well. Conflict can be as simple as differing opinions regarding the best sports teams to as

complicated as the best way to run a country. How we deal with interpersonal conflict can mean

the difference between peace and all-out war.

Defining Conflict

Conflict is a serious disagreement or argument. According to Bevan (2020), there are

three criteria for a conflict. 1) Conflict can only exist if at least one person communicates, either

verbally or nonverbally, that there is a struggle happening. If no one says anything about the

situation, then there is not a conflict. 2) There have to be at least two people involved and they

must need each other in some way. If they can both walk away from the situation, then there is

no conflict. 3) Each person perceives that they have incompatible goals, scarce resources, and

interference from others in achieving their goals. They feel the other person is getting in their

way and keeping them from what they want.

Conflict Example

The multimedia resource I chose was an episode from the television show “This Is Us.

S4E4.” In the scene, Randall and Beth are a married couple. They arrive for the opening of

Beth’s dance studio. Her mother is also arriving at the same time. The storyline suggests that

Carol, Beth’s mother and Randall, her husband, do not get along very well. They enter the

building to find a terrible odor. They call in someone and find that there is a dead possum in the

wall, and they are told it might take a week or so for the smell to dissipate on its own. This is

where this particular conflict between Carol and Randall begins. Carol tells her daughter Beth

that she needs to reschedule the opening. Randall tells her no, they are not rescheduling. Carol

Commented [KC1]: There is good sentiment here. But as
an introduction, the stduent also needs a clear thesis that is
the heart of their paper and a preview of what they plan to do
in the paper.

Commented [KC2]: Great definition, as the student has
paraphrased Bevan nicely and added additional detail.


starts to say, “Randall, you can’t have people coming…” She stops and says, “this is what we are

going to do.” She turns to Beth and continues. “You are going to tell people you are very sorry.

You are going to ask them to come next Saturday. You are going to double down on promotions.

It’s a shame…” Meanwhile, you can see Randall is getting really upset. He interrupts Carol by

retorting, “Don’t tell me what I can and can’t do, Carol. This is important to my wife and I am

going to fix it so we’re not rescheduling. Am I clear?” He turns and starts to walk away. He stops

and comes back to her and says, “I apologize for speaking to you in that tone, but the content

holds.” He then walks away again.

In this scene, the first criterion is met when Randall verbally communicates his part of the

struggle by saying, “Don’t tell me what I can and can’t do, Carol.” The second criterion is met as

the conflict in this scene is between Carol and Randall. They each want to control the situation,

and they need the other person to cooperate. For the third criterion in this scene, Randall wants

the opening of Beth’s dance studio to continue as planned, and her mother, Carol, wants her to

postpone it for a week.

Ineffective Handling

In this scene, Randall loses his temper with his overbearing mother-in-law. Carol, in

particular, expresses some negative relationship maintenance behaviors. According to Bevan

(2020), this type of behavior is considered antisocial and involves being controlling. Carol

should not have been so quick to start giving orders and let the couple deal with the situation. If

they could not come up with a solution or ask for her advice, that would have been fine. Randall,

on the other hand, should not have lost his temper.

Commented [KC3]: Yes. Nice detail about exactly what
happened as it helps the reader understand your later points.

Commented [KC4]: Yes. Good illustration of how there is a
clear struggle here over what should be done.

Commented [KC5]: Good point, as it might not help him
accomplish his goals. Is there value in this “dark side” as well?
I’d like to have seen this critique developed more but it is still a
very good point.


Addressing the Conflict

Two conflict strategies that the characters addressed in this scene were competition and

compromise. Carol’s strategy seems to be competition as she appears to have a high concern for

self and a low concern for others. She wants everyone to obey her and quickly disregards what

Randall has to say. Randall, on the other hand, appears to use the compromise strategy which is a

moderate concern for both self and others, according to Bevan (2020). He wants everyone to get

along and is trying to avoid any type of conflict. Bevan (2020), refers to the “Dark Side” of

interpersonal communication and explains how it is not always an entirely negative thing.

