I need a 7 page essay wrote that has very detailed instructions on how it needs to be wrote.I have attached the instructions below.

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Essay Requirements

Adhere to APA 6th edition rules, guidelines, and standards.

Cite all sources in the body of the paper and on the References page.

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Ensure to type the following in the header of your Title page


Topic of Essay is: Combat.

Thesis Statement: Combat and the effects of war is the Major cause for our soldiers having Mental and Psychological problems today.

Discuss the Root Cause of your topic, how it Impacts (Effects/Affects/Influences) the Army/force, and Recommendations (possible solutions).

Discuss the three ethical lenses. The following provides an overview of the three lenses. The purpose of the rule lens is to apply the Army values against the rules, regulations, and or policies to the intended recommendation. The outcomes principle simple provides identifying and doing whatever produces the best outcome for the most people favorably. The virtues lens ensures the desirable virtues of courage, justice, and benevolence result in an ethical outcome. Personal note: the three ethical lenses (Rules, Outcomes, and Virtues) should fill 60% of the essay in the Recommendations section

Paper Title (on Page 2 of your essay): Identify the title page with a Running head that is flush left and will change with every paper. The title itself (in all capitals) should not exceed 50 spaces, no special characters or punctuation. Furthermore, the title remains all on one line.

Introduction Paragraph: (Do not type the words “Introduction.” After the title is the paragraph introduction. This paragraph introduces the topic and briefly explains the intent and rationale of the paper. Additionally, the paragraph introduction includes the thesis statement (usually the last sentence), and a transition to the first Level I Header.

Transition Flow: Transition Sentence: The last sentence of each section, regardless of level heading should transition the reader from the current section (main point) to the next section (main point). Additionally, it should transition to the conclusion.

Conclusion: The heading “Conclusion” will be the last Level I Header in the paper. It includes the thesis statement as the first sentence. The conclusion should include a brief summary of the findings in the paper (typically, five complete sentences). Refrain from using “In conclusion,” “In summary,” or “In closing” when writing academic papers. The conclusion serves as a Level I Header (Centered, Bold, Upper and Lower Case Heading) Read and review throughout ALL instructions for the essay.

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