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Write a 1,500–2,000-word paper discussing the role of descriptive epidemiology in nursing science. Include the following:

  1. Explain the concept of descriptive epidemiology using either a theoretical or conceptual understanding of a specific condition to identify patterns (e.g., distribution of data, data collection, condition or distribution of the data, and determinants in the relationship to disease populations).
  2. Provide a contemporary example of how descriptive epidemiology is applied in public health nursing.
  3. Define health disparity and how it occurs, and what factors contribute to it in an at-risk population.
  4. Considering the population with Lack of education or poor literacy as an at-risk population. Provide biostatistical, epidemiological, or environmental data to substantiate why this population is at risk. Consult the “Data and Statistics” and Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) pages on the CDC website for current information on population health.  
  5. Using analyzed population data, identify a health risk within your selected at-risk population that nursing science can impact. Describe specific variables that the data are measuring and explain how the variables correlate the at-risk population to the identified health risk.
  6. Identify potential barriers that may hinder the implementation of disease-prevention and health-promotion activities. Explain why these barriers may slow or impede strategies to reduce the effects of the health risk on the at-risk population.
  7. Identify stakeholders and agencies with whom you may need to collaborate to implement health risk reduction strategies. Explain why you selected these collaborators and how they will contribute to your disease prevention and health promotion plan.

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