Effective Leadership Wk8 – 2

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Throughout this course, you have examined theories and styles of leadership in business settings. You have explored the need for leadership, how leaders can positively and negatively impact a business, and how followers in business settings can drive businesses toward success. You studied how leaders need to be flexible and dynamic to meet the complex challenges presented in the current era. Then you examined your own ethics, values, and principles to derive goals for your own professional and personal growth. For the final Discussion of the course, you will be assigned a leader from the business world to research and compare their leadership style and traits to the many topics and issues presented throughout the course.  You will examine this leader’s ability or inability to quickly respond to both internal and external changes in the business marketplace.  A leader’s ability to adapt quickly to change without disrupting the organization’s culture is called agility, which is an important leadership trait within the dynamic environment that businesses must compete within.  

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For your assignment, your instructor will provide you the name of the individual leader (“David Neeleman’s”) for your research (you may use the library and/or the Internet, be certain to cite and reference your work). 

Consider the following:

What has this individual accomplished in their career as a leader? Was their leadership was effective and why?  What lessons that can be learned from their leadership and management as they relate to the ideas, theories, and topics discussed throughout this course? Does this leader demonstrate inclusiveness in their leadership style? With these thoughts in mind:

· Using the leadership theories, styles, and practice perspectives that you have reviewed throughout the course, respond to the following: 

· Explain whether you think this individual is an effective leader.

· Explain whether this individual’s leadership style enable them to be agile in decision-making. 

· Would you consider this individual an ethical leader, why or why not?

· Do they practice inclusive leadership? Be sure to provide a rationale to justify your responses. (Hint: The answer should not be “because he’s done well.” Your analysis should link leadership and management skills you have examined throughout the course to specific examples of their successes or challenges.)

· What lessons can you learn from this individual? Explain the implications such lessons can have on your career as a leader and as a manager. What are the implications such lessons can have for your current organization or one that you care to be a part of?

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