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Date: 2020-01-29


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Being A Confident Dentist in Uncertain Situations As dentists, we are often looked towards for leadership roles within the dental practice.

And how you lead your team will have a significant impact on success. But… What makes a good leader as a dentist? Of course, there is

no single simple answer to this question… Allow me to share what I feel as some of the most influential characteristics are. Being confident

and practicing the right habits. Key to this is liking and respecting yourself. The more you respect what you do, the more confidence you

gain. The more you believe in yourself, and the impact you make, the higher levels of effectiveness you will achieve. Dentistry is, at times,

becoming much more risk-averse. Perhaps that is no surprise with complaints and litigation ever on the rise. If you engage in a treatment

where the outcome is by no means certain, there is, of course, an associated risk. You and I know, we can’t fix every tooth. Complications

can arise. Things don’t always go to plan. However, a complication is not the same as negligence. Possibilities vs. probabilities are not the

same things – and we must be careful about how we discuss these with patients. We can’t always account for such uncertainty. It’s just the

nature of what we do. So, the issue is not whether you take risks. The real question is this: How skillful are you in taking risks? I am having

the courage and confidence to undertake the ‘right’ risks for the ‘right’ reasons are key. I was recently speaking with a dentist, who asked

me: “How can I be a confident dentist in uncertain situations? Does it come from your personality, or is it learned?” My answer is ‘yes’ – to

both. Of course, some personality traits are more aligned with self-confidence. But I do believe that self-confidence can be developed and

learned. Being able to maintain your self-confidence in challenging situations does not necessarily have to be complicated. Here’s my take

on some habits that can improve your self-confidence as a dentist: Recognize Shortcomings It’s not about always being right. Things don’t

always go to plan. We need to remain open-minded to the idea of being wrong. We see examples of leaders in a society that ultimately fail

through ignorance and refusing to question their assumptions. Ego can play a massive part in this. And I get it; nobody wants to look or feel

stupid. But it takes real courage to admit to a shortcoming. If you feel you have made a wrong decision or have changed your mind – there’s

nothing wrong with that.





8% Plagiarised

Apr 15, 2019 – Of course, there is no single simple answer to this question… Allow me to share what I feel as some of the most

influential characteristics are.

40% Plagiarised

Mar 19, 2019 – But it takes real courage to admit to a shortcoming. If you feel you have made a bad decision or have changed your

mind – there’s nothing …

4% Plagiarised

maintaining your self-confidence as a leader in unsure or defensive situations does not have to be difficult. you just have to practice

the following habits.

4% Plagiarised

does it come from your personality or is it learned?”having certain personality traits does help your self-confidence. but, self-

confidence is a habit that can be learned. maintaining your self-confidence as a leader in unsure or defensive situations does not have

to be difficult.

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