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OL 342 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric

Organizations across multiple industries have experienced change related to internal and external influences founded upon behavioral theories. Short- and long-
term organizational success requires leaders to distinguish connections between these influences and individual, group, and organizational behaviors.
Organizational behavior reviews the usual suspects that influence organizational performance and sustainability, including, but not limited to, leadership
approach and style, motivational methods and models, internal and external culture, individual behaviors, attitudes, and individual perceptions.

The purpose of this project is to explore these topics from the three specific layers related to organizations: the individual, the group, and the entire
organizational system. The project will be a case study analysis of an organization. The analysis will include exploring the organizational modeling, the leadership
theory used, and the organizational culture of the company in the case study. By examining an organization through the case study, you will better understand
how the different aspects of organizational behavior manifest themselves within a company and how that influences the operations of the company. You will
use this case study for this project: The GM Culture Crisis: What Leaders Must Learn From This Culture Case Study.

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In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:

 Analyze organizational shifts in common business practices in the form of structure or design throughout history for their influence on modern
organizational ideals

 Assess internal and external influences to ensure alignment with organizational outcomes

 Analyze behavioral cause and effect in terms of the organizational outcomes in both employee and organizational performance
 Analyze the impact of culture on organizational operations for its influence on leadership styles and motivational theories on behavior within the


 Apply organizational behavior models and decision-making tools used by management in a business organization

For this project, you will analyze a real-world case study through the lens of organizational behavior, including at least cultural, diverse, motivational, and
leadership model perspectives. You will identify these key components within the case study, using proper organizational behavior terminology, and discuss the
impacts each appears to have within the organization itself.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Introduction

A. How is the organization described in the case study? What are its key attributes? What are its strengths and weaknesses?


II. Organizational Modeling
A. Describe a current behavioral organizational model used in the case study.
B. Compare the current behavioral organizational model used above to other models used within the industry and also within external related

C. Explain why there are differences between the organizational model used by the organization in the case study and those used by organizations

in another similar industry. In other words, what are some of the reasons for using these different organizational models?
D. Compare the current impact of culture on current organizational models to the impact culture has had on past organizational models.
E. Explain how the organization is or is not operating within an organizational model unique to its industry.
F. Explain if motivational models have shifted in comparison to the organizational modeling trends.

III. Evaluate Leadership Theory

A. Describe a leadership style used in the case study and why there was a shift in leadership style throughout the case study.
B. Explain the characteristics and decisions of management in the case study that help explain the shift in leadership style.
C. Identify the internal and external influences on the organization that may have caused the shift in leadership style. Be sure to explain your

D. Describe the relationship between a leadership style used by the organization in the case study and the decision-making process.

IV. Assess Organizational Culture
A. Discuss the internal culture present within the organization. Be sure to utilize terms relative to organizational behavior.
B. Identify specific examples from the case study that demonstrate the internal culture present within the organization.

V. Insights and Conclusions

A. Explain why the leadership style(s) and internal culture of the organization complement each other or do not complement each other.
B. Explain whether or not the changes in leadership style or internal culture of the organization influenced each other.
C. Explain how the leadership styles and internal culture of the organization may have influenced the behavior of the employees within the

organization. You could consider providing specific instances or examples from within the case study to support your response.

Milestone One: Introduction and Organizational Modeling


In Module Three, you will write a short paper that addresses Sections I and II of the final project. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone One Rubric.

Milestone Two: Leadership Theory, Organizational Culture, Insights and Conclusions
In Module Five, you will write a short paper that addresses Sections III, IV, and V of the final project. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Two

Final Project Submission: Organizational Analysis
In Module Seven, you will complete and submit your final organizational analysis. This submission will be graded with the Final Project Rubric, below.

Final Project Rubric
Guidelines for Submission: Submit assignment as a Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.

Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value


Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
description is an especially
comprehensive overview of the

Describes key attributes,
strengths, and weaknesses of
the organization in the case

Describes key attributes,
strengths, and weaknesses of
the organization in the case
study, but description is cursory
or inaccurate

Does not describe key
attributes, strengths, and
weaknesses of the organization
in the case study


Modeling: Current

Organizational Model


Meets “Proficient” criteria and
describes the behavioral
organizational model used in a
way that is especially

Describes a current behavioral
organizational model used by
the organization in the case

Describes a current behavioral
organizational model used by
the organization in the case
study, but description is cursory
or inaccurate

Does not describe a current
behavioral organizational
model used by the organization
in the case study


Modeling: Other



Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
comparison demonstrates a
nuanced understanding of the
behavioral organizational
models used in the industry of
the organization in the case
study as well as other related

Compares the current
behavioral model used by the
organization to other models
used within the industry and
also external related industries

Compares the current
behavioral model used by the
organization to other models
used within the industry and
also external related industries,
but comparison is cursory or

Does not compare the current
behavioral model used by the
organization to other models
used within the industry and
also external related industries


Modeling: Differences


Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
explanation demonstrates a
nuanced understanding of the
differences of organizational
modeling in different industries

Explains why there are
differences between the
modeling used by the
organization in the case study
and organizations in another

Explains why there are
differences between the
modeling used by the
organization in the case study
and organizations in another
industry, but explanation is
cursory or inappropriate

Does not explain why there are
differences between the
modeling used by the
organization in the case study
and organizations in another
industry and why they are


Modeling: Culture


Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
comparison demonstrates a
nuanced understanding of the
impact of culture on the
development of organizational
models throughout history

Compares the current impact of
culture on current
organizational models in
comparison to the impact
culture has had on past
organizational models

Compares the current impact of
culture on current
organizational models in
comparison to the impact
culture has had on past
organizational models, but
comparison is cursory or

Does not compare the current
impact of culture on current
organizational models in
comparison to the impact
culture has had on past
organizational models


Modeling: Unique


Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
explanation demonstrates keen
insight into the organizational
models used in the industry of
the organization in the case

Explains how the organization is
or is not operating within an
organizational model unique to
the industry

Explains how the organization is
or is not operating within an
organizational model unique to
the industry, but explanation is
cursory or inappropriate

Does not explain how the
organization is or is not
operating within an
organizational model unique to
the industry



Motivational Models

Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
explanation demonstrates keen
insight into the current state of
organizational modeling and
how motivational models align
or do not align with current

Explains if motivational models
have shifted or have not shifted
in comparison to the
organizational modeling trends

Explains if motivational models
have shifted or have not shifted
in comparison to the
organizational modeling trends,
but explanation is cursory or

Does not explain if motivational
models have shifted or have
not shifted in comparison to the
organizational modeling trends


Evaluate Leadership
Theory: Leadership


Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
description demonstrates a
nuanced understanding of
leadership styles and why they
can change

Describes a leadership style
used in the case study and why
there was a shift in leadership
style throughout the case study

Describes a leadership style
used in the case study and why
there was a shift in leadership
style throughout the case
study, but explanation is

Does not describe a leadership
style used in the case study and
why there was a shift in
leadership style throughout the
case study


Evaluate Leadership

Characteristics and


Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
explanation demonstrates keen
insight into how the behaviors
of management in the case
study may have influenced the
shift in leadership style

Explain the characteristics and
decisions of management in the
case study that help explain the
shift in leadership style

Explain the characteristics and
decisions of management in the
case study that help explain the
shift in leadership style, but
explanation is cursory or

Does not explain the
characteristics and decisions of
management in the case study
that help explain the shift in
leadership style


Evaluate Leadership
Theory: Internal and
External Influences


Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
explanation demonstrates keen
insight into how internal and
external influences on the
organization in the case study
may have influenced the shift in
leadership style

Explains the internal and
external influences on the
organization that may have
caused the shift in leadership

