See Attachment 

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Question goes with Informative Brief outline Attachment 1.

1. Most of us sit through briefings on a regular basis. As explored in the Week 4 discussion, briefings are how information gets communicated in professional environments. For example, if the company you work for develops a new product before you can sell it you have to understand it. So, a manager might share information about the new product in a briefing. Or, sometimes there are policy updates, like when the military adopts new security procedures, etc.

For this assignment, you will prepare a speech called an Informative Briefing (3 to 4 minutes) on a topic that you are currently working on or are familiar with. Remember to keep it informative: Just tell us the who, what, where, when, why and how of your topic. Do not try to convince us to do anything about your topic. If you do not have a topic that is appropriate to share, you can pick any current events topic for your briefing. This topic will also be the basis for your Persuasive Speech in Week 8, so you are encouraged to pick a topic that you are interested in and about which you have an opinion.

You will need to incorporate 2 outside sources that support your speech and incorporate those as oral footnotes (sources stated during the speech that support what you are saying). You actually hear these on news broadcasts all the time (“As reported by ABC123 News…” or “As Dr. XYZ from NIH explained…”) – by incorporating them into your briefing you give yourself added credibility for the

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Question 2 is the persuasive speech doc. Attachment 2

2. Your final speech will be an extension of your informative briefing: Now that we have some background information about your topic, you need to take a position on it. Create a 6-8 minute speech explaining why we should (or should not) adopt your policy or perspective; buy your product, etc. You can also respond to the briefing you gave – take the position of being “the boss” who can make the decision about whatever your proposed policy/update/agenda is.

For this speech, you will need to incorporate 4 outside sources that you incorporate during the speech as oral footnotes.

For this speech, you will also need an in-person audience of at least two adults. They should be present in the room with you (no Skype or FaceTime audience) and should introduce themselves on camera before you begin your speech. At the conclusion of your speech, your audience can ask you questions if they have any.

3. Think about the most effective speaker you know. It might be the person you referenced in the Week 1(Nelson Mandela) introduction discussion, and it might be someone else. Think about how they communicate with their audience—large or small—and what helps them to be effective. Think of at least three things they do that show they are attentive to the needs of their audience. How can you incorporate these behaviors in your own presentations?



Title: Medical Aesthetics Program

General purpose: To inform

Specific purpose: By the end of my speech, the audience will be informed about ABC Spa’s new Medical Aesthetics menu

Thesis statement: ABC Spa is creating a medical aesthetics program to include Microneedling, Microcurrent, Chemical Peels, and Botox.


I. Attention getter: Hello everyone, my name is xxxxx and I am one of the managers at ABC Spa. Have you worried about acne, dyspigmentation of your skin, or even the signs of aging? I think we are all guilty of this.

II. Introduction of topic: Today I’m going to inform you about the new medical aesthetics program we will be launching at ABC Spa

III. Credibility and relevance: Teaming up with medical doctor and medical aesthetician
Transition: I will now go over the services we will be adding to our menu


I. What is Microneedling? It is the use of sterile needles that causes thousands of microscopic wounds to the dermis layer of the skin, initiating a natural post traumatic inflammatory response, which releases growth factors and the formation of collagen and elastin to the dermis layer of skin.

A. Dr. Glynis Ablon, writing in the Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology in 2018, agrees that Microneedling is an effective method of combating the signs of aging skin, reducing acne scarring, helping with dyspigmentation.

II. What is Microcurrent? A microcurrent facial is often referred to as a “natural” facelift. A microcurrent facial emits extremely low-voltage of electrical currents, which mirror your own body’s electrical currents on a cellular level to repair damaged skin and stimulate collagen and elastin production.

A. Benefits of Microcurrent include combating aging signs, reducing scarring, firmer skin, helping with dyspigmentation, and even improving stretch marks.

III. What are Chemical Peels? It is chemical solutions applied to your face, which causes the skin to exfoliate and eventually peel off. Once this happens, the new skin underneath is often smoother, less wrinkled, and less damaged.

A. Chemical Peels are good for acne, fine lines and wrinkles, dyspigmentation, and sun damage.

IV. Botox is used to reduce wrinkles and fine lines in the facial area. When injected in tiny amounts, the neurotoxin causes facial muscles to relax and almost magically erases frown lines, forehead wrinkles, and crow’s feet. Dr. Ellen Marmur states it smooths the skin and causes slight structural changes to the face: such as opening up the eyes, widening the forehead, and elevating the brows.


I. Transition to conclusion and summary of importance: In conclusion, this is everything that we need to discuss currently.

