Environmental Management for Sustainable Development

Learning outcomes assessed in the following three points:1. Demonstrate an understanding of the international economic, environmental, legal and social-political issues surrounding environmental management and sustainability development and developing countries concerns.2. Critically analyses alternative means available to ensure the sustainable development of oil and gas industries.3. Evaluate and contrast actions by consumers and governments to strengthen measures for sustainable development of oil and gas industries.Energy Storage Systems The oil and gas industries are already investing heavily in the renewable energy field, in general, and energy storage systems, in particular. Parallel to the above, development in Solar-PV and Wind-Turbine are progressing continuously in the form of higher efficiency, lower cost and wider commercial availability. However, the above two systems depend on energy storage systems (e.g. batteries) in order to provide continuous power supply. As a consultant, you have been invited to examine energy storage systems, in general, and the connection to Solar-PV and Wind-Turbine, in particular, write a 2,000-word report on the following:1. Storage systems positive and negative aspects2. The commercial availability of energy storage systems which can be used to support some of the renewable energy applications, other than batteries3. What are the impacts on the environment during the usage of these energy systems, and the waste produced from some of these systems, if any, at the end of their life cycle?4. Your cost-effective recommendations for an efficient energy storage for solar-PV and Wind-Turbines systems

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