Explains the internal and
external influences on the
organization that may have
caused the shift in leadership
style, but explanation is cursory
or inappropriate

Does not explain the internal
and external influences on the
organization that may have
caused the shift in leadership


Evaluate Leadership
Theory: Relationship


Meets “Proficient” criteria and
makes cogent connections
between a leadership style
used in the case study and the
decision-making processes

Describes the relationship
between a leadership style
used in the case study and the
decision-making process

Describes the relationship
between a leadership style
used in the case study and the
decision-making process, but
explanation is cursory or

Does not describe the
relationship between a
leadership style used in the
case study and the decision-
making process


Assess Organizational
Culture: Internal


Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
the discussion is an especially
comprehensive overview of the
internal culture of the

Discusses the internal culture
present within the organization
using terms relative to
organizational behavior

Discusses the internal culture
present within the organization
using terms relative to
organizational behavior, but
discussion is cursory or

Does not discuss the internal
culture present within the
organization using terms
relative to organizational


Assess Organizational
Culture: Examples


Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
identification demonstrates a
nuanced understanding of the
internal culture present within
the organization

Identifies specific examples
from the case study that
demonstrate the internal
culture present within the

Identifies examples from the
case study that demonstrate
the internal culture present
within the organization, but
identification is inappropriate

Does not identify examples
from the case study that
demonstrate the internal
culture present within the


Insights and


Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
explanation demonstrates a
nuanced understanding of how
leadership styles and culture
complement each other

Explains why the leadership
style(s) and internal culture of
the organization complement
each other or do not
complement each other

Explains why the leadership
style(s) and internal culture of
the organization complement
each other or do not
complement each other, but
explanation is cursory or

Does not explain why the
leadership style(s) and internal
culture of the organization
complement each other or do
not complement each other

Insights and

Influenced Each Other

Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
explanation demonstrates a
nuanced understanding of the
influence that leadership styles
and culture have on one
another within the organization

Explains whether or not the
changes in leadership style or
internal culture of the
organization influenced each

Explains whether or not the
changes in leadership style or
internal culture of the
organization influenced each
other, but explanation is

Does not explain whether or
not the changes in leadership
style or internal culture of the
organization influenced each


Insights and

Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
explanation provides cogent
example for how employee
behavior was influenced by the
leadership styles and internal
culture of the organization

Explains how the leadership
styles and internal culture of
the organization may have
influenced the behavior of the
employees within the

Explains how the leadership
styles and internal culture of
the organization may have
influenced the behavior of the
employees within the
organization, but explanation is
cursory or inappropriate

Does not explain how the
leadership styles and internal
culture of the organization may
have influenced the behavior of
the employees within the


Articulation of

Submission is free of errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, and
organization and is presented in
a professional and easy-to-read

Submission has no major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization

Submission has major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that negatively impact
readability and articulation of
main ideas

Submission has critical errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that prevent understanding of


Total 100%

IHP 330 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric

Epidemiology is the science that allows public health practitioners to study the patterns, causes, and effects of health conditions in defined populations. Public
health practitioners rely on epidemiology to understand the risks and protective factors associated with health conditions, and to identify health disparities and
specific populations at risk for disease. Studies in epidemiology inform the development of public health policy and targeted interventions to prevent disease
and reduce health disparities.

For your final project, you will complete an epidemiological research study report based on the provided research study, “Salmonella in the Caribbean.”
Epidemiologists in the field are often tasked with developing recommendations to address specific health issues, and part of that process is analyzing what other
communities and epidemiologists have already done to address the issues. In your epidemiological research study report, you will analyze a health issue, the
population impacted, and the prevention strategies used. You will then develop a research question and determine an appropriate research design to further
investigate the issue.

The final project is divided into two milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality
final submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Four and Five. The final product will be submitted in Module Seven.

