english 1150 week 2 assignment

EN1150: Week 2 Assignment

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What are the steps in the writing process and what is included in each step?

This assignment helps you apply your knowledge from this week’s modules and readings.

Before you can write an essay, it is important to first understand each step of the writing process. The writing process contains several steps to help you build your ideas in an organized fashion in order to engage the reader.


Writing Process
Answer the following questions. Refer back to Fig. 2.2 in Chapter 2 or Interactive 2A for information on the writing process.

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1. Describe the six steps or stages included in the writing process.




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Editing and Proofreading

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Prewriting Practice

All good writing should be organized into well supported ideas before you begin. Tasha, a student at UMA, has been asked to write a paragraph about her major for homework. She decided to plan out her writing by using a graphic organizer. Study the graphic organizer below, and answer the following questions. Refer back to Fig. 2.4 in Chapter 2 or Interactive 2B for information on clustering and prewriting. You can also see a video about the Medical Administrative Assistant program



2. Based on the supporting details that Tasha has filled her graphic organizer with, what is she planning on telling the reader about her major?

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3. Each bubble in the graphic organizer that branches out from the center circle(Medical Administrative Assistant) represents a topic that will eventually get written as a body paragraph in a five paragraph essay. Tasha only needs to keep three of the four ideas she came up with. Which one should be eliminated? Why?

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Writing on the Job

Imagine you are working as an office manager at a large hospital in a nearby city. Your supervisor has asked you to write a paragraph to office staff explaining the importance of coming to work on time. Many important reasons come to your mind, but you only have time to focus on three key points.

Directions: Answer the following questions based on the scenario above.

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4. Identify the first point you have chosen

Click or tap here to enter text.

a. Why did you choose this as your first point?

Click or tap here to enter text.

5. Identify the second point you have chosen.

Click or tap here to enter text.

a. Why did you choose this as your second point?

Click or tap here to enter text.

6. Identify the third point you have chosen.

Click or tap here to enter text.

a. Why did you choose this as your third point?

Click or tap here to enter text.

Planning Ahead
Answer the following questions.

7. This week, you explored the topic of pre-writing in order to prepare to write your first draft. Figures 3.4-3.17 of Chapter 3 reviewed several strategies and suggestions to help guide you through the process of prewriting.

Select your three favorite suggestions provided by your textbook and describe each one.

Suggestion Provide a Description
a. Type answer here Type answer here
b. Type answer here Type answer here
c. Type answer here Type answer here

The Process of Drafting an Essay

You are strongly encouraged to plan your essay before you start to write. Constructing a topic outline before writing can help keep your thoughts organized. Refer back to Fig. 3.5 in Chapter 3 or Interactive 2C for information on the topic outline and organization.

It is important to remember that UMA has a Scholastic Honesty policy regarding plagiarism. For a reminder on what plagiarism is, click

8. Review the topic outline below and complete the remainder of the outline.


Thesis Statement:

I chose to pursue my degree online because it gives me the flexibility to study despite my busy lifestyle, it gives me access to education at home even though I live far from a school, and it provides me with a support system when I have a question and need help with homework or using technology.

Topic Sentence #1

First, I chose to study online because it gives me the flexibility to study even though I have a busy lifestyle.

Supporting Facts #1:
· I work different shifts every week.
· I have two children under the age of


· I prefer to study late at night.

Topic Sentence #2

a. Second, Click or tap here to enter text.

Supporting Facts #2:

b. Type answer here

c. Type answer here
d. Type answer here

Topic Sentence #3

e. Finally, Click or tap here to enter text.

Supporting Facts #3:
f. Type answer here
g. Type answer here
h. Type answer here

Directions: Now that you have completed the graphic organizer, answer the following questions in complete sentences.

It is important to remember that UMA has a Scholastic Honesty policy regarding plagiarism. For a reminder on what plagiarism is, click

9. Explain why did you decide on the supporting facts you chose for the Topic Sentence #2?

Type answer here

10. Describe where could you go to find sources to support Topic Sentence #2(Hint: Fig 19.4)?

Type answer here

11. Explain why did you decide on the supporting points you chose for Topic Sentence #3?

Type answer here

12. Describe where could you go to find sources to support Topic Sentence #3 (Hint: Fig 19.4)?

Type answer here

13. Identify the three main points of the thesis statement at the top of the Graphic Organizer.

a. Type answer here

b. Type answer here

c Type answer here

Reflect on what you have learned this week to help you respond to the question below. 

It is important to remember that UMA has a Scholastic Honesty policy regarding plagiarism. For a reminder on what plagiarism is, click

14. After reviewing different strategies for preparing your writing, do you have less anxiety about writing an essay by the completion of this course? Why? Why not?
Type answer here


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