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In the resource below, Ngo (2016) notes that there are four primary types of team players: contributor, collaborator, communicator, and challenger.

Ngo, S. (February, 16, 2016). The 4 types of team players: Which are you? Retrieved from

Within your company, the CEO has just posted an opening for manager within your department. The post provides all of the requirements for the job and also notes that you will need to provide an essay related to Ngo’s four primary types of team players; however, you must present this in a creative way as the CEO is looking for uniqueness and outside-the-box thinking about the types of team players.

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Your essay must include the following components:

  • describe each type of team player;
  • relate each type of team player to a real or fictional historic figure;
  • connect how each historic figure fits his or her respective type; and
  • establish how you will handle the team makeup (provided you had each type of team player) during each phase of development.

Your essay must be at least two pages in length, not including the title and reference pages. Be sure to include an introduction in your essay. Next, you must include at least two references, one of which can be your textbook. Finally, you must follow APA guidelines throughout.

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