
Letter + essay

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After reading “The Undercover Parent” (

 ) (Chapter 1 – From Critical Thinking to Argument) complete the following:

1. Write your own brief letter to the editor indicating your reasons for supporting or rejecting Croben’s argument.

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2. In the subject line of your post, indicate your position – Pro Spyware or Con Spyware.

3. Respond to a classmate who does not agree with your position. Explain why you disagree and offer a different point of view.

In order to earn the full points  for this assignment, you must:

· Directly and completely answer the question.

· Clearly and accurately explain your answer based on factual information.

· Include examples, quotes and/or paraphrases in your answer.

· Compose a unified paragraph using effective sentence structure, word choice, and grammatical correctness.

· Respond to another student’s post explaining the reason for your agreement or disagreement.  

Reminder: Please make sure to comply with all Netiquette Guidelines listed in the Getting Started module.

Watch the YouTube video – Evaluating Websites.  This short video describes how to evaluate and compare websites you have found while doing research for your Module One essay.

Watch Video

Evaluating Websites

Duration: (2:38)
User: anteater2112 – Added: 6/2/08

YouTube URL:

Before you answer the questions below, read the following about bias and point of view:

Point of view or bias reminds us that information is rarely neutral. Because data is used in selective ways to form information, it generally represents a point of view.

· Every writer wants to prove his point and will use the data and information that assists him in doing so.

· When evaluating information found on the Internet, it is important to examine who is providing the “information” you are viewing, and what might be their point of view or bias.

· If you are looking at products produced and sold by that corporation, remember: you are looking at an advertisement.

· If you are reading about a political figure at the Web site of another political party, you are reading the opposition.

· Does this document reside on the Web server of an organization that has a political or philosophical agenda?

· If you are looking for scientific information on human genetics, would you trust a political organization to provide it?

· Never assume that extremist points of view are always easy to detect. Some sites promoting these views may look educational.

· Remember that anyone can purchase an .org Website.


1. List the URL (Website address) of a source you are using for your Module One essay.   After consideration, is this a good source to use in your college paper? Why or why not? Explain.

2. Respond to a classmate – look at the source your classmate has selected. Explain why you believe this is or is not a good source to be used in a college paper.

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