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Ethics Final Paper–Evaluation Rubric

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Introduction:  Summary of what is known about the ethical issue

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Well summarized (20)  Adequately summarized (15), Superficially summarized (10)  Poorly summarized (5)


Ethical Dimensions of the Issue Identified and Discussed (why is this an ethical issue)

Ethical Dimensions Clearly Identified (5), Superficially identified (2), Not identified (0)

Ethical Dimensions Clearly Discussed (5), Superficially discussed (2), Not discussed (0)


Relevance of the Ethical Issue to Health Professions/Nursing

Relevance of the Ethical Issue to Nursing well described (10), Adequately described (7), Poorly summarized (3)


Relevant Ethical Analysis (Principles, Ethical Theories, Laws, and Standards of Practice)

Complete Analysis of Principles, Ethical Theories, Laws, and SOP (30)

Adequate Analysis (15), Superficial Analysis (10), Poorly Analyzed (5)


Personal Professional Response to the Issue

Thorough discussion (10), Adequate Discussion (7), Superficial Discussion (5)


Conclusion: Reflection of What you Learned

Reflection clearly articulated (8), adequately articulated (6), superficially articulated (4), poorly articulated (2)


Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar—pdf. version of paper WILL NOT be accepted and will result in a grade of zero points for the assignment without discussion

No errors (10), 1-2 errors (8), 3-4 errors (6), 5 or more errors (4), errors obscure meaning or the instructions for the assignment were disregarded (2)


Clarity and Organization – Rubric Headings utilized

 Headings utilized, paper clear/concise/organized (10)

Headings not utilized, paper clear/concise/organized (7),

No Headings, paper unclear/ not concise/disorganized (5),

Lack of organization obscures meaning or you have not corrected feedback given in prior assignments (2)


Correct APA Style (6th or 7th)

No errors (5), 1-2 errors (4), 3-4 errors (3), 5-6 errors (2),6-7 errors (1), 8 or more errors (0)


Correct Length 7 pages of text, PLUS title page and references



Minimum of 3 professional nursing references, 5 years old or less


Total Points


Thus, to get the idea related to the ethical issues, ethics are characterized by individuals being able to observe dignity of
others, being honest, fair, observing integrity, showing concerns, respecting diversity, and having guiding principles that
motivate him or her to do good and in line to the policies (Miller & Blackler 2017).

In working institutions especially, the healthcare institution, the nurses and health caretakers must observe a high level of
ethics to have the balance in dealing with different cases concerning patients and people who have experienced different
kinds of abuse. Elder abuse is one area where ethical issues have been evident with a report that more than two million
people get mistreated in different ways by different people (Yunus et al., 2019). It was estimated that around 90% of the
abuse is from the caregivers or the family members, with the elder members experiencing physical, sexual, neglect,
financial, and emotional abuse (Miller & Blackler 2017). To address such ethical issues affecting different demographics, the
caregivers should be on the front line to observe the ethical issue during handling patients and give a good guideline on
easing the damage caused by such abuse.

Thesis statement
With the change in demographic balance with the elderly populations growing, there is still no clear understanding of what
abuse entails, consequently causing the question of ethical values and codes of conduct. Research shows that 10% of the
elderly people in America get abused and report indicating that only five in one out of fourteen cases get reported (Myhre et
al., 2020). The federal governments can play a role, but it is believed nurses and caregivers can play a role in addressing
these issues and demonstrate an ethical way of how the community should offer support to the aging population.

Add a thesis. The last sentence of your introduction paragraph should state your thesis. A thesis conveys your position on
a topic and provides focus for your essay—basically, it is what you are hoping to accomplish or prove in this paper. A simple
equation for a thesis statement might look something like this: Specific topic + your opinion or the claim+ your reasons =

You can structure your thesis like this: Topic is [opinion] because of X, Y, and Z. or
Because of X, Y, and Z, Topic is/can be seen as/should/should not [opinion]
Try adding a thesis like this to the end of your introduction. For help writing a thesis, click here:

Ethical Dimensions

Cultural and social dimensions

Religion dimension

Financial dimension
Financial dimension, financial, and generally low income has fueled the issue of abuse among older adults. Spouses who
depend on the other partner may feel trapped in the abusive relationship simply because they are dependent and cannot
leave the relationship. They lose financial gains and suffer from economic insecurity (Moon, & Nolan 2019). The ethical
values that make someone make a poor decision are not worth it, and they should be abandoned and stick to what is
ethically right. Such financial constraints can even make them fail to get medical care when abused, limiting their chances of
getting their concerns addressed.

The relevance of the Ethical issue to health professions/nursing
Elder abuse is an ethical issue that is very significant to health professionals. Nurses interact with these older people
whenever giving them care and having ethical issues and concepts. They will be able to influence and get involved in
addressing the issue of elderly abuse. In learning institutions, the students can identify different types of adult’s abuse and
get to know the resources they can use to combat the issue when in the field (Storey 2020). Nurses who are on track can

also get involved in reducing elder abuse by understanding the law and offering the victims better counseling and mitigating
the situation professionally. Being professional, they can identify the course of the problem by interviewing the victims hence
coming up with the best way to address the abuse either by reporting the issue or offering the patients some ethical advice.

Ethical analysis
Ethical principles are attached much in the social and cultural issues making the elders suffer in silence due to such ties.
Ethical principles are those practices that judgments that generally serve tom justify a particular dimension and evaluation of
human actions. For example, in the case of elder abuse, it can justify an inhuman action hence unethical. They revolve
around respect to humans and respecting their emotions; again, beneficence is a principle that allows someone to not only
treat the other person with respect but also extend help to them. However, some health professionals assist older people
who are experiencing abuse (Moon& Nolan, 2019). Another principle is justice, fairness, and honesty to the other person,
and treating them how you would want to be treated.

Personal, professional response to the elder abuse
Elder abuse is an awful act that is bringing much embarrassment to society. It is very un-ethical to find a community where
the elder is being misused and being mistreated. With the older adults losing their mental stability, it is also another area of
concern where the elderly would not even make the right decision or the right move. It is high time the professionals should
create some counseling sessions and create more awareness of the aging populations on the importance of addressing the
occurrences without being intimidated (Yunus et al., 2019). The government should also make some programs to engage
the elderly and support them to reduces the emotions that come from being stigmatized or financial breakdown, for example,
coming up with a security fund treasury to support the aging populations. The health practitioners should not focus on just
administering drugs but should also go extra miles to learn some ethical and legal skills to handle these community issues.
By doing so, the professionals, especially in healthcare, will reduce the ethical problems facing aging populations.

Ethical issues continue to widen with cultural, social, religious, and financial matters creating the base for ethical issues that
are happening in society. The biggest concern now being the ethical issues facing the aging population and how they are
facing it rough. Although the government and other agencies are trying to bring an ethical society where the rights of the
elderly are respected, culture, social practices, and economic practices hunt the effort down. With the health practitioners
and nurses being in the central point, they can help combat elder abuse by acting professionally and learning legal and
ethical skills that they can use in handling these wrongs happening to the vulnerable population. It is high time the ethical
issues should be addressed, and policies enforced to bring ethical society.

American Nurses Association. (2017). Short definitions of ethical principles and theories: familiar words, what do they mean.
Silver Spring, MD: Author.

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