english literature

I have to write a boutMuch Ado About Nothingby William Shakespeare(I just to want some one to answer all questions in the basic word just one page only because i have theatre class , and my teacher wants to write about this plot .) What Was It AboutWhat was the play about?  What was the author of the play trying to communicate to the audience?Which character changed the most and how did they change?Describe the genre of the play.  Was it comedy, tragedy, melodrama, tragicomedy or musical?  Some plays defy traditional genres.  If that is the case, describe genre in your own words.Was it realistic or nonrealistic or somewhere in between?Did you identify with one of the characters?  If so, describe this character and why you identified with him or her.Design AspectsWhat information was conveyed by the scenery about time, place, characters, and situation?  How was this information conveyed to you?  What type of “world” was it? Was it realistic or nonrealistic or somewhere in between?Address these same questions with regard to lighting, sound and costumes.  Make sure to give specific examples when talking about each design element.Did the design aspects seem appropriate to the production?  Why or why not?  Be specific.Assessing The PerformanceWhat was the production attempting to do?  Did the artists achieve this goal? Was the attempt worthwhile?  Why or why not?Were the actors believable, given the requirements of the play?  If they were believable, how did they seem to accomplish this?  If they weren’t believable, what occurred to impair or destroy believability? The director unifies a production and frequently provides an interpretation of the text.  Did there seem to be a unifying idea behind the production?  If so, how would you express it?Overall ExperienceHow did your experience compare to your expectations?What was the reaction of the audience? Was it similar or different to your reaction? Did the experience leave a lasting impression? If so, describe in what way.Based on this experience, would you go to the theatre again?  Why or why not?(I just need the basic word to explain )

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