In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:

IHP-330-01: Draw connections between health disparities within specific populations and social and behavioral determinants

IHP-330-02: Determine key epidemiological principles of disease by analyzing health research studies

IHP-330-03: Determine patterns and trends of disease causation in specific populations by analyzing health data
IHP-330-04: Differentiate between primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention strategies for how they address key factors impacting health issues of

specific populations
IHP-330-05: Select epidemiological research designs to investigate disease and improve the quality of health for specific populations

For your final project, you will develop an epidemiological research study report on the provided research study, “Salmonella in the Caribbean,” which
investigates a public health issue impacting a specific population. In your project, you will analyze the population impacted by the public health issue to
accomplish the following:

Make connections between social and behavioral determinants and disparities.

Analyze the health issue to determine key epidemiologic principles and identify patterns and trends.
Examine the levels of prevention used in the research study.


For the conclusion to your research study report, you will develop a research question to further investigate the public health issue and population, and to
determine an appropriate research design to investigate the research question.

Specifically, you must address the critical elements listed below. Most of the critical elements align with a particular course outcome (shown in brackets).

I. Population: In this section of your report, you will summarize key elements of the research study and analyze the population impacted by the health

A. Summarize the people, places, and times represented in the research study to provide context for your report.

B. Describe three social and behavioral determinants strongly associated with the public health issue in the research study. Be sure to cite
specific examples from the research study to support your description.

C. Describe three known disparities associated with the health of the specific population. Be sure to cite specific examples from the
research study to support your description.

D. Explain how the identified social and behavioral determinants relate to the disparities you identified, and explain your reasoning.

II. Health Issue: In this section of your final project, you will analyze the health issue in focus in the research study. You will draw conclusions about the
health issue through your review of the research study and by conducting outside research on the topic.

A. Describe the risk factors associated with the public health issue. Support your description with evidence from the research study and
your independent research.

B. Describe the mode of transmission of the public health issue. Support your description with evidence from the research study and your
independent research.

C. Determine the incidence and prevalence of the health issue using the data from the research study to perform the appropriate calculations.
D. Determine the mortality rate of the health issue using the data from the research study to perform the appropriate calculations.
E. Interpret the odds ratio to determine the strength of association between the potential sources of exposure and the disease.

F. Using your research and analysis, draw connections between the population and public health issue. Consider where you identified common
elements, what you learned about the public health issue by studying the population, and what you learned about the population by
studying the public health issue.

III. Levels of Prevention: In this section, you will describe the prevention strategies used by the epidemiologists in the research study. You will identify a

strategy for each level of prevention and differentiate between the strategies.

A. Describe a primary prevention strategy represented in the research study, and explain how it addresses key factors impacting the
health issue of the specific population.

B. Describe a secondary prevention strategy represented in the research study, and explain how it addresses key factors impacting the health
issue of the specific population.

C. Describe a tertiary prevention strategy represented in the research study, and explain how it addresses key factors impacting the health
issue of the specific population.

D. Explain how the primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention strategies differ in how they address the key factors impacting the health issue
in the research study.

IV. Conclusion: Now that you have analyzed the research study, you will develop a research question to further investigate the specific health issue and

population, select an appropriate research design, and explain the importance of the research to the field of public health.

A. Using your analysis of the research study, develop a research question to further investigate the specific public health issue and
impacted population.

B. Determine whether an observational or experimental research design would be more appropriate to investigate your research question. Be
sure to justify your determination.

C. Explain the importance of further research for improving the quality of health in the specific population. What is the potential benefit?

Milestone One: Health Issue


In Module Three, you will analyze the health issue in focus in the provided research study. You will draw conclusions about the health issue through your
review of the research study and by conducting outside research on the topic. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone One Rubric.

Milestone Two: Population

In Module Five, you will summarize the key elements of the research study and analyze the population impacted by the health issue. This milestone will be
graded with the Milestone Two Rubric.

Final Submission: Epidemiological Research Study Analysis

In Module Seven, you will submit your final project. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product. It should
reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This submission will be graded with the Final Project Rubric.