Sometimes these dark messages can reveal useful information. In this particular scene, Randall

gets angry and stands up to his mother-in-law. Carol thought he lacked the strength of character

that she believed her daughter needed in a husband. After his outburst, he proved her wrong by

setting up the opening of the dance hall outside in the parking lot where it was a success. The

opening was to showcase his wife’s talent, not the location of the studio. As Carol watched him

take charge and turned things around, her admiration for him grew.

What they could have done

Beth and Randall had to have been together at least 15 or more years, and that is a long

time to be at odds with your mother-in-law. Carol appears to be a very domineering character

based on the reactions of the other characters in the show. Randall and Carol could have used a

couple of different strategies to improve their relationship many years before. One of the things

they could have done was set aside some time together to express their thoughts and emotions.

Bevan (2020) states that expressing your feelings while they are happening is not always

appropriate, like Randall giving in to his anger at that particular moment. He could have let it go

and asked Carol to sit down with him to discuss why she appeared to dislike him. He could have

Commented [KC6]: Nice resolution. I wondered if he
“collaborated” with others to get there.

I only saw one strategy fully addressed here and two were required.

Commented [KC7]: This is another great observation, as it
speaks to the importance of self control. This could have
been addressed more directly, but it is still a nice point.


approached the meeting by saying “I” statements. According to Bevan (2020), these types of

statements can relay your emotions without appearing that you are attacking the other person.

The characters did talk during the opening and were able to come to an understanding, which

will undoubtedly help to improve their relationship.

In conclusion, there are many things we can do to improve our relationships if that is

what we want to do. First, we need to identify where the conflict is, then try different strategies

to improve relations. If all parties are willing, then the conflict should be resolved, and the

relationship should improve.



Bevan, J. L. (2020). Making connections: Understanding interpersonal communication (3rd ed.).

Retrieved from

Fogelman, D., Rosenthal, J, Todd, D., Olin, K., Gogolak, C., Requa, J., Ficarra, G., Aptaker, I.,

Berger, E., & Oyegun, K. (Executive Producers). (2016). This Is Us [Television series].

Los Angeles, CA: 20th Century.

Week 4 assignments

Watch link below:

Television options (each show has no charge and has closed captioning):

Use this link do mines on This is Us:

· This Is Us


(Links to an external site.)

If you have problems accessing any of this content, contact your instructor immediately.

In this assignment, you will write a two- to three-page (500 to 750 word) paper in which you apply some of the communication-based conflict resolution strategies outlined in your textbook to a conflict in a fictional television program or film.

In your paper,

· Define conflict, utilizing Bevan.

· Describe one interpersonal conflict that was not handled effectively in the television episode or film.

· Explain how this situation meets the criteria for interpersonal conflict, utilizing Bevan, Section 9.2.

· Note: Focus on one exchange that illustrates one conflict and not the entire plot of the episode. If possible, provide some dialogue so the reader can clearly see how the characters handled the situation.

· Explain why the conflict was not handled effectively, utilizing Bevan (Chapters 8 and 9).

· Describe two strategies outlined in Bevan that the characters used to address the conflict, utilizing Bevan.

· Describe two strategies outlined in Bevan that the characters could have used to resolve this conflict more effectively, utilizing Bevan.


The Interpersonal Conflict in Television or Film paper

· Must be two to three double-spaced pages in length, which is 500 to 750 words (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s 

APA Style (Links to an external site.)


· Must include a separate title page with the following:

· Title of paper

· Student’s name

· Course name and number

· Instructor’s name

· Date submitted

Short Answer Assignment 1

Short Answer Assignment

Tara Thompson

January 18, 2021

Short Answer Assignment

– 1 –

[no notes on this page]

Short Answer Assignment 2

An1: Explanation of verbal and non-verbal communication to enhance job


Verbal and nonverbal communication has the most important role in organizations related to

employees’ job satisfaction in the workplace. Motivation towards the success of work related to

employees heavy depend upon open communication in the organization, so it increases the job

satisfaction of employees, and such is provided by Bevan (section 6.2)

• To improve verbal and nonverbal communication, one should consider the following.

