
Written Assignment 4 (TOPIC COVID-19)

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After participating in Workshop Discussion 4, use the following link to obtain a 

NJ State Library card

 and follow the instructions below.

· Provide your working thesis statement for the final project with an annotated bibliography containing at least five potential sources for the final project:

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· Two sources must be scholarly sources.

· Two sources must be either state sources, local newspaper resources, or industry sources.

· One source must be a webpage.

Note: If you are completing the third project idea option (identify and explain a moment in life or work where you entered into a Burkian conversation that might form the basis for an academic persuasive essay), then all five resources should be academic in nature, including scholarly sources, books, and journal articles.

· In your submission, include a brief paragraph that considers the role workshopping played in the construction of your thesis. Did your thesis change after participating in Workshop Discussion 4? If so, what changes did you make and why? How does your thesis align with, support, and satisfy the project’s objectives? [MO 4.2, MO 4.3]

Written Assignment 5

After participating in Workshop Discussion 5, use your 
NJ State Library card
 obtained in Module 4 to access resources and follow the instructions below.

Write a 1- to 2-page paper (250 to 550 words) discussing two sources you found using a library database (such EBSCOhost or ProQuest) that support and counter the argument you are making in your thesis.

· First, using a library database, find one source that supports the argument you are making in your thesis and explain why it supports your current thesis. Include one paraphrase and one direct quote from the source.

· Then, using a library database, find one source that counters the argument you are making in your thesis and explain why it counters your current thesis. Include one paraphrase and one direct quote from the source.

Be sure to include the proper MLA or APA in-text citations for your resources and construct a full References page or Works Cited page. [MO 5.2, MO 5.3]

Discussion 5

Academic integrity means being honest and put your values when you are doing academic work. Being fair to others when learning and taking responsibility for your own learning. 

Scholarly source means the source has been reviewed, and when reviewing, quality and validity are being looked for.

Internet-based means the activities that are being done on the internet. 

Popular resource means the most popular publication that people are using, like newspapers.

Sexual Harassment and Assault Experienced by Reservists During Military Service: Prevalence and Health Correlates (sc.edu)

ABC News, ABC News Network, abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/us-army-crowdsources-ideas-combat-sexual-assault-crisis-76138151.

I decided to use these two sources because they provide statistics and are excellent information about my project.”We surveyed a stratified random sample of 3,946 former reservists about their experiences during military service and their current health, including depression, posttraumatic stress disorder, somatic symptoms, and medical conditions.”

Discussion 4

Thesis: Sexual harassment/assault is a big issue in the Army. Although we have the program SHARP (Sexual Harassment/Assault Response Program, it still happens. This is still happening because victims are scared to report their accuser. They are scared of the retaliation that might happened to them.

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