Final Project Rubric
Guidelines for Submission: Your final project should be 4–6 pages, double spaced, with one-inch margins, 12-point Times New Roman font, and APA formatting
and citations.

Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value


Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
summary demonstrates a
sophisticated awareness of the
epidemiologic principles in the
research study

Summarizes the people, places,
and times represented in the
research study to provide
context for the report

Summarizes the people, places,
and times represented in the
research study to provide
context for the report, but
response has gaps in detail,
clarity, accuracy, or support

Does not summarize the people,
places, and times represented in
the research study to provide
context for the report


Population: Social
and Behavioral

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates keen insight into
social and behavioral
determinants of public health

Describes three social and
behavioral determinants
strongly associated with the
public health issue in the
research study

Describes three social and
behavioral determinants
strongly associated with the
public health issue in the
research study, but response is
missing one or more
determinants or has gaps in
detail, clarity, accuracy, or

Does not describe three social
and behavioral determinants
strongly associated with the
public health issue in the
research study




Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates keen insight into
the disparities associated with
public health issues

Describes three known
disparities associated with the
health of the specific

Describes three known
disparities associated with the
health of the specific
population, but response is
missing one or more disparities
or has gaps in detail, clarity,
accuracy, or support

Does not describe three known
disparities associated with the
health of the specific population


Determinants Relate

to the Disparities

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
draws insightful connections
between social and behavioral
determinants and known

Explains how the social and
behavioral determinants relate
to the disparities identified
with reasoning

Explains how the social and
behavioral determinants relate
to the disparities identified
with reasoning, but response
has gaps in detail, clarity,
accuracy, or support

Does not explain how the social
and behavioral determinants
relate to the disparities identified
with reasoning


Health Issue: Risk

Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
support demonstrates keen
insight into the risk factors
associated with public health

Describes the risk factors
associated with the public
health issue, supporting
description with evidence from
the research study and from
independent research

Describes the risk factors
associated with the public
health issue, supporting
description with evidence from
the research study and from
independent research, but
response has gaps in detail,
clarity, accuracy, or support

Does not describe the risk factors
associated with the public health


Health Issue: Mode of

Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
support demonstrates keen
insight into the mode of
transmission of public health

Describes the mode of
transmission of the public
health issue, supporting
description with evidence from
the research study and from
independent research

Describes the mode of
transmission of the public
health issue, supporting
description with evidence from
the research study and from
independent research, but
response has gaps in detail,
clarity, accuracy, or support

Does not describe the mode of
transmission of the public health


Health Issue:
Incidence and


Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
response demonstrates
complex grasp of how to
determine the incidence and
prevalence of a disease by
analyzing health data

Determines the incidence and
prevalence of the health issue
using the data from the
research study and performing
the appropriate calculations

Determines the incidence and
prevalence of the health issue
using the data from the
research study and performing
calculations, but calculations
are inappropriate, or
determination has gaps in
detail, clarity, or logic

Does not determine the
incidence and prevalence of the
health issue using the data from
the research study


Health Issue:

Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
response demonstrates
complex grasp of how to
determine the mortality rate of
a disease by analyzing health

Determines the mortality rate
of the health issue using the
data from the research study
and performing the
appropriate calculations

Determines the mortality rate
of the health issue using the
data from the research study
and performing calculations,
but calculations are
inappropriate, or
determination has gaps in
detail, clarity, or logic

Does not determine the mortality
rate of the health issue using the
data from the research study


Health Issue: Odds

Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
determination demonstrates
keen insight into interpreting
trends and patterns of disease

Interprets the odds ratio to
determine the strength of
association between the
potential sources of exposure
and the disease

Interprets the odds ratio to
determine the strength of
association between the
potential sources of exposure
and the disease, but response
has gaps in detail, clarity, or

Does not interpret the odds ratio
to determine the strength of
association between the
potential sources of exposure
and the disease


Health Issue:

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
uses research and analysis to
make especially cogent
connections between the
population and public health

Draws connections between
the population and public
health issue based on research
and analysis

Draws connections between
the population and public
health issue based on research
and analysis, but response has
gaps in detail, clarity, accuracy,
or support

Does not draw connections
between the population and
public health issue


Levels of Prevention:
Primary Prevention


Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
explanation demonstrates
keen insight into how primary
prevention strategies address
key factors impacting health
issues of specific populations

Describes a primary prevention
strategy represented in the
research study, explaining how
it addresses key factors
impacting the health issue of
the specific population

Describes a primary prevention
strategy represented in the
research study, explaining how
it addresses key factors
impacting the health issue of
the specific population, but
response has gaps in detail,
clarity, or accuracy

Does not describe a primary
prevention strategy represented
in the research study


Levels of Prevention:
Secondary Prevention


Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
explanation demonstrates
keen insight into how
secondary prevention
strategies address key factors
impacting health issues of
specific populations

Describes a secondary
prevention strategy
represented in the research
study, explaining how it
addresses key factors
impacting the health issue of
the specific population

Describes a secondary
prevention strategy
represented in the research
study, explaining how it
addresses key factors
impacting the health issue of
the specific population, but
response has gaps in detail,
clarity, or accuracy

Does not describe a secondary
prevention strategy represented
in the research study


Levels of Prevention:
Tertiary Prevention


Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
explanation demonstrates
keen insight into how tertiary
prevention strategies address
key factors impacting health
issues of specific populations

Describes a tertiary prevention
strategy represented in the
research study, explaining how
it addresses key factors
impacting the health issue of
the specific population

Describes a tertiary prevention
strategy represented in the
research study, explaining how
it addresses key factors
impacting the health issue of
the specific population, but
response has gaps in detail,
clarity, or accuracy

Does not describe a tertiary
prevention strategy represented
in the research study


Levels of Prevention:
Prevention Strategies


Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
explanation demonstrates
keen insight into how different
prevention strategies address
key factors impacting health
issues of specific populations

Explains how the primary,
secondary, and tertiary
prevention strategies differ in
how they address the key
factors impacting the health
issues in the research study

Explains how the primary,
secondary, and tertiary
prevention strategies differ in
how they address the key
factors impacting the health
issues in the research study,
but with gaps in detail, clarity,
or accuracy

Does not explain how the
primary, secondary, and tertiary
prevention strategies differ in
how they address the key factors
impacting the health issues in the
research study


Conclusion: Research

Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
research question is especially
well-crafted for examining the
specific public health issue and
impacted population

Develops a research question
to further investigate the
specific public health issue and
impacted population based on
analysis of research study

Develops a research question
to further investigate the
specific public health issue and
impacted population, but
question is illogical or not
based on analysis of research

Does not develop a research
question to further investigate
the specific public health issue
and impacted population


Conclusion: Research

Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
justification demonstrates
keen insight into the
appropriate use of research
designs to investigate disease
for improving the quality of

Determines whether an
observational or experimental
research design would be more
appropriate to investigate the
research questions, justifying

Determines whether an
observational or experimental
research design would be more
appropriate to investigate the
research questions, justifying
determination, but response
has gaps in detail, clarity,
accuracy, or support

Does not determine whether an
observational or experimental
research design would be more
appropriate to investigate the
research questions



Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
explanation demonstrates
keen insight into how the
investigation of disease can
improve the quality of health
for specific populations

Explains the importance of
further research for improving
the quality of health in the
specific population

Explains the importance of
further research for improving
the quality of health in the
specific population, but with
gaps in logic or detail

Does not explain the importance
of further research for improving
the quality of health in the
specific population


Articulation of

Submission is free of errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, and
organization and is presented
in a professional and easy-to-
read format

Submission has no major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization

Submission has major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that negatively impact
readability and articulation of
main ideas

Submission has critical errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that prevent understanding of


Total 100%

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