
Unit 4 – Essay Project 3  5 double-spaced pages with 4 outside sources Background: Crash, a film by director, Paul Haggis [2004] is an interesting statement on the interconnection of race, virtue, and social class. Pay close attention to the behavior of certain characters given their respective social class. Crash was awarded ‘Best Picture’ in 2005. Writing Prompt: Rent and view the film Crash. In the essay, ‘Class and Virtue’, Michael Parenti believes Hollywood films always attach virtue to the well off middle and upper classes only. Write an essay in which you agree or disagree with this idea using ‘Crash’ as your chief example. Hint: Do not write character descriptions of each person in the film. You must agree or disagree with Parenti’s belief using 2 to 3 characters only. • For a film synopsis, click into ‘Bonus Pts-Film’ off the course menu, and then click into film list. Be sure to rent the correct film released in 2004 starring Sandra Bullock, Don Cheadle, and Matt Dillon. There is an earlier film by the same title that SHOULD NOT BE RENTED. MLA Documentation: You must use MLA documentation which consists of intext citations and a works cited page. Incorrect usage or failure to use may result in a deduction of up to 5 points. Research Requirements: You must include (4)researched library sources: books, articles (newspaper and scholarly), online databases within the library system, research data within the library system ONLY. They cannot be unsubstantiated internet websites, encyclopedias, classroom textbooks, pamphlets, bibles, or dictionaries. You may use the reading selections as support, but these WILL NOT be counted as research sources. Format Requirements: Title 3rd person only MLA format Structural Correctness – Intro-Thesis-Well Developed Body-Conclusion 1 inch margins – top and bottom-right-left Times New Roman typeface – 12 point 

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