English W5

Letter of Complaint/Letter of Commendation
There are appropriate times in which a formal letter is required to address a situation or circumstance. In this week’s assignment, you are given an opportunity to write such formal letter. It is advised that you write about an actual experience to provide details.
Please choose ONE option to write a letter with the length of 250-500 words:
1.    Letter of Complaint-Write a letter of complaint about an issue experienced with the poor service or products a business provides.
2.    Letter of Commendation-Write a letter of commendation about a service, product, or person within a business that impressed you.
Utilize your text, Pocket Keys for Writers Pages 197-202 to help you compose your letter. Demonstrate the correct use of subject verb agreement by including in the letter the following items in bold:
Agreement with a collective noun(23e), agreement with an indefinite pronoun(23g), and agreement expressing quantity (23h).  

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