• Focus on eye contact, particularly when encountering others

• Facial expressions have a vital role in communicating views, so these are an expression of

our emotion.

• Personal space is also important when making communication with any person.

• The tone of voice also has an important role in good communication, so it must be focused.

• Making awareness of signals because these can be sometimes misunderstood

• Try at home about communication enhancement with more and more practice.

• Focus on postures because they also play a significant role in good communication. (Bevan,


Guidelines for job satisfaction
Eye contact with others realizes that they are important and material. Hence, others

realize that they are given respect, so when making communication with the employer, they need

to consider this eye contact factor. In this way, it can establish a good relationship in the

organization. The facial expression also describes our emotion, so when making any

communication, employees and employers must express their facial expressions to realize others

about their feelings and emotions during whole communication. Personal space is also important

– 2 –

[no notes on this page]

Carol Grinage
depend heavily

Carol Grinage
Good ideas. Text support required.

Carol Grinage
es the

Short Answer Assignment 3

in good communication at every organization level, particularly when you encounter your

employer, supervisor, and subordinates, so it is necessary to improve this factor. Moreover, the

tone of voice of any person describes his communication skills improvement and ethical

behavior. So it is important to control your voice tone so that when communicating with others,

your tone must describe that you are giving respect to them, particularly when making

communication with higher management at the organization. Moreover, postures must be

focused, so that good communication satisfy employees, and practice at home by employees also

results in job satisfaction.

(Bevan, 2020)

An2: Elements of conversation management

The conversation is the most interactive way of things in two or more people’s

communication. It needs more analysis and specific focus on the interaction of different people’s

conversation in this instance. Some elements of conversation should be recognized while talking

with someone and considered more important. The management of conversation gives everyone

better control on how to make conversation successful and make them able to respond better so

that by using these elements of conversation, everyone easily analyzes the mistakes and misuse

in the structure of the conversation.

A) Explain what rapport is and why it matters

The first step to making conversation with two or more peoples is to make a valid report,

which is necessary for establishing a good conversation and making it useful that is the main

matters and fundamental to recognize report seriously, so that source, message, channel, and

receiver all the elements of conversation are possible through this rapport because this is the

main thing in which one person easily understand the other concept and point of view. However,

– 3 –

[no notes on this page]

Carol Grinage
Explains One Way One Can Alter Their Nonverbal Communication to Enhance Their Job Satisfaction, Utilizing Bevan
* Good details. More text support needed.

Carol Grinage
Explains One Way One Can Alter Their Verbal Communication to Enhance Their Job Satisfaction, Utilizing Bevan
* Is this portion about verbal communication? If so, the connection needs to be clear.
Please see the sample paper for how this content should have been organize.

Carol Grinage
Discusses How Following These Guidelines Could Help the Student or Some Hypothetical Worker to Be More Satisfied at Work
* I don’t see this point addressed. Please see sample paper for who this point could have been met.

Carol Grinage
Explains What Rapport Is and Why It Matters, Utilizing Bevan
* I don’t see a clear discussion on rapport and why it matters.

Short Answer Assignment 4

that is the major thing that makes entire communication very useful, attractive, meaningful, and

effective. (Bevan, 2020)

B) Principles of building rapport Confidence, creativity, or caring

Building rapport is the main thing for creating a harmonious and soft understanding with

someone and a group, so that is the process of building rapport with someone. And this is the

natural process of building rapport among peoples.

Confidence: It is necessary to make every level of conversation successful because it affects

every stage of life in human life. The perception to receive things is important because we are

happy to see things better, even feel pleasant to have around us. That is the major rapport of

building our-self happier and motivator so that we feel comfortable in this way.

Creativity: The important principle is to make creative things in a concise period. Those people

who always see opportunities and creatively do something different don’t think about negativity

and obstacles.

Caring: The peoples who are too close with others are more caring and have some harmony,

which is the basic principle of building rapport. This way, it allows them to understand and feel

some inner conversation and connect them with other souls.

