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Homework1: Discussion Forum


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1. Do some quick research on Michael Brown and Tamir Rice, say through Wikipedia, and 
briefly explain what happened in each case. It is recommended to watch the Tamir Rice 
video, because it is hard to appreciate how fast 2 seconds is without viewing the video. 
Then reflect on how Khan-Cullors engages with these events in the book: how do their 
deaths add a perspective on her memoir? In what ways does her memoir add a perspective 
on their deaths? 

2. Choose a passage of around 2-5 lines from “When They Call You a Terrorist” that 
interests you (don’t choose one that another classmate already used). Quote it here and 
explain why it stood out to you. How does this passage relate to Cullors’ overall message? 


Homework 2: Summarizing and Paraphrasing 
1. Angela Davis explains that “Neoliberal* logic assumes that the fundamental unit of 
society is the individual.” What does she mean by this? What does she argue is actually 
more fundamental than individuals to how society works? Why does she reference W.E.B. 
DuBois on this point? 

*”Neoliberalism” is a term that describes political, economic, and social shifts in the U.S. 
and Europe from roughly 1980 to the present. Briefly, the idea is that the period from 
1945-1975, the “post-war era,” was marked by economic boom and broad social programs; 
the period from about 1980 to the present, the “neoliberal era,” is marked by economic 
downturns, rising inequality, and harsher policing. 

2. What does Davis think about the dismantling of statues and other symbols of racism? 
What does she say the historical relationship between racism and capitalism? What would 
be necessary for racism to be fully eradicated, in her view? Is this convincing to you? Why or 
why not? 



Homework 3: Identifying the Main Idea and Supporting Details 
Where are the main ideas and thesis usually stated? 

What are the 7 different types of information you or an author might use as evidence to 
support a main idea in a paragraph? 

What is the difference between major and minor details? 


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