Environmental Biology essay

The Story of Stuff

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these essays have two parts:

1) Summary of the film and the information presented

2) Personal Reflection.  

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The method you incorporate both concepts is open.  Some people do 1 then 2 as two separate parts of the essay, while others integrate both as they write the essay.  The first format is straight forward, the second is more like reflecting on the topics in the film summary as they happen.

After viewing the films, you will write a ~1 page, single spaced (over is fine, too short will be evaluated as poor ‘quality’ in the rubric) summary of the movies and your interpretation as it relates to your own personal point of view regarding the problem or issues raised.  How do you contribute to the problem, fight the problem, or are unaffected by it.  Associated with these movies are a series of FAQs or Learn More.  Take a look and investigate at least one of these FAQs concepts to expand your understanding of the topic. 

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