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American Identities, 212C


Purpose of Assignment:

To develop your critical thinking skills

To make connections between abstract ideas and controversial decisions

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To understand how American ideals and values affect our socio-political and economic experience of life in the US

To think critically about economic inequality and the concentration of wealth in the US.

To contruct a well-reasoned opinion about historical and current contradictions between ideals and reality for all or some Americans

To hone your writing skills

What you need to do:

Please watch “Inequality for All” by Robert Reich. The documentary is available online through the PSU library and on Netflix.

Professor Robert Reich presents compelling arguments about the effects of the concentration of wealth in an increasingly small percentage of the population, the need to raise wages, the need for stronger unions, the need for an educated labor force, the need to raise taxes on the wealthy, and other aspects of the US economy.

Discuss one or more of Reich’s arguments.

Clarify what economic inequality entails.

What US ideals or values are affirmed or violated in our current economy and its increasing concentration of wealth?

Please remember, I am not looking for a right answer. I am more interested in your analysis and ability to support and defend your arguments and perspective.

Keep your essay short, say no more than five pages. Cite your sources. This essay will be reviewed by one or more of your classmates (peer-reviewed), so take a copy to your mentor session next week. Please also upload a copy to the D2L Assignment folder no later than Thursday.

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