C) Example to enhance either a personal or professional relationship

If a company hires someone as a CEO so that their first aim is to meet all their employees in a

better way and give some fresh meal for the sake of building rapport with all their colleagues and

employees. In the all-time meeting, the CEO smiled and listened carefully to their colleagues’

conversations and understood their problems, and tried to reduce them by their power and status.

– 4 –

[no notes on this page]

Carol Grinage
Defines and Describes One of the First Three Principles of Building Rapport (Confidence, Creativity, or Caring), Utilizing Bevan
* Only one of these points was required for discussion. I also don’t see the required text support.
Remember that when you see “utilizing Bevan”, you must use and cite Bevan in your response.

Carol Grinage
Sentence meaning unclear.

Carol Grinage
What do you mean by “tried to reduce them”?

Carol Grinage
Comma splice.

Carol Grinage
Minor punctuation errors are present throughout. Please remember to use Grammarly and the Ashford Writing Center paper review for help with editing.

Carol Grinage
Shares an Example to Illustrate How One of the Principles of Building Rapport Can Enhance a Personal or Professional Relationship
* This paragraph needs to be clearly connected with one of the principle of rapport.

Short Answer Assignment 5

In this way, the CEO enhances the relationship among all their colleagues and employees.

(Bevan, 2020)

An3: Definition and use of Self-disclosure

• There is no matter you are intended to the situation or not. Still, self-disclosure is entirely

based on the procedure of passing on whole information about yourself towards someone

else so that it would be related to our religion, beliefs, values, perception, morals, and other

all private life information.

• The usage of self-disclosure is widespread, giving different benefits; therefore, ask yourself

earlier how disclosure helps you make clients. It is instrumental in considering the risks and

be brief. In this instance, it gives support in building rapport with clients to make good

relations by developing an interest through counseling. (Bevan, 2020)

Rewards and Risks of Self-disclosure

Self-knowledge is the main reward in which a person can easily understand the

perspective and perception of others’ motives and behavior. On the other side, understanding the

difficulties and overcoming it is an essential part of rapport, which is to be completed through

self-knowledge and awareness. Self-acceptance is listed in the rewards of self-disclosure so that

in this way, everyone accepts himself through the eyes of the other and makes them better. By

using self-disclosure, everyone understands others’ conversation and has better communication

skills by improving the individual’s understanding. (Bevan, 2020)

– 5 –

[no notes on this page]

Carol Grinage
Sentence meaning unclear.

Carol Grinage
What is your source for this information? A text citation is needed.

Carol Grinage
Period should be outside of the parentheses.
Please review APA style and punctuation with in-text citations. The Ashford Writing Center has a link to APA citations.

Carol Grinage
Defines Self-Disclosure, Utilizing Bevan
* Good details. More text support needed.

Carol Grinage
What is your source? Text support needed.

Carol Grinage
What is your source? Text citation needed.

Carol Grinage
Explains at Least Two of the Rewards of Self-Disclosure, Utilizing Bevan
* Good ideas. Much more text support required.

Short Answer Assignment 6

The one and main risk of self-disclosure are that peoples do not give a favorable response

to others due to the lack of communication skills. Also, they don’t know about conversation

management elements, which is an essential part of every communication.

The second and worse risk is that the relationships among people have been destroyed

only because they gain so much power due to the self-disclose that comes in advance in a

relationship could damage their relationship. (Bevan, 2020)

– 6 –

[no notes on this page]

Carol Grinage
I don’t know how this relates as a risk of self-disclosure. What is your source?

Carol Grinage
Sentence meaning not clear.

Short Answer Assignment 7


Bevan, J. L. (2020). Making connections: Understanding interpersonal communication (3rd ed.).

