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Writing an Artist/Design Statement: There are many ways to structure an artist

statement, here are two approaches that you can use. There are links to artist and design

statement examples at the end of the page.

Make a statement about why you do what you do. The first section of your artist’s

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statement should begin with a discussion of why you make


Try to make it as personal

as possible. Talk about what your goals are and what you hope to achieve through your


Describe your decision-making techniques. In the second section of you statement, tell

the reader about your decision-making process. How do you select a theme? How do you

choose what materials to use? What techniques to utilize? Keep it simple and tell the truth.

Talk about your current work. In the third section, provide some insight into your current

work. How does it relate to your previous work? What life experiences informed it? What

are you exploring, attempting or challenging through this work?


Starting your Statement – Here are some questions that can help you build your

own design philosophy/artist statement:

• What inspires you as a designer?

• What drives your design process?

• What’s important to you as a designer?

• What’s the theme or story behind your


• How does that theme or story influence how you designed this


• As a designer, what point are you trying to express through your


From the State University of New York – http://www.fitnyc.edu/writing-studio/guides/art-designstatements.php

Design statement examples:



GYST – Making life better for artists



Artist Statement must be 1-2 pages

12pt font

Times New Roman

Artist Statements are typically single spaced

15 hrs

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