II. Review of main points: Microneedling, Microcurrent, Chemical Peel, and Botox

III. Closing statement: We are excited to launch our new program, and we hope that if you have any questions or concerns, you will let us know.


Ablon, G. (2018). Safety and effectiveness of an automated microneedling device in improving

the signs of aging skin. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY, 11(8), 29-34.

Marmur, E. (n.d.). Botox injections. Retrieved from





Title: Medical Aesthetics

General purpose: To persuade

Specific purpose: By the end of my speech, the audience will be persuaded about Medical Aesthetics, the benefits, and why they should have it done.

Thesis statement: ABC Spa has created a medical aesthetics program to help you feel like “you” again without spending a fortune or having to undergo surgery.


I. Attention getter: Good Afternoon, my name is xxxx and I am one of the managers at ABC Spa. Have you worried about acne, dyspigmentation of your skin, or even the signs of aging? I think we are all a little guilty of this.

II. Introduction of topic: Today I’m going to inform you about ABC Spa’s medical aesthetics program, the benefits, and why you should be doing it.

III. Credibility and relevance: Teaming up with a Medical Doctor and Medical Aesthetician. I will also reference numerous doctors.
Transition: Revolutionary developments over the last decade, have made skin care more affordable and we can improve our looks without suffering, surgery or breaking the bank. Now let’s talk about the services we offer.


I. What are the benefits of Microneedling? Last time we learned that microneedling is the use of sterile needles that causes thousands of microscopic wounds to the dermis layer of the skin, initiating a natural post traumatic inflammatory response, which releases growth factors and the formation of collagen and elastin to the dermis layer of skin. There are many reasons why this treatment is an incredibly effective one, and relatively cheap considering the benefits:

A. One of the most effective ways to help scarring and stretch marks

B. Minimizes the wrinkles on your face and reduces wrinkle scars

C. Helps with the normal production of the melanocyte

D. Dr. Glynis Ablon wrote in 2018 that microneedling is an effective way to combat all of the skin concerns that I have mentioned

II. Value of Microcurrent? Last time we learned that a microcurrent facial is often referred to as a “natural” facelift. A microcurrent facial emits extremely low-voltage of electrical currents, which mirror your own body’s electrical currents on a cellular level to repair damaged skin and stimulate collagen and elastin production. The benefits of this kind of facial include:

A. Restores natural functions of the skin and improves it

B. Improves muscle tone in the face and neck, lift jowls and eyebrows

C. Reduces and eliminate fine lines and wrinkles

D. Eliminates toxic waste through lymphatic drainage

III. What are the benefits of Chemical Peels? In my informative briefing I explained that chemical solutions cause the skin to exfoliate and eventually peel off. I know – it sounds gross. But once this happens, the new skin underneath is often smoother, less wrinkled, and less damaged.

A. Chemical Peels are good for acne, fine lines and wrinkles, dyspigmentation, and sun damage.

IV. Finally, last time we learned that botox is used to reduce wrinkles and fine lines in the facial area. When injected in tiny amounts, the neurotoxin causes facial muscles to relax and almost magically erases frown lines, forehead wrinkles, and crow’s feet.

A. Dr. Ellen Marmur states it smooths the skin and causes slight structural changes to the face: such as opening up the eyes, widening the forehead, and elevating the brows.

B. Helps ease migraines and even help with bladder control

C. Dr. Richard Brown states since Botox was approved by the FDA in 1989, there have been no documented cases of either fatalities or serious side effects as a result of BOTOX treatments.


I. Transition to conclusion and summary of importance: In conclusion, this is why you should invest in medical aesthetic services vs spending thousands of dollars on surgeries that are not only risky, but they have a recovery time.

II. Review of main points: Microneedling, Microcurrent, Chemical Peel, and Botox. Also, ask if there are any questions.

III. Closing statement: We are excited to launch our medical aesthetic program, and we hope that you treat yourself to one or more of these services to help you feel like “you” again.


Ablon, G. (2018). Safety and effectiveness of an automated microneedling device in improving

the signs of aging skin. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY, 11(8), 29-34.

Banerjee, P. (2013). Top 15 reasons why you should get a microcurrent face lift! | Aglow

Body and Skin Spa. Retrieved from http://www.aglowbodyandskinspa.com/top-15-reasons-why-you-should-get-a-microcurrent-face-lift/

Brown, R. (n.d.). Top 7 reasons to use botox. Retrieved from

https://www.richardjbrownmd.com/top-7-reasons-to-use-botox/ [Accessed 25 Feb. 2019].

Marmur, E. (n.d.). What does botox do? | Botox Injections. Retrieved from


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