Retrieved from

– 7 –

[no notes on this page]

Short Answer Assignment 8

– 8 –

[no notes on this page]

Tara,Because you did not earn a passing grade on this assignment, you may revise it. Before you revise your assignment, please make sure you read my in-text comments and understand what is needed. If you have any questions, please contact me. In addition, make sure you contact me once you submit your assignment so I know it is ready for grading. This short-answer essay was designed to test students’ knowledge of some of the key themes from the week.  You were also asked to apply some of this information to some real-world self-disclosure experience.These responses did not quite meet the expectations.  Remember, students were required to answer all elements of the prompt and use course material for all these responses.  First, many times you did not do all of the required elements.  Second, though these responses might have been influenced by class readings, it was not clear and/or deep enough discussion of key themes from class.  I needed to see much more engagement with course themes to illustrate deeper understanding.  For instance, in your reply to the question about defining and describing one principle of rapport, you described three principles instead of discussion one in detail. Also, the required text support was not needed. To improve, remember to review the rubric to see if you must use and cite the text in your response. While I saw some attempt to demonstrate understanding of course concepts, there was not enough here to warrant a passing grade.  In future work, please be sure all responses use course material to support you and clearly and completely address all elements of the questions.Please read over my in-text comments and contact me if you have any questions.Regards,Carol 

(0.49 / 0.65); : Explains One Way One Can Alter Their Verbal Communication to Enhance Their Job Satisfaction, Utilizing Bevan

Basic – Minimally explains one way one can alter their verbal communication to enhance their job satisfaction, vaguely utilizing Bevan. Relevant details are missing, unclear, and/or inaccurate.  

(0.49 / 0.65); : Explains One Way One Can Alter Their Nonverbal Communication to Enhance Their Job Satisfaction, Utilizing Bevan

Basic – Minimally explains one way one can alter their nonverbal communication to enhance their job satisfaction, vaguely utilizing Bevan. Relevant details are missing, unclear, and/or inaccurate.  

(0.00 / 0.65); : Discusses How Following These Guidelines Could Help the Student or Some Hypothetical Worker to Be More Satisfied at Work

Non-Performance – The discussion of how following these guidelines could help the student or some hypothetical worker to be more satisfied at work is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions.

(0.49 / 0.65); : Explains What Rapport Is and Why It Matters, Utilizing Bevan

Basic – Minimally explains what rapport is and why it matters, vaguely utilizing Bevan. Relevant details are missing, unclear, and/or inaccurate.  

(0.42 / 0.65); : Defines and Describes One of the First Three Principles of Building Rapport (Confidence, Creativity, or Caring), Utilizing Bevan

Below Expectations – Attempts to define and describe one of the first three principles of building rapport (confidence, creativity, or caring); however, does not utilize Bevan, and/or significant details are missing, unclear, and inaccurate.

(0.42 / 0.65); : Shares an Example to Illustrate How One of the Principles of Building Rapport Can Enhance a Personal or Professional Relationship

Below Expectations – Attempts to share an example to illustrate how one of the principles of building rapport can enhance a personal or professional relationship; however, significant details are missing and unclear.

(0.57 / 0.65); : Defines Self-Disclosure, Utilizing Bevan

Proficient – Defines self-disclosure, utilizing Bevan. Minor details are missing, slightly unclear, or inaccurate.

(0.49 / 0.65); : Explains at Least Two of the Rewards of Self-Disclosure, Utilizing Bevan

Basic – Minimally explains at least two of the rewards of self-disclosure, vaguely utilizing Bevan. Relevant details are missing, unclear, and/or inaccurate.  

(0.42 / 0.65); : Explains at Least Two of the Risks of Self-Disclosure, Utilizing Bevan

Below Expectations – Attempts to explain at least two of the risks of self-disclosure; however, does not utilize Bevan, only one reward of self-disclosure is explained, and/or significant details are missing, unclear, and inaccurate.

(0.29 / 0.38); : Written Communication: Control of Syntax and Mechanics

Basic – Displays basic comprehension of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains a few errors which may slightly distract the reader.

(0.33 / 0.37); : Written Communication: APA Formatting

Proficient – Exhibits APA formatting throughout the paper. However, layout contains a few minor errors. 

(0.40 / 0.40); : Written Communication: Word Requirement

Distinguished – The length of the paper is equivalent to the required number of words.

Overall Score: 4.81 / 7.00 Overall Grade: 4.81

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