“Ensuring Equal Employment Opportunity and Safety” and “ Women, Ambition and (Still) the Pay Gap.” Please respond to the following:

Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Harvard Business School professor discusses some of the reasons why it is difficult for women to reach the “very peak” positions in organizations. Determine whether or not you agree with her perspective on why so few women have reached top leadership positions in organizations. Provide a detailed rationale.

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Describe the strategies women can use in the workplace to ensure that their compensation levels are the same as male colleagues.

Discuss how an organization can minimize the potential organizational impact that could result if female employees feel underpaid or trapped beneath the glass ceiling merely due to their gender.

Watch the video: “Women, Ambition and (Still) the Pay Gap” with Rosabeth Moss Kanter, an interview with the Harvard Business School professor, located on the Harvard Business Review website: http://blogs.hbr.org/video/2010/04/women-ambition-and-still-